
Ghost Rider in Twilight

Jack Mikaelson was not so ordinary teenager. He had a secret which he hid from his family. He has an ability that lets him know who has sinned. Since a young age, there has been a voice ringing in his ears, 'Kill the sinners!' It wasn't bad at first— he thought it was only his imagination. But the older he got, the louder the voice became. Soon he started finding out any sins people had done. He thought it was his hallucination and that he was going crazy, but he kept it secret until the voice became so loud that he couldn't stay sane anymore. One night, he walked in the streets, trying to get his mind out of the voice. But then, he saw a crime happening nearby; a man was assaulting a woman. The voice became even louder in his mind, and without thinking twice, Jack attacked the man who was assaulting the defenseless woman. But then, the voice became unbearable, he saw every crime that man had done, and there were hundreds of them! He lost control and killed the man in front of him. But that wasn't the end— the man's corpse was lit in flames! With a horror-filled gaze, Jack looked at the corpse as it vanished into ashes, but then... The same fate happened to Jack. His body was lit in flames, and without even being able to cry for help, his body vanished into flames. But that wasn't the end of Jack... No... It was only the beginning. ___________________________ Disclaimer: Cover art isn't mine. Ghost Rider and Twilight isn't mine, only the MC and a few OC's. I won't update regularly. I tried this fanfic out of boredom.

Alekzi · Película
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39 Chs

Four Animals.

''... What are they?'' Marcus asked with a trembling voice.

Eames looked solemn.

The four Ghost Riders moved their skeleton heads slowly, looking at every sin these figures had caused.

The worst kinds of sins was from Eames and Aro.

Eames has done multiple genocides, eaten babies, r*ped, destroyed hundreds of families, tortured, and he is a big fan of slavery.

Aro was obviously learning everything from Eames because his sins are pretty similar in some aspects.

Caesar pointed towards Eames with his skeleton finger, ''You have made three grave mistakes in your life!''

''O-Oh, and what are they?'' Eames asked with a tiny grin, trying to act tough, but his instincts screamed for him to run.

Caesar showed one finger, ''First, being born.''

He showed two fingers, ''Second, sinning.''

And then he showed his middle finger, now he showed three fingers, ''Third, coming here.''

''You seem to have a lot of guts... Not long ago, you were cowering in fear.'' Eames said without showing fear, but he was slowly retreating backward.

''Eames, let's kill these fools!'' Aro shouted.

''Hahaha!'' Nicholas roared in laughter, his menacing laugh made the vampires very timid, and his laugh alone made them retreat a few steps.

Adrian took a step forward.

The ground below him started smoking, and the grass underneath was lit in flames!

Eames and others quickly retreated a dozen meters before the flames hit them.

''RUN!'' Adrian's shout echoed in their ears.

The dark-cloaked figures turned around and fled.

''Where the hell are you guys going?!'' Aro shouted angrily.

''Marcus, take Aro with you,'' Eames said solemnly.

Marcus shakily nodded and appeared next to Aro, ''Let's go.''

''Why?!'' Aro shouted with mad red eyes.

''Eames orders,'' Marcus said solemnly.

Aro looked with shock towards Eames, who was facing the four flaming skeletons all by himself.

''W-Why?'' Aro asked, but then he was dragged away by Marcus.

Eames grinned and said, ''I will be fine— let's regroup later.''

Aro shakily nodded and followed behind Marcus.

Eames concentrated on the flaming skeletons and grinned, ''Let's see how fast you guys are.'' He turned around and started running with incredible speed.

He was dozen times faster than Aro and others!

His figure became blurry, and soon his body was almost transparent, and only in a second, he was a kilometer away from the Ghost Riders.

But... The Ghost Riders didn't move an inch.


Caesar used his two skeleton fingers and whistled.

His whistle echoed in the world, and four animals turned their heads around, and soon... They started running like they were possessed towards Ghost Riders.

