
Giving Into You

"Please stay inside your homes with your doors locked and do not panic. These creatures may be strong, but have faith that we shall surely pull through this crisis and eliminate the threat." That was just the beginning of the chaos that ensued when Sasha's life was turned upside down. Humans were no longer on top of the food chain. Instead, three factions of supernatural arose from the ashes: werewolves, vampires, and fairies. Being a slave or following new laws that favored supernaturals, however, was the least of Sasha's worries. Instead, after it is discovered that she is a potential mate for the strongest most powerful supernatural from each of the factions she is forced to choose just one. This is a short story of only 27 chapters. It is now complete and it shall remain free to read forever. This is not my best work as it was written over a decade ago, but hey! Free is free!

AutumnPlunkett · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

Prince Brent's point of view

I feel like I've just had my heart ripped out and I feel so heartbroken and confused. I just watched my mate kill my step-brother Xavier. We've been close since forever and, even without that, as prince the connection I feel to other werewolves is even stronger than that of an alpha's. If it was anyone other than my mate I would have hunted them down to the ends of the Earth and made their death one of the most drawn out suffering filled ones there has ever been. Sasha, oh Sasha, why? Why did you have to do it? Why did you kill my brother? You're supposed to be better than that! You're my mate and I can't hate you, yet alone hurt you. What am I going to do?.....


Prince Mark's point of view

I worry for Sasha as she has been out for three whole days. She still has a pulse, but she is clearly still weak from the power she used. She doesn't quite have as much power as most fairies since she hasn't used her powers often and hasn't much experience with such power, especially such high-level enchantments. I'm not even sure it was so much her fault that she did such thoughtless behavior as using such a highly draining heal. That was the worst of what she used, but with the other enchantments and whatnot on top of the fact that she had a lot of energy drained from the physical exercises of battle. She should be well rested and ready to go when and if she wakes up, however, so not all hope is lost. Even better, since she has survived even with such a high drain on her energy, it shows she is rather powerful already and she'll be even more powerful after she awakes.

I do worry for her life and prince Brent's sanity. He lost his brother and he hasn't even been able to bring himself to call his parents about it, yet. That does bring up some questions on how they didn't realize that his brother, who most likely had plenty of royal responsibilities, could possibly not be missed after at least three days absence. Which brings up the biggest question, why was he attacking in the first place? So many questions, but I can't actually do anything from fear that Brent's anger and sorrow will drive him to attack myself or Sasha.

Vincent is well and takes turns watching over Sasha and guarding her alongside me. We are both worried for her with everything that has happened. Hopefully, she'll awake soon because she'll be the only one with the real ability to stop Brent if he loses it. He has only gotten angrier and more upset over the last three days. He has started getting into fights with the guards and anyone he sees. I think Sasha will have to tell him to back off once she is awake since, compared to Sasha, Brent might as well be her Beta. Since he's a prince and can tell pretty much any other werewolf, except his dad and mom what to do, that's a pretty big thing. As much as the others hate sharing mates and I love her, we all have her as our mate and that means that if any of us are upset then she is the best one to get us to calm down.


Sasha's Point of view

With a loud groan, I turn over. I have such a massive headache like I've been sleeping too much. I hate when I sleep too much cause then my head hurts so much. What did I do yesterday, anyways? Ugh, once it all comes rushing back to me, I wish I was still asleep. It's probably not even been just a day, has it? Stupid werewolf attacking stupid mate!

'Hey, sunshine! Nice of you to finally wake up. It's been kind of lonely the last three days you've been sleeping. Plus, the constant barrage of loneliness and pain from our mate's wolf just made it that much worse. Now get your butt out of bed and go find mate! Now, or I'll do it for you!'

' Keep your talons to yourself, I'm going'. Just let me..... get my bearings.'

Standing up I notice I'm still in the same outfit I was a few days ago and I majorly reek. Yeah, I need a shower. If my mate has been upset for this long then it won't make a difference for a few minutes more. I grab a simple black dress, underwear, socks, and boots. I jump in the shower and take a quick fifteen minute shower and get dressed.

'You know you're taking too long and you lied to me! You told me you were going!'

'Yeah, yeah I get it you're bothered by him being upset. He wouldn't appreciate how bad I reek and if he's been upset that long it's probably something I've done. So might as well try to make a good impression.'

I walk out of the room and what do you know I bump right into Mark's back!

"Geeze! Just stand directly in front of my door where you just know you'll wind up in my way, why don't you? Goodness, Mark! Can't you move out of my way? I'm trying to find Brent before my wolf rips her way out of me and tears this castle apart looking for him!"

I watch as mark jumps and then turns around with a wide-eyed look of shock.


"Yes, yes I am, now move! I have to find brent, now!"

He suddenly drops his lips into a pouty frowning face and his eyebrows crease together.

"You shouldn't do that Sasha. He is majorly ticked off and upset. He thinks you killed his brother and is very upset about it. He's been picking fights with the guards and anyone who gets close. I don't want you going near him it's dangerous! If Vincent were here he'd agree with me, you know."

That doesn't sound right. I don't think that was his brother.

'Hey, miss queen bee wolf did you feel any sort of pack connection? Since technically we're Brents mate and thus part of his pack or family whether we officially mate or not. Therefore, you know, there should have been a connection and I didn't feel one.'

'Yeah, I think we may have a problem cause there wasn't any connection and even with it being his step-brother there should have been one.....'

"Yeah, okay Mark I'm going to need your help. Don't worry it's not about Brent. I need to see that wolves body and need Brent's family's number, please."

He looks bewildered for a moment then nods his head and agrees.

"Here's where the guards put the wolf. He's kind of buried, but he's right here. I told Vincent to get us the phone and call Brent's parents for you."

I nod my head and look through the book on different fairy enchantments until I find the one I want. I already knew how to dig the body up, but this one I didn't know specifically. I use the enchantment so I can use the language of the fairies to ask the Earth to move so I can pull the wolf up. The Earth shifts and moves so the wolf is left sitting on top of the earth. I use a revealing sort of enchantment to check for any sort of trickery or fairy enchantment that might have been used on the wolf, Xavier, as Mark told me his name was. What I find surprises both me and Mark much more than any controlling or bewitchment from a fairy or hunter ever could have.

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