

Demons, what are they? Why are they here? Is these gods' wrath against humans? Millions of years yet history continues to tell. Demons were once just human but now... Flame of war burns the lands in this small continent. Zeliker, just an unfortunate demon prince, was abducted. But, what he found in human land bewildered him. "I wish to marry your daughter, Princess Stiria Mirima." - Zeliker Asterostes (Demon) "Sure, with two conditions..." - Sektar Mirima (Human King of Eskimos Kingdom) "I disagree!" - Xcerox Mirima (Secret Duo) "I follow your wish, my liege! - Silvert Rekter (Demon) "Kill them all for abducting my son!" - Nekruis Asterostes (Demon King of Flink Kingdom) Author Notes: This is a story which may have many internal conflict and also some characters short story before they meet the meaning of Guide From The Past To A New Era.

Anlhpermy_1993 · Fantasía
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25 Chs


"My liege, can you tell me, why are we going to eradicate that place?" Silvert was running behind Zeliker who was speeding up in a direction. He can hear a group of people over there. He thought there was something there that made Zeliker look grim.

"Silvert, do you know about Divest?"

Silvert almost stumbled when he heard it. "My liege, are you telling me those people over there have something to do with them?!"

Zeliker shrugged. "Maybe."

"It's just a small group. They might not be them either. As far as we know, these people like to capture humans for us. Unfortunately, they do their job poorly and now human royalty found out about it. Such poor management, they need to be destroyed." Zeliker's eyes reddened.

Truthfully, he just wants to kill them for helping the high demons get what they want. But, Silvert might think him weird and soft towards humans so he had to change his words a bit.

"Understood, my liege!"

You could have just been honest. I know you want to save those humans...

Silvert already knows what Zeliker wants to do. After all, he has long understood his kind heart. It was impossible to not notice that every time he left Zeliker with human slaves, they all vanished.

At first, he thought Zeliker did eat them but later, he found out there was the use of a dimensional portal in the room. He was sensitive about dimensions because he had this ability. So, it makes no sense that Zeliker eats those slaves in just a few minutes. Even he took half an hour to finish their meat and bones.

For this evidence, he told no one about it because he was afraid it would make Zeliker have trouble with Nekruis and other demons. He wants to protect Zeliker with everything he has. After all, Zeliker had saved him when he almost died, beaten by other demons.

Silvert comes from the middle-rank demon. He still remembers Zeliker came to interfere when he was punished because he wasn't able to defeat a human slave who rebels against them. He was also weak among the middle rank. And his dimensional ability wasn't that useful at that time.

He also thought his ability was useless. But when Zeliker took him in, he realized the truth and the uniqueness of his ability.

"You shall never speak of this to anyone if you don't want your ability to be taken away by them, do you understand?" Zeliker had warned him back then.

A demon can also take others' abilities if they want to. Their fangs were not there for decoration. It was able to chomp on anything but also suck other demons' abilities. Moreover, Silvert was the only demon he knew who could use this ability to go anywhere while others, if they want to go somewhere, need to use a power stone to leave.

Zeliker had used a power stone to send Gizelis back home ten years ago and he had to look into Gizelis's memories to familiarize himself with the area before he summoned it. He doesn't have a dimensional ability like Silvert. And never ask Silvert to do it for him because he also doesn't want anyone to notice Silvert's ability and kill him to possess it.

Such an act of kindness wasn't seen in any royal demons. It was only on Zeliker. That's why Silvert was so respectful towards Zeliker and listened to every one of his demands without any complaints. Now, he notices Zeliker's desire again and he would be happy if he could help Zeliker achieve it.

"Erm, My liege..."


"Does the slave collar on you is working or not? Did they put that on you?!"

Silvert was angry after seeing it for the first time. But, there's an important thing to tell first so he wasn't able to raise a question about it.

Zeliker smirked. "It didn't work anymore. Moreover, this thing will be useful for me. So, I'll just think of it as my new fashion accessory."

Silvert eyes twitched. "What accessories?! Everyone can see it was a slave collar! What if Nekruis saw it?! He will be madder at those humans!"

He silently pities those humans. It was their fault for kidnapping their prince first and then putting the slave collar. If Nekruis found out, he can't imagine what'll happen then.

A moment later, they arrive at the kidnapper's base. Silvert uses a dimensional wall where it hidden away their presence.

This skill was more powerful than invisible ability because invisible ability can still be noticed if they make a sound. While dimensional walls won't let a single sound or presence be discovered by others.

Silvert followed Zeliker who just walked around the base unnoticed. Zeliker raised his eyebrow at the demon slaves. He saw some of them were bullied.

No, not bullied, they were punished.

Could they be the siblings of those guys?

He went over and heard the anger of the humans who beat them.

"Died! You useless piece of shit!" A man yelled at the demon slaves while another man whips them with a sharp long belt.

Bloods splash from the damage to their bodies but they didn't scream. They let their masters hurt them with empty eyes. The other demons' slaves were looking at them in fear but also in yearning.

Their master only punishes them like that if some slaves broke a rule. But, luckily they might get to eat those who died from the beating. They were all starving and had never been full. After all, to them, it's normal to eat dead demons or humans. Slaves have no choice but to eat whatever they had.

Zeliker frowned while Silvert eyes glared hatefully at those humans. His teeth elongated to bite them but Zeliker stops him. He was looking at the physical of the demon slaves. Most of them were weak and malnourished.

It was impossible to fight with a weak body. Also, they shouldn't make an ambush yet because he saw some demon slaves with robust bodies and madness in their eyes, standing in front of each camp house.

