
Giving Into You

"Please stay inside your homes with your doors locked and do not panic. These creatures may be strong, but have faith that we shall surely pull through this crisis and eliminate the threat." That was just the beginning of the chaos that ensued when Sasha's life was turned upside down. Humans were no longer on top of the food chain. Instead, three factions of supernatural arose from the ashes: werewolves, vampires, and fairies. Being a slave or following new laws that favored supernaturals, however, was the least of Sasha's worries. Instead, after it is discovered that she is a potential mate for the strongest most powerful supernatural from each of the factions she is forced to choose just one. This is a short story of only 27 chapters. It is now complete and it shall remain free to read forever. This is not my best work as it was written over a decade ago, but hey! Free is free!

AutumnPlunkett · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
27 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

Prince Brent's Point of view

I was amazed that she managed to take down all three of the guards, especially since she hadn't been one of our kind for very long. I mean it's been less than a month and yet she can pull off some pretty good moves, but I suppose the guards were probably caught off guard with how good she actually was. Plus, you know she was mostly attacking them when their backs were turned and they let their guard down. The werewolf I was fighting wasn't half bad, but with that vampire attacking me it was a lot harder to fight the werewolf. If she had taken the vampire instead of the werewolf I might have been able to actually take the werewolf down while she kept the vampire busy. I have to admit I did get my butt handed to me pretty well, but I had the vampire almost off me, but I guess it took too long. It was an easy mistake that I didn't plan on letting happening again.

She was amazing, though, but I suppose I should have known she would be. I haven't seen her practice or seen her studying any of those books so she must have done so after she retired for the night. I might have gotten taken out, but I definitely had a better view of her on the sidelines. Watching her throw punches and swift kicks, swerving and twisting side to side, and tackling her opponents to the ground was definitely a sight to see. So hot and sexy even if she was a bit up close and personal with other guys for my own tastes.

Now that I've seen her fight and observing her now as she laughs and talks with the guards, it amazes me. She is such a strong woman, so different from the others. It's good that she can so easily joke with the people in charge of guarding her life, even after fighting with them and knowing in a few short minutes she'll be going at it again. This time she'll be fighting with Vincent, that bloodsucker. It's funny how close they have been lately even with how cold and distanced he still seems. It's not like I haven't seen it before, however, it's so much different with my mate.

I've seen young men who are so serious turn into the most lovey dovey friendly men around their mates. Watching how Vincent smiles, laughs, and teases Sasha is so much different for me and my wolf. She is our mate and seeing how much enjoyment she has around others and in turn others have around her makes my jealousy flare up.

I don't really know what to do about her. She's not like the other girls who'll fall at my feet and want me with one glance. Plus I didn't have two other men who were just as good looking and when you add in the whole mates thing the equation gets so much more complicated. None of my lines work on her and she instead chooses to get annoyed by them. I want to make her happy and watch her eyes light up and shine just at the sight of me walking her way. Maybe I should just try harder to actually get to know her and bring her on some actual dates. I don't know, but I'm not going to be playing around any more, not when it comes down to her.


Prince Vincent's Point of view

"Okay folks, it's time for round two. Sasha you still have the choice to change if you want..."

A glance at her shows she was shaking her head, hmm wonder what the plan is now?

"Okay then, moving on. Since there isn't a connection between your wolves since you, Vincent, are a vampire, you may have 30 seconds to talk and plan the same as the other three were given last round and this round."

"So, what's the plan Vincent? I'm good with starting off with whatever you think is best, but just realize it will have to be improvised once we start."

I nod my head and consider things for a second.

"Okay so I think we should try to work together to pin them down. The vampire seemed to give you a lot of trouble last time, but the fairy has the ability to use enchantments and we didn't even get to see what she was capable of last time. It's probably going to be best that we try to pin her down as soon as possible. Let's try to have me after the vampire, you after the werewolf and then switch it up and once one of us has one pinned the other keeps others from tackling the other off their current opponent."

