

He Liang, once a genius rookie on the KPL scene, had a disappointing gaming career, and eventually, it ended with his retirement. His brother, He Yu could not bear to see his brother’s despair and decides to follow his footsteps at becoming a professional gamer in The King’s Glory. Having watched countless professional matches, he passionately rushed at his glorious moment. # 王者时刻 not my story original story Butterfly Blue

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13 Chs


The lively applause was gradually left behind, and He Yu didn't look back. You can only pay attention to and love the glory of the king for five years without touching it. He Yu's ability to control himself is quite amazing.

Silently followed He Liang out for a long time until the hilarious cheers behind him could no longer be heard. He Yu saw his brother stopped and turned to look at him. The smile on his face did not seem to be surprising. Zhou Jin and You Yazhong would say this, which made He Yu suddenly remember a little bit of the past and opened his mouth before his brother. :"I ask you."

"I ask you." He Yu said.

"What?" He Liang smiled and looked at He Yu.

"Last autumn, when the news of the natural selection won, you immediately called them to express congratulations. What did the person on the other end of the phone say?" He Yu said.

He Liang froze for a moment, but he didn't expect He Yu to ask this question suddenly. He couldn't hold the smile on his face, but he still insisted on it, and said as calmly as possible: "It has been so long, where can I remember."

"In fact, these are the words I heard today ..." He Yu was very sad. How similar is the look on my brother's face at this time? At that time, He Yuyi and Liang Liang were embarrassed. After all, he won the championship as soon as he retired, which is really embarrassing. But now He Yu knows that his brother heard the denial of his former teammates as early as half a year ago, and there may be more ridiculous ridicule in such a direct call. So today he is very calm. Zhou Jin and You Yazhong's words to the public fans may be polite and respectful to He Liang.

Seeing that He Yu had already guessed it, He Liang did not deny it again, but he really did not want his brother to be so sad for himself. He reached out and touched He Yu 's head and said, "Nothing, it 's all gone. You think they are very bad to me because you are too towards me. Actually they did n't. They won the championship last fall, which is enough to explain everything. It 's just that I 'm not good enough. Professional players have to take victory as their own responsibility, and they ca n't afford any private feelings, do you understand? "

"No, not like this." He Yu shook his head firmly.

"Last spring season, if you got Li Bai and none of the three remnants of the game in the final game, they couldn't go away. This wave of rhythm is enough for natural selection to regain the initiative."

"Last year, in the autumn game, with the flying team, if the first choice is to help you take Pei to capture the tiger, the blue zone of natural selection will not fall so completely, and no matter how bad it will be to swap the rhythm of the blue zone."

"Last spring, against Zhongnan, that time you got Baili Xuance, but you still got blue in the mid laner, the shooter got the red, and the assassin jungler didn't even have a matching economy. I didn't understand this choice at that time and always thought What new routines are you trying. "

"There is another fall season of the first year ..."

He Yutao is endless, saying season after season, one key game after another. He Liang was completely dumbfounded. These are the bits and pieces of regret in his career, even if he doesn't remember it so clearly. He Yu said that if he had imagined that he would not remember.

If it was Li Bai last spring against last minute? In the previous year's autumn game and the flying team's game, there was a hand Pei Qiaohu? If there is an economy for the Zhongli team in the spring season ...

If He Liang's mind is a bit messy, the series of more than ten games at a time makes him unable to clearly distinguish which one is which. It was not until He Yu finished looking at him in one breath, but He Liang only sorted out two or three games.

"I haven't thought about what you said, but this assumption is meaningless. Different heroes will lead to different game situations. If I were Li Bai, there might not be three endgames with residual blood to be harvested; if I was Pei Qi Tiger, the opposite side will also adjust the strategy accordingly, will not launch such a strong invasion of the wild area. "He Liang said.

"I know this. So I haven't been too suspicious of the intention of the natural selection team." He Yu said.

"The intention is to win the championship, that's all." He Liang said.

"If it's all for winning the championship, why are you adjusting for five years and ten seasons blindly? Why have they never tried to match your rhythm?" He Yu said.