Ghost Riders waited patiently, while Eames had already ran 30km away from them, and he was still not stopping.

He doesn't even look behind because he can feel... Their gaze on him.

'Fucking monsters, go after Aro and others! Not me!' Eames thought anxiously.

Caesar turned his head towards the forest and saw a certain animal exiting it...

The animal had black-colored fur and was around 5m in length.

It was a giant wolf!

The wolf appeared in front of Caesar and lowered his head.

Caesar touched the head of the wolf, and soon he started transforming!

The wolf's eyes started burning— he turned his head towards the sky and started howling.

Flames left his mouth while he was howling, and the flames reached all the way to the sky.

Eames can clearly hear the menacing howl, and he could even see the pitch dark forest around him getting brighter!

The flaming pillar which left the wolf's mouth illuminated the 50km area around them in bright light!

The nearby villages woke up and looked at the flaming pillar with worshipped faces.

They started kowtowing on the dirty ground, thinking that a God had descended from the heavens.

Soon the wolf stopped howling, and it was completely different than before.

His black fur was bright red, and it was on flames!

His length increased slightly, and he was now 8m long and bigger than before.

The wolf also had... Three heads!

Caesar mounted the wolf and started chasing after Eames.

This was the start of the tale of Cerberus.

Caesar - The Rider of Death.

Nicholas turned his head towards the sky and saw a brown-colored falcon with a wingspan of 5 meters flying towards him.

The falcon stopped one meter away from Nicholas and landed on the ground. He lowered his head as well.

Nicholas touched the falcon's head, and this time, the falcon started transforming!

The falcon's feathers was lit in flames, and his wingspan increased from 5 meters all the way to 8 meters!

Nicholas mounted the Falcon, and the falcon started flying towards the sky.

Everywhere the falcon flew, a blazing trail was left behind in the sky, and once again. Every villager near them saw a blazing trail in the sky and a figure of a flaming bird.

This was the start of the tale of Phoenix.

Nicholas - The Rider of War.

Adrian turned around and saw a 2m long animal with two pointy ears and fluffy tail running towards him.

It was a fox.

The fox touched Adrian's skeleton leg with affection, and he wasn't even the slightest injured even when hellfire touched him.

Adrian had a small smile, which looked quite creepy as Ghost Rider, but the fox didn't mind.

Adrian touched the fox's head, and soon, the fox started transforming as well.

The fox increased in size, and soon it was over 5 meters long with red fur, which was on flames!

He also didn't have one tail, now he had nine tails, and the tip of the tails was on fire!

Adrian mounted the fox and started chasing after Eames.

This was the start of the tale of Nine-Tailed Fox.

Adrian - The Rider of Conquest.

Basil was left alone in the destroyed village.

But soon... Another animal approached him.

It had a muscular, deep-chested body, short, rounded head, round ears, and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail.

It was giant... Lion!

''Grrr...'' The Lion was 10m in length and was much larger than Basil! He had menacing-looking red eyes, and he was growling menacingly.

Basil looked at the Lion without fear.

''Grrr...'' The Lion didn't submit— instead, he growled even louder!

But then, Basil put his skeleton arm forward and touched Lion's head.

The Lion started transforming as well. The Lion's mane started turning red until it was entirely in flames!

''GRAAAAAAAAH!'' The Lion roared, and soon its large body became even larger, and it was soon 12 meters in height.

The Lion's mane was on fire, the smoke left his eyes, and his claws were pair of flaming blades!

Basil mounted the Lion and this time... It submitted.

Basil started chasing after Eames, and soon... All the Ghost Riders have been mobilized.

This was the start of the tale of the Nemean Lion.

Basil - The Rider of Famine.

This was the start of tale of Four Riders of Apocalypse.

There has been countless versions during the history.

In the end.

Nemean Lion, Nine-Tailed Fox, Phoenix and Cerberus became nothing but mythology tales because only handful of people ever witnessed them.

In the end, The Four Riders of Apocalypse became The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.

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