

Amelia Rosi is a very ambitious and talented girl. By meeting a wealthy businessman, the door to her dreams opens for her. But will she be brave enough to get out of her comfort zone? **** - Good morning, Miss Rosi - he muttered and passed me by accidentally nudging me. This gentle blow was enough for me to stagger and fall down from my squat to my knees. I closed my eyes at the mere thought of how pathetic it must have looked when I landed with the cloth straight under his feet. - You don't have to worry about that - he said, looking down at me with a ferocious smile. Only when I lifted my head and on the way noticed that the button in his pants was unfastened, and the shirt was being buttoned, I understood what he meant. I leaned back as if I was burned, rolling my eyes in the process. - It was inappropriate - I pointed out to him. ****

Ania_Madejska · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Chapter 6

- View estate - I said as the man sat in the driver's seat and slammed the door behind him.

- It's on the other side of town.

- If that's a problem, I'll wait for the next bus - I shrugged.

- That's not what I mean - he started the engine and glanced briefly in the side mirror, after a moment driving out into the street. - Please wear your seat belts, Miss Rosi.

I stretched my hand out to where belts were found in every normal car I've had the pleasure of driving, but all I found was the smooth structure of the car door. The brunette reached up to my seat and pressed a small red button next to it, thanks to which the belts automatically came out.


- Recently, you hear more and more about various kidnappings or murders. Don't your parents worry about you when you come home alone so late? - he asked after a long silence as he stepped into the red light.

I frowned and looked out the window without answering. Even if it is so bad, I have no way to hide from it. If someone plans to kill or kidnap me, they will do it regardless of whether I come home at 11:00 pm or go shopping in the morning.

- They do not have to.

- You're very young, and it works like a magnet for criminals - he said.

- Not much younger than you, and what else would my parents help me with? - I rested my hand next to the window and looked straight at the street.

- I'm a man, and this already gives me some advantage in self-defense.

- Will you deflect the bullet with your shoulder when the perpetrator fires the gun? - I looked at him, raising my eyebrows questioningly.

- My point is, you are putting yourself in any danger unnecessarily.

There was a private security guard who was trying to get me into trouble in the morning himself.

- I have been covering this route for three years almost every day and I have never had a knife stuck to my throat before. I don't think there is an age limit where you can feel completely invulnerable - I laughed under my breath as I looked back at the road.

- You won't tell me you've been working in this store for three years - he looked at me in shock, automatically slowing down on the road.

I turned my head towards him at the same time, they just shrug. He seemed to be looking at me in the normal way, but his gaze was intense enough to embarrass me. His dark eyes are something like a weapon that he can defeat without using force or even uttering a hurtful word.

- You started working at sixteen? What about school? - he asked, returning his eyes to the road.

- One does not exclude the other.

- People of this age generally don't think about taking up any job, and are more into going to weekend parties - he said. He rested his elbows against the glass and ran his fingers over his chin.

- If they don't need to earn money, they don't have to do it. I was ... I'm on my own, so whether I like it or not, I have to earn my living. It's rather logical and non-negotiable - I shrugged.

- Which apartment do you live in? - he asked as he entered my estate.

- I'll get off here, thank you - I muttered and grabbed the door handle.

Brunet nodded and rubbed his chin again with his fingers. However, he stopped me when he noticed a group of boys standing under one of the cages. Each of them had a hood on their heads and held in their hands what looked like a bottle of beer. I know them and they are usually not aggressive. Maybe they look like they are looking for a tease, but end up returning to their homes and sometimes even lending a helping hand. They are not like all the gangsters in a typical American movie. I don't think they were holding a gun by their belt and waiting for it to be used.

- I'll take you right to the block.

- I can handle it.

- I insist - he looked at me pointedly.

- Third block from the other side - I shook my head and once again my back pressed against the soft backrest of the chair.

Brunet pressed the gas pedal and demonstratively ran past a group of boys, smiling at the same time under his breath.

A show off.

He saw that each of them looked at his car with envy and curiosity about who owned it. They, just like me, can only dream that in the future such a car will stand in their driveway, but it is so, that some are born in wealthy families, where they are guaranteed no matter what path of life they choose, and others for years barely make ends meet by buying some junk that consumes more nerves than it benefits.

- Thank you again - I said as the car stopped in front of the cage. I pulled on the door handle, but it was locked, preventing me from going outside. I looked at the brunet, expecting that he would press one of the buttons on the steering wheel, but he sat motionless, watching me in silence.

It's embarrassing.

- All the time you worked at my house, did you also work in this store? - he asked, breaking the awkward, even painful silence between us.

- Would you please open the door? - I replied with a question to his question, not feeling the need to tell him about what my life is like. I was already getting into one car with him unnecessarily, considering how insolent he was towards me.

- You didn't write about it in your CV - He sat down comfortably on his seat and opened the zipper on his sweatshirt.

