
Chapter One

"Sasha! You might want to get in here for this!"

I groaned at the sound of my mother's voice. I was just beginning to fall asleep, and I had a busy day tomorrow. I got up from my bed and made my way to where she was.

"What, mom!" I snapped as I groggily enter the living room where my mom and dad were.

They seemed nervous and on edge, watching the television where the news was going on frantically about something or another. She waved me over to sit in a seat beside her and I sighed, but reluctantly gave in and sat down, only now tuning in to what was happening on the television.

"Please stay inside your homes with your doors locked and do not panic. These creatures may be strong, but have faith that we shall surely pull through this crisis and eliminate the threat."


That was just the beginning of the chaos that soon became my life. We were at war. Humans against them, the supernatural. Vampires, werewolves, and fairies no longer wished to hide and wanted to be respected and acknowledged. Well at first maybe, but when we declared war, everything changed.

Everywhere in the world war broke out and it became a fight for our freedom because now they were going to claim our world as their own. We would have to submit if we lost. My dad, uncle, and brother all left to fight in the war, wanting to keep the rest of us safe, even if it meant they lose their lives. I hated this chaos and how I was losing my family to war, but I wouldn't let it affect me living my life any more than it had to.

I was still going to the university, trying to get my major in business and culinary arts so I could take over my uncle's restaurant as his business partner. On the weekends I still modeled, it was the easiest way to earn money to help pay for my education. I didn't do lingerie or anything, but I was still a pretty popular model.

My best friend and I still hung out and went out for coffee after my modeling and just hung out and talked on the weekends. Although she's been a bit distanced lately. It's probably just because she misses her husband and brother who've gone out to war. I know she misses them and it's really taken a toll on her. Life had changed, however. There were curfews and a lot more police, and even some soldiers that paroled the streets at all times. It was frustrating sometimes, how we were at war and all, but I wasn't going to let it get to me.

Today was a Saturday so I was in a photoshoot for a magazine. At the moment I was being prepped by the make-up crew and having my hair put up in this cute little up-do that's like a bun, but with some hair hanging loose and slightly curled in the back where it bounces against my neck as I walk. Today I was modeling a dark violet colored dress with a sweetheart neckline. It had a brooch right in the upper center portion of the dress. It was paired up with a thin brown belt around my middle and brown dress boots. It was supposed to be a somewhat dressy, but casual look for the new fall fashion line. I did have to say I looked pretty good in this color since my hair was a reddish-brown and dark color along with dark blue eyes that almost looked black. Honestly as good as I looked and as much fun it was to get all dressed up and model, it just wasn't my passion. I much preferred cooking and that's why I was taking over my uncle's restaurant as executive chef and as my uncle's business partner.

I kind of appreciated modeling more now, however, seeing as how I'd have to quit soon since the supernatural are winning the war and since they are so possessive over their soul mates. Careers like modeling would be banned in favor of more 'modest' careers. I personally hated the idea and even stated so when my manager told me of it earlier this week, but there really wasn't much we could do. At least dad and Mikey, my brother, are coming home sometime this month.

When the photo shoot was over, my best friend appeared out of nowhere.

"Sasha!" my best friend yelled as she took me in for a bear hug. I laughed as I hugged her back.

"Hey there, Violet! So you ready to go for coffee?" She suddenly looked very nervous and shook her head.

"Actually, I need to talk to you about something, and it would be better if we were someplace where we could talk alone." I slowly nodded my head wondering what could possibly be wrong after all she was almost never worried about anything.

"Yeah, sure. Where do you wanna go?" She looked slightly relieved as she continued.

"How about we get ice cream and take a walk in the park?" She offered. I agreed and then got into her car.

We've been best friends since kindergarten when I was being bullied. My lunch was ruined by one of my bullies; I think Tasha was her name. Anyways no one would sit with me at lunch and I then didn't have anything to eat. Violet came over and sat with me offering me half her sandwich and we've been close ever since.

We told each other everything and nothing ever got between us, not even guys. Eventually, I got a nicer figure and was one of the top students and suddenly everyone wanted to talk to me, but I knew Violet was my real friend. Violet is usually preoccupied with her husband, who was clearly good looking, so I couldn't blame her. So we just made weekends our official time to hang out and catch up on everything.

When we pulled up to the parking lot of the ice-cream place across the street from the park, I ordered a Reese's ice cream sundae, while Violet got a chocolate-dipped vanilla cone.

"Okay, so I know we never talk about the war, but we have to talk about it now and I have to ask you to trust me and try not to judge me too harshly for everything I'm about to say, please." The words tumbled out, and I found it almost difficult to follow them.

I don't know what she was going on about and we don't talk about it since she said she couldn't. "We're best friends Violet. We've been for years now it's been what almost 20 years now? I think we can probably skip past the judgments and forgiveness, I mean you're my best friend!"

She just gave me a small smile and we walked a while before she continued. " I suppose you know there are four races now. Humans, fairies, werewolves, and vampires. Well, I'm going to be frank with you, I'm a fairy, but I won't hurt you. In fact, I want to help you and that's why you need to leave and move now. This territory will be vampire land in less than a month and sadly they will probably be the worst kind for you to be around so I'm begging you to come with me. I have two tickets and we need to leave today or else it'll be too late to leave."

Am I crazy? Did I hear her incorrectly because I was really starting to worry?

"Wha- I, uh- uh-" The darkness was starting to close in on me and I passed out due to the shock when I realized she was telling the truth because I saw her nod her head and her eyes changed color.

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