

Demons, what are they? Why are they here? Is these gods' wrath against humans? Millions of years yet history continues to tell. Demons were once just human but now... Flame of war burns the lands in this small continent. Zeliker, just an unfortunate demon prince, was abducted. But, what he found in human land bewildered him. "I wish to marry your daughter, Princess Stiria Mirima." - Zeliker Asterostes (Demon) "Sure, with two conditions..." - Sektar Mirima (Human King of Eskimos Kingdom) "I disagree!" - Xcerox Mirima (Secret Duo) "I follow your wish, my liege! - Silvert Rekter (Demon) "Kill them all for abducting my son!" - Nekruis Asterostes (Demon King of Flink Kingdom) Author Notes: This is a story which may have many internal conflict and also some characters short story before they meet the meaning of Guide From The Past To A New Era.

Anlhpermy_1993 · Fantasía
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25 Chs


Sektar turns his eyes back and forth between Zeliker's group of three, and his son, Xcerox and his group of three.

"He's so cute!"

Silvert was stroking and rubbing Hoogles fur happily while Zeliker was staring lazily outside. The sky already brightened when they were called to the throne chamber. As for Xcerox, he was explaining about the kidnappers to Sektar.

Sektar rubbed his forehead. Didn't his son suppose to bring Zeliker to hide? Why did they return? His son could have let the knights handle the kidnapping group. But, he was grateful for Zeliker and Silvert's help.

These two might not be so bad after all even though they were from Flink.

Unfortunately, his subordinates might not be optimistic about them here. He can see how rigid their bodies were after looking at Silvert.

Another one has appeared!

They were thinking the same thing.

"Father, the rest of the kidnappers have already been killed by Silvert and Zeliker. While the victims were sent to the infirmary division. The bad news is that Riseptos has fallen into a comatose because the kidnappers put an advanced collar on him. And he has been sent to be checked by the technician division. As for the slaves, what should we do with them?" Xcerox told Sektar.

Sektar contemplates for a second.

"If it's alright with Your Majesty, I will handle them. They might have more information about the rest of other kidnappers' groups." The Minister of Defence, Orian Gwan asked for permission after kneeling in front of Sektar.

Zeliker turned to Orian.

"Who's this? Is he the defence minister or from the investigator's division?"

After all, since the base was easily found, he senses there was something wrong with this kingdom's defences. Seems like a scheme was playing but who did it.

Oh, screw it!

Even the king might have something to do with this. This was after all Eskimos' problem, not his. Might as well stay aside and let them do their job.

"Alright. I'll be depending on you, Orian." Sektar nodded.

"Now, Xcerox, what about your plan with Prince Zeliker? Have you made a progress?"

Xcerox lowered his eyes. "I'm sorry, father. I was distracted by the incident but we have decided where to go. We will leave at dawn tomorrow."

Sektar smiled. "It's alright... Prince Zeliker, I must thank you for your help. Is there anything you would like as your reward?" He turns his head to Zeliker.

"No need. I was only paying my debt."


Sektar and others looked confused. It makes Xcerox blush. He was embarrassed that Zeliker still remembers it.

After that, they were allowed to disperse since Zeliker still refused to have a reward. He doesn't need anything since he has everything inside Silvert's dimension.

"By the way, you're not giving us all the slaves. What're you going to do with them?" Xcerox asked Zeliker when they walk to a hall towards the technician division.

There passed a pond on their right and on their left, an open palace garden showing the sight of the cities. A few gazebos were built there for resting and viewing.

So beautiful...

Zeliker thought quietly.

They were on their way to visit Riseptos and see if his slave collar can be removed. It was lucky that the cage didn't explode when they opened it. After Zeliker's order, Silvert pulled out all the cages from his dimension in front of the open yard where Antonia's medical teams were ready to help.

Even the victims and slaves appear. The guards who were ordered by Sektar to arrest the slaves, immediately handle the group. But not all slaves were taken out by Silvert.

Xcerox, Gizelis and Nish realised that Enta, Kion and their siblings were nowhere to be seen. It could only mean they were still inside Silvert's dimension house. They met Enta and his group again when they were about to leave through the portal.

"Please, wait!" Kion shouted at them.

"Who's these demons? Did they belong to the kidnappers too?" Silvert asks Gizelis.

Gizelis nodded. "You guys are free now. If you're looking for your siblings, they are inside that thing." He pointed at Zeliker's hand where the little house was. Though, he wasn't sure if they were alive.

Xcerox had to return it because he can't enter it or bring anyone out from it. Only Silvert can.

Kion and the others stare at the object. Instantly, all of them disappear, shocking Xcerox, Gizelis and Nish.

"I put them inside. They can search for their kins on their own." Silvert explained.

Everyone just nodded. Now, Xcerox wanted to know what Zeliker was planning to do with them.

"Your Highness Xcerox, those people will be useful to my liege. Since they were not that bad in their skill, I want to train them as my liege's bodyguard." Silvert answered it. He also politely called Xcerox with respect.

