

Demons, what are they? Why are they here? Is these gods' wrath against humans? Millions of years yet history continues to tell. Demons were once just human but now... Flame of war burns the lands in this small continent. Zeliker, just an unfortunate demon prince, was abducted. But, what he found in human land bewildered him. "I wish to marry your daughter, Princess Stiria Mirima." - Zeliker Asterostes (Demon) "Sure, with two conditions..." - Sektar Mirima (Human King of Eskimos Kingdom) "I disagree!" - Xcerox Mirima (Secret Duo) "I follow your wish, my liege! - Silvert Rekter (Demon) "Kill them all for abducting my son!" - Nekruis Asterostes (Demon King of Flink Kingdom) Author Notes: This is a story which may have many internal conflict and also some characters short story before they meet the meaning of Guide From The Past To A New Era.

Anlhpermy_1993 · Fantasía
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25 Chs


"Zeliker, I have not changed. I still hate demons from the bottom of my heart. They are the reason that I lost my queen and my daughter." Elamos told something about his past.

Astonishment, pity and guilt could be seen in Zeliker's eyes after he heard it.

"How did… They die…?" He asked in a low voice while lowering his eyes.

Elamos lips slowly curve into a sad smile.

"I was betrayed by the one I consider a best friend. It happened around fifteen years ago and is the reason I hate demons so much. I only have two children. She was the youngest. And Zelfon, you have met him. He was the oldest."

Elamos retold his past and he still couldn't forget the day his wife and her daughter passed away. Listening to the story made Zeliker's eyes turn sorrowful. He knew how much pain it was to lose someone. He too… Had lost his mother…

'But the one who killed her was…''

Zeliker grit his teeth hard. Then, shook his head harshly.

'The past was the past. Nothing can change it anymore. It must be the reason why father hates me and ignores me… I was lucky because I was his last son…'

He sighs. Elamos stare at him with wonder.

"Living as a royal demon must be hard." He stated.

"Of course. Huh? Wait, why are we talking about this?"

He was confused. Didn't they talk about Elamos' past? Why the sudden change of topic?

Elamos smirk. "And the sole reason you are still alive and able to meet me, right now. Fate does have his way to make me realise that not all royal demons were as bad as their looks."

Zeliker raised one eyebrow at him. "Are you praising me, Your Majesty? Or are you teasing me?"

"I'm not joking, Zeliker."


"I just have a request to make to you. Would you, who has a kind and benevolent heart, would like to hear it?"

"Pfft! Haha!" Zeliker laughs at his funny label.

"What the hell are you saying, Your Majesty? Did you hit your head somewhere? Me, kind and benevolent? Where did you even learn a royal demon has such a type of feelings?"

He had enough of Elamos' joke and showed him his fangs with eyes snapped red in irritation.

"Ah, but you saved a baby when he got kidnapped. You can't lie about that."

The red eyes burn off and turn normal again with surprise.

"Huh? Why am I not surprised…"

'It seems news about me has spread to his ears. Which means… Sektar also knows it now. How unbelievable…'

He thought silently.

"Zeliker, if you were given a choice, between humans and your clan, which side would you choose to help first?" King Elamos asked with a serious expression.

'Why is he asking me this question? Is he testing me? For what…?'

Zeliker was silent for a moment. He could see Elamos no longer wanted to joke around. This question should have a reason to be told to him. After some minutes of thinking, he finally voiced his answer with seriousness too.

"I prefer to help the weak person. It doesn't matter from which clans they are. Isn't that the reason you thought of me as kind and benevolent, Your Majesty? I don't like both clans because some have their wickedness that I dislike. But, everyone is the same no matter if you're a demon or a human. What's important is whether your heart and thoughts are pure or not. I am not as pure as you think, Your Majesty. I have killed and I have murdered so many with intention. I. Cannot. Change. Who I am. And never will be."

Elamos slowly smirks. He thought Zeliker was just a naive royal brat. It seems he understands himself and others around him better than he thought. Yet, this kind of royal demon was truly unusual. He wondered if that person was like this. He didn't dare speculate if he didn't see it with his own eyes.

After looking at Zeliker and comparing both of them, he couldn't help but laugh hard. Damn! They both have too many differences.