These slaves have been injected with forced ability. They're dangerous and I don't know what ability they have.

"Beat them later after we find some people I'm looking for." He telepathy Silvert.

Silvert had no choice but to bite his lips until they were bleeding before he followed Zeliker somewhere. Before they left, Zeliker had thrown and punctured the neck of the two humans with an invisible needle he manifested.

"Grr!" The man kicks the slaves for the last time before he yawned.

"I feel exhausted punishing this piece of shit. And I'm hungry. Let's go eat." He told the other man.

"Yeah. Me too. But, what do we do with those slaves that have their slave collar destroyed?"

"Now that you mention it. They're probably dead or someone has destroyed it for them. Send some slaves to check over."

"Yes. Hey, you! Go and check those slaves numbering 552 to 561! Kill them if they are still alive and want to escape!" The man with the whip orders two male demons.

They disappear immediately. As for Zeliker and Silvert, they made it to an area with lots of huge cages.

"Why did Ladoss not find this place before? It looks so easy to locate..." Zeliker was confused.

Such a thing happening in their area was impossible to not be noticed.

"My liege, it seems these humans are from an organization. Look, there's a logo on their clothes."

Zeliker stared at it. Where did he see it before?

"Divest won't have such a symbol for their identity. So, it was not them then." Zeliker told Silvert.

Silvert nodded.

"By the way, did you sense him?"

Silvert looks clueless. "Who, my liege?"


Silvert was startled. "Riseptos?! Wasn't he supposed to be dead?!"

"No... Look over there." Zeliker shows him to a cage.

In it were three fainted people. One of them was a demon with a glowing red slave collar attached to his neck.

"Riseptos!" Silvert exclaimed after seeing Riseptos face.

"Wait, what happened to him?"

Zeliker narrows his eyes. The glowing red slave collar was more advance than his. It was like an enchanted collar with ability.

Does that mean Sektar put an easy-to-break slave device just so he can see whether he would escape or not? Why test him like that?

Zeliker finally realised something about his collar and Sektar's trick. He can't ask Sektar yet but maybe someday he will.

Now, how did Riseptos get it on him?

He could see Riseptos and the other two humans were in a bad shape. Wounds cover all their bodies. Zeliker could only guess it must have something to do with those robust demons he saw.

These rescue activities might be a little hard... We need a plan...

"Let's go back to... Some people." He told Silvert.

This information should be told to Xcerox and others. After all, these were their problems in the first place.

"We're not rescuing them?" Silvert turns his head to him in surprise.

Before, didn't he say he wanted to eradicate this place? What changed his mind now?

"How do you want to rescue them?" Zeliker rolled his eyes at him.

Can't he see there were only two of them while there were hundreds of people in this place? Can the two of them even save these victims and slaves?

If Silvert wants to die, don't bring him along. Well, it's not like he has cold feet but it's better to make a plan first.

Silvert went silent for a moment. Then, he thought of something. He turned towards Zeliker and kneeled.

"My liege, please allow me to send them to our secret base."

Zeliker's eyes flashed with surprise. He forgot he still had that place. But he felt uncomfortable with other people touching it.

"Are you sure? That was our paradise. If you send them there and these people awake, they might disturb the peace in it." Zeliker asked Silvert back.

Silvert looked up at him and smiled. "Your happiness comes first, my liege. And I don't mind it. I can make another dimension if you want."

Zeliker looked startled and then he chuckled softly. Silvert would always understand him more than anyone. A moment later, his eyes turned serious.

"Silvert, I ordered you to take these poor people and their valuable things to our base!"

"Yes, your highness!"

Silvert red eyes were glimmering in rainbow colour. He puts his hands on the cage and it disappears. Not just the cage Riseptos was in but all the cages in the area.

The guards who were looking over the cages were shocked by the disappearance of the cages in front of their eyes. It was like a magic show. One of them who was having his back to a cage fell to his back because the cage behind him was gone.

Everyone sounded the alarm signal to every area on the base. The leader came out of one of the camp houses.

"What is going on here?!" He shouted at them.

"My lord, the demons and humans we have captured in the cage are all gone!" Someone told him in a panic.

"What the hell?!"

The leader was bewildered. He ran towards the cage area and was dumbfounded to see nothing there anymore. Then, in a blink of an eye, more slaves and things were gone. Even their camp houses one by one disappear.

The leader and his underlings could only gawk before they could move to take action. Unfortunately, they were too late. Anything they had in the base was nowhere to be found. It's like they were not having a camp there that night.

"My liege, how about those mad demons?" Silvert asked. He had left them alone because he thought they were dangerous.

Zeliker's eyes dimmed. "Can they be saved?"

Silvert shook his head sadly. "They have been injected with forced abilities. Their body couldn't control it and they might die before we can cure them."

"If I... Take it in me, will they be alright?"

Zeliker has space for more abilities in his body than a normal demon. He thought it might work.

"Absolutely not!" Silvert snapped angrily.

What is his prince thinking?!

Although Zeliker won't die, he will be in agony or might lose his sanity because of the unknown ability dwelling inside him.

"I'm just joking! Sigh... Let them die then. They're disgusting after all."

He turns his back on the base while walking away. Silvert looks at his back in silence. He knows Zeliker must be more in pain for being unable to save those demons.

But he shouldn't pity them. How much they have killed should now be their retribution to pay back. Same for the demon slaves they took in.

"I must clean them up one by one and ensure they won't harm my liege or trouble him anymore."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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