Xcerox was stunned. He never thought Silvert would lower himself and called him, a human, with such a respected title. And Zeliker wasn't angry at his subordinate for such action either. He seems uncaring about his subordinate being kind to a human.

What's wrong with these two demons' heads?! Are they really from royal demons?! Where are the fierce and mad royal demons they always heard of from the stories? Are they telling a lie then?

Xcerox feels hard to believe this. But he seems to finally accept it. Maybe there was something wrong with these two demons beside him. For this reason, he had to change his attitude towards them. He hopes they didn't fake their temperaments because he would like to be their friend.

"Would they listen to you?" Xcerox softly said.

He needs to change his unpleasant phrases first if he really wants to befriend them.

"I'm sure they will." Silvert grinned evilly.

Zeliker realised the change of aura around Xcerox. Xcerox was no longer releasing hate or disgust toward him. Not just him who realised it, even Gizelis and Nish notice it too.

Would this mean, Xcerox is accepting Zeliker and Silvert as their allies?

Nish looks at Zeliker and Silvert in awe. He thinks he also needs to do the same and change himself so he would not hate Zeliker anymore. Since he knew Zeliker, Zeliker never once attacked or hurt them. He even saves them during the bombing and also the victims in capture. This was enough to change his attitude towards Zeliker.

"I haven't said my gratitude towards you guys. Thank you, really, for saving us and them, Your Highness Zeliker and Lord Silvert." He bowed to them, gratefully.

Xcerox nodded in agreement. "True. Thank you too, Zeliker, Silvert."

Zeliker froze. He was unused to such gratitude. After all, no one said thank you to him before. Only Silvert did but that's because Silvert was one of his own. These were other people who said them. Such words make him speechless and uncertain of how to reply.

Due to his face being pale, it was easier to see his blush and awkwardness. Xcerox and the others noticed it and they chuckled at him. Now, they understood Gizelis's meaning about him.

He truly was cute! Why didn't they notice it before?!

His embarrassed expression was like a rabbit hiding its face behind his ears.

"I wonder if you like to be my friend." Xcerox finally said his intention.

Friend? What's that?

Zeliker turns his eyes to Silvert, asking him for an answer. As for Silvert, he widened his eyes at Xcerox before he notices Zeliker's confused expression.

"My liege, I'm so glad for you! You made your first friend!" He felt tears forming in his eyes.

He was happy because Zeliker's loneliness can finally be driven away. He won't ever see it on Zeliker anymore. At Flink, he was depressed to see Zeliker's lonely backside.

It was like Zeliker was trapped in the darkness, alone and no one could come close to it. But here, after being kidnapped and meeting Zeliker again, he can see the change in Zeliker's eyes. It was brighter and livelier than he was in Flink.

Maybe, it was a good thing for someone to kidnap him.

Silvert thought silently.

"Huh? What's that? Is it food? I don't want it!" Zeliker growled.

Everyone went speechless.

Where the heck did he hear it from?!

They all turn to look at Silvert. Silvert gives an awkward smile.

Ah, my prince…

He sighed because he didn't know why Zeliker thought a friend would be a food.

Suddenly, a feminine voice sounded somewhere nearby with a chuckle.

"Haha... A friend is not food. Where did you learn that, dear demon prince?"

They all turn to look towards the palace garden. Under a gazebo nearest to them, there was a lady in a flowery dress. She has a book in her hand and seems to be reading it. Two maidservants were waiting on each side.

Zeliker noticed her earlier but couldn't take a good look since Xcerox was asking something. His eyes move towards her again. He suddenly feels weird. His heart was thumping like it was seeing his favourite things. Slowly, he rubbed his chest while looking at her.

Her eyes gaze at them in a soft and gentle aurora green. It was like she was the aurora herself. Her smooth hair flowed like a desert to her waist. It was sparkling when a bit of sunlight hit her. While her smooth and white skin appeared a little blush, probably a little hot although she was under the gazebo.

She had a small pink lip and a sharp nose with thick eyelashes, fluttering once in a while. Her body was covered in a summer dress with yellow daisy flowers decorating it. White flower lace shoes cover her small feet and a pair of white stockings wraps them until her knees.

From her appearance, Zeliker thought he was seeing a flower blooming. His heart speeds up when her eyes suddenly meet his. Her chuckles sounded again with the same feminine voice.

"A friend is a person who is not an enemy or food. They were the close ally that would help you when you are in trouble or in a crisis. Meaning, they are people you have given your trust..."

She stood up from her seat and went near them. She then picks up her dress and bowed slightly towards them. Her action was beautiful like a princess would be.

"Youngest Princess of Eskimos, Stiria Mirima met Your Highness, Prince Zeliker Asterostes from Flink. May the prince live well... Until all the darkness waned from your heart." She said playfully.

Zeliker couldn't help but smile at her statements. His smile was so genuine that it shocked everyone who saw him.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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