"Okay, times up!"

I get in position just as the whistle blows.

We didn't have much chance at saying anything, but hopefully with how well she fought against me she can fight well with me. Looks like she took a dive at the werewolf, but he's on me. I guess the prejudice of going after vampire vs. werewolf is going to be in this battle too. The vampire is about to tackle Sasha so I throw a foot swipe under the werewolf and run straight into the vampire knocking him against the stadium. Then turn around just in time to be able to dodge the ice shard the fairy threw and it hits the vampire knocking him back down. I watch as Sasha pins him down, I give a small nod before turning back around. I shove the fairy back twist around and grab the wolf by the neck throwing him across the courtyard. I hear the count of five and give a second to see Sasha rushing past me and tackle me to the ground. A blast of fire rushing past us. Thank goodness for that and now there is only two opponents.

Flipping up off of her I look up to see us surrounded and both me and Sasha jump at the fairy as the wolf jumps at me. I twist up off the pile letting Sasha hold the fairy down while I twist around and kick the wolf whose pouncing on me across the stadium. I help Sasha hold the fairy down by shoving her back down by her throat, using the time it takes the wolf to recover and get halfway towards me. Making it to the count of five for the fairy and only one opponent left to go.

One werewolf vs. one strong princess and a vampire prince, should be a piece of cake. I hear the loud growl as the wolf violently knocks me across the courtyard and bites down into my neck. That's gonna hurt in the morning. Suddenly I realize this isn't the guard wolf and this clearly isn't a simple challenge anymore.


Sasha's Point of view

I just finally had the fairy counted down to out when a wolf slammed into Vincent knocking him across the stadium. I figured it was just the guard, but when I saw him stalking at me and how the other wolf wasn't the right color to be the guard, I lost it. I got angry and enchantments started to leave my lips like water down a waterfall. The courtyard was lit by a ring of fire and the wind started to violently blow and swirled around me. I stalked over toward the wolf and yanked it off of Vincent and used all of my strength to snap its neck, effectively killing it. I didn't even realize what I was doing, but I enchanted one last spell before sinking off into the darkness.


Prince Mark's point of View

I don't think any of us were paying nearly enough attention to what was going on, so when the courtyard suddenly was covered in a ring of fire, we were all immensely surprised. I then watched in shock as my beautiful Sasha had wind and frost swirling around her and knew that her mate was in real danger because us fairies tend to go into a sort of magic frenzy survival mode when in danger and even more so when our lovers or in this case, more appropriately said, mates are. Sasha stalked over to a wolf that looked rather similar to the werewolf guards wolf and snapped its neck effectively ending his life. Then right before she sunk down she muttered once last spell I was rather familiar with, a healing spell. The fire dimmed down and I could see the guard wolf passed out on the ground and the one Sasha killed laying beside Sasha and a very bloodied Vincent who seemed to be looking down at the wolf and Sasha in shock.

Prince Brent walked over beside the wolf, I suppose trying to identify who it was. I decided to walk over and check up on Sasha. See if she needed to be taken to a doctor or whatever, although it was clear she didn't. I checked her pulse and was glad to see she was just passed out. It was probably the drain the magic had on her, mostly the healing spell as it was the strongest one we had and took quite a bit of energy. Next, I went over to Vincent to check on him since Sasha would clearly not be happy if he was in danger.

"Hey, are you okay? Uh, Vincent?"

He just looks up at me almost with a sort of shocked look mixed with a look like that of a kicked puppy then he smirked.

"Yeah, fairy boy I'm fine. Shouldn't you realize I'm not interested in you and I swing the other way by now?"

I rolled my eyes, yeah that's right make fun of my sexuality, why don't ya? With a roll of my eyes and a small smile I straightened up glad everyone is okay.

"I'm glad you're fine. So, Brent do you know who the wolf is?"

That's when I notice him hunched over the wolf crying.

"Ye-ye-yes, it-it's my-my brother..."

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