"Good. Good answer. It's not a mistake. No wonder they want your help. When the time comes, you might be everyone's strength to move on. Perhaps that is what makes me believe that peace may be achieved in the future. Zeliker, I hope you do not deviate from things that may dissolve the relationship between the human and demon. I want to place hope for the future on you..."

His statements startled Zeliker.

"Wha, What does Your Majesty mean?"

"Before that, what future do you want to see, Zeliker?"

"Again, he didn't answer my question.'

Zeliker feels it's not fair at all.

"I'm not sure either… A peace, maybe?"

"Oh… How about… Unification of every kingdom for both humans and demons?"

Zeliker's eyes widened. He was shocked into a stupor with his mouth slightly gaped.

What absurd things this king is talking about?!

Eyes sharpened at Zeliker, Elamos decided to help Sektar and another person with their hidden desire for the future.

"Zeliker, I'm going to present you with the symbol of trust emblem. The favour I want to request from you is… Hoping you can help to unite every human and demon kingdom to your side."


Zeliker snapped his head to his back. Even Elamos sight went behind him.

"What kind of madness is this?!" Trez asked with bewilderment.

He and Silvert just exit the door from the dimension to hear Elamos say it to Zeliker. Silvert beside him was frozen in place while staring straight at them.

"Ah, you're still alive." Elamos grins at Trez.

Trez growled with eyes snapped from green to orange colours. He was about to attack Elamos when Zeliker's red eyes froze him in place.

"Know where you are. You're in the presence of royals." Zeliker's cold voice sounded.

Trez's body trembled and let out a sweat. It was because an unknown pressure was pressing on him. Silvert snapped out of his daze and patted one of Trez's shoulders.

"Our prince has order. So, calm down."

Trez grits his teeth and nods. Zeliker no longer looks at him and turns back to Elamos. His glowing red eyes frown.

"Why choose me?"

"... Because there's nobody else suitable," Elamos answered him.

"Did you misunderstand me? I am a royal demon. What made you think any humans would agree?"

"They will." Elamos smiled again.

"Because you will have our kingdom's trust. Which means we will be allying with you. The Drick Kingdom along with the Eskimos Kingdom would like you, Zeliker Asterostes, to be the middleman in uniting us with demons. Think it over and give me an answer tomorrow. You're dismissed."

Elamos stood up from his throne and moved around it to the thick curtain behind it. Zeliker watched him disappear into the curtain. He couldn't even have a chance to ask more since Elamos no longer wanted to tell him. He grips his hands hard.

"Zeliker, what just happened?" Silvert had moved near him and asked him.

Trez stays behind where he was frozen in his place before.

"We will speak with everyone first. This seems too huge for me to decide. Haha! To think Elamos and Sektar had prepared a trap for me. I could have never imagined this was the reason that they want from me with the condition allowing me to stay in their kingdom. Well… There's no way they would just allow me to roam free without doing anything, isn't it?"

"No, I don't think their thoughts about it were simple. Uniting the humans' and demons' kingdoms… It seems not impossible."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Let's meet with Xcerox and the others. The meeting should include others in Eskimos as well. Silvert, please go to Eskimos and tell Miulwess and others to meet us tonight."

"As your wish. By the way, what should we do with him?" Silvert pointed to Trez behind them.

Trezjerksk when they both look at him. He steps back when Zeliker appears close in front of him. Then, went on one knee before bowing his head to Zeliker.

"Trez Kalis has met the Prince of Flink, Zeliker Asterostes. Please forgive me for my disrespect toward you before." He knew his mistake and his heart had a slight fear toward Zeliker.

Zeliker nodded. "I'm glad that you know your place. Trez, you'll be coming along with us and see your friends in Drick's custody later. Since I have saved you, you know what you should do, right?"

"Ye, Yes. I'll follow whatever order you have for me."

There's no way he didn't hear a threat in Zeliker's sentences. But, he was saved by this demon prince who was on the human side? Why does it feel so unreal? Where was he? Is he really in front of a royal demon?

Trez was truly confused. Why did Zeliker, a royal demon, look friendly with humans? He doesn't understand.

"Alright. Follow me."

Zeliker walked out through the hall entrance and went to a guest building that was prepared for everyone from the Eskimos Kingdom. Silvert and Trez follow him from behind.