"Because this is the most necessary adjustment for natural selection, it is the best proof that the team won the championship immediately after You Yazhong played wild." He Liang said.

"I haven't watched this year's natural selection game, so I won't comment for the time being." He Yu said.

He Liang was a little surprised. He Yu seemed to be very impulsive, but when this was said, He Liang discovered that He Yu was only a little excited, but he didn't lose his head. His eyes were sober, and his thoughts remained calm and rational. He didn't make judgments based on conjectures for the natural teams that he didn't pay attention to in the past two seasons, but he didn't mention them explicitly. He talked about the five-year and ten-season team he has followed and studied.

"I envisaged such a possibility." He Yu said, "Zhang Shichi, who is going to hit the shooter, adjusted his thinking, strengthened some of the attacks in the early stage, and cooperated as much as possible with the jungler and the auxiliary invasion."

He Liang froze. He Yu said very concisely, because it was for him, so there was no need to explain it in too much detail.

All archer heroes are crispy and easy to die, and most of the early damage is not outstanding, so the team's use of archer heroes is to protect and develop as much as possible, so that its equipment can be formed as soon as possible. Let the shooters participate in the early battle, the role is limited. Not to mention, once they die, they will inevitably slow down their development. As an important output position in the middle and late stages of the team, the rhythm of the team will be disrupted. Archer heroes have always been examples of low fault tolerance. But fault tolerance can always be remedied by technology and consciousness. When you never or rarely make mistakes, the fault tolerance is nothing more than a false statement.

He Liang's Li Bai was so shocked that it was divided into a completely new realm. What about Zhang Shichi's shooter? As a teammate for five years, He Liang has no doubt about his ability. He believed that Zhang Shichi was just killing the opposite field alone, and it was not easy to take his head easily.

So the routine that He Yu said is extremely dangerous for general shooters and even many professional teams because the risk is too high. But if Zhang Shichi's shooter helps the jungler to do some offensive or defensive ... He Liang can't help but get excited when he thinks about it. Maybe if he uses such an offensive routine, maybe ...

The thought came to an abrupt end. Where else is it possible? I have retired long ago, and even if He Yu envisaged using this routine again, it would have nothing to do with myself.

"There are two sons." He Liang reached out again and touched He Yu's head. If I still comforted He Yu before, this time I was a little surprised. He knew that He Yu had been paying attention to his game, but he did not expect that his understanding and understanding of the glory of the king was so deep. The routines described in a few sentences include a deep understanding of heroes, players, and strategies and tactics.

"He Yu, do you also like the glory of the king?" He Liang asked suddenly.

"Ah?" He Yu froze. Although he was sensible and sober in analysing things, he was not too angry with He Liang in his heart. The clearer the analysis, the more unwilling He Liang is. But he didn't want He Liang coldly throwing this question at him.

I like it, of course I like it.

He Yu has the answer without thinking. He himself did not know when he began to be so loyal to the glory of the king. The natural selection team is only because He Liang's existence is the one he is most concerned about. In fact, each of the twelve professional teams in the KPL is like a treasure. Almost all of the 120 professional players know it. The skills and characteristics of the 78 heroes in the glory of the king are all in the back.

How can I not like it at this point?

It's just that because my favorite starting point is that my brother became a professional player of KPL; so from the day my brother retired, He Yu seems to have lost the reason to pay attention to the glory of the king and pay attention to KPL.

Now, He Liang asks if he likes ...

He Yu didn't know how to answer, and He Liang didn't actually need him to answer. With such obvious enthusiasm and attention, he had always thought that it was just out of concern for himself, and his brother was too unqualified.

"If you like it, try it." He Liang said.

"Ah?" He Yu froze again.

"I think you should be more talented than me." He Liang said.

"Not ..."

"I have already retired, so don't worry about these things. No matter how you change it, don't you? The more thorough your analysis, the more annoying I will be!

"Ah I..."

"Take care of yourself more and be clear about your mood." He Liang said.

"I ..." He Yu looked at his elder brother, and he already knew the words that he did not know how many times, but at this time he seemed to be shy. He didn't say anything after all, but nodded hard.

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