- It doesn't matter anymore.

- Is that why you walked around so tired and without strength every morning?

- If you don't let me out of the car tomorrow, I'll be walking around the store, and I don't care about losing another job - I smirked at him, slowly starting to lose patience.

- I hope your parents can give you some suitable medication - he said, unlocking the door.

- I don't live with my parents - I muttered and got out of the low car, they slammed the door carefully behind them.

I would still miss it to damage anything in it.

I adjusted my purse strap on my shoulder and headed for the cage entrance. I took the keys out of the side pocket and felt them in the lock, only to disappear completely behind the door a moment later. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at my idiotic behavior. Since I was so furiously upset with him all day, what business did I get into his car for, giving him great satisfaction at the same time.

- You read it yourself, you idiot - I muttered under my breath and tossed my bag on the cupboard as soon as I closed the apartment door behind me. I walked tiredly towards the bathroom, stumbling over a pair of shoes on the way, which I had not put in the cupboard in the morning. I sighed, splashing cold water over my face, not caring that it would blur my makeup. I put my hands on either side of the sink and, staring blankly at its white structure, waited for the water to drip off my skin by itself.

I need a vacation but cannot afford it. I have to give my best, think about what I am striving for, and most of all, not forget about this goal.

I squeezed my eyes shut and sighed loudly, venting my muffled emotions. I reached for the towel hanging next to the sink and hid my face in it, standing there for a long moment. I sat down on the tub rim and looked through the open door at the dark corridor, lit only by single rays from a dim bathroom light.

I hate when this hopeless state catches me. Every thought tells me that I will not be able to cope and tries to convince me to let go and admit that my parents are right - I boiling the ocean.


I groaned against my pillow when I was awakened by the terrifyingly loud ringing of my phone that wasn't an alarm clock. I slipped my hand lazily under the pillow, searching for my cell phone under it. I winced even more as I pulled it out from under the thick fabric as the sound grew even louder. Only Viktoria could call at such an early hour, so without even looking at the phone screen, I ran my finger over it and put it to my right ear.

- Hello? - I murmured as I pulled the covers over my head.

- Hello, Miss Rosi. Judging by your voice, I had to wake you up. Hope you feel better now.

I opened my eyes quickly when, instead of Victoria's familiar voice, I heard the low and deep voice of a man who has been taking over me with his whole body lately.

- Y-yeah - I said after a long pause, trying to understand why his voice made goosebumps appear on my hands. Though I don't know anymore if it was the cool air that enveloped my hot body as I rose to a sitting position and the covers fell down.

A soft laugh on the other side of the earpiece made me lift the corners of my mouth slightly up. I have no idea why I'm attracted to assholes. I have already ridden such a report once and I should stay away from it.

- I'd like to talk to you. Could we meet at my office at twelve? - he asked, and I sighed softly again and dropped my back against the pillows.

One part of me was saying that I didn't want to meet him. He made me a thief in front of his fiancée and mom by wanting to get me out of his house, and that should be enough for me to know that everything about him means trouble and I don't need them. But the other part of me ...

- Yes - the second part was definitely in control of me.

- Fine, then I'm looking forward to seeing you - he said.

I stared at my phone screen for a moment more when he ended the call, then tossed the device on the pillows. I grabbed the ends of the duvet and pulled it over my head, wanting to shout at it, but I didn't do it because at such an early hour the walls in the block have incredibly good hearing, and I would not like to wake up a ten-month-old girl living with her parents next door with a good heart. . All I could do was kick my legs and soft purrs until I was relieved.

I will act like a grown woman and go there. As soon as he starts playing some stupid games or humiliates me again, I will turn on my heel and go out to him without going back. Even with your thoughts.


I entered the DDesign building confidently, not even slowing down for a moment on my way through the great hall. I saw the curious looks of the receptionists that followed me, but now they weren't as stressful for me as they were the first time. I entered an empty elevator this time and pressed the button for the appropriate floor. I turned to the mirror and ran my fingers through my light brown hair, which fell in gentle waves over my shoulders.

He's just another man in this world, you don't have to be so nervous, Mel.

I stepped out into the corridor and started walking straight ahead, looking around with curious eyes as I did so. Each room had glass walls, so I could see people working in their colorful offices. Several people in one room were leaning over the big table, fiercely discussing something. None of them even for a moment became interested in those who walk down the corridor, knowing full well that if they want to stay in the company for longer, they have to fight for their position with hard work.

I raised my eyebrows questioningly as I found myself at the completely empty reception desk that had previously been ruled by Eliza. I looked around once more, waiting for a moment for someone to appear, but it didn't look like it. I looked towards the large, no longer glass door and slowly walked over to it, which automatically opened in front of me.

- Come in - he said, even though I was already inside.

He sat at the enormous white desk that contrasted with his black suit, staring at the monitor screen for a moment longer before turning his gaze to me completely.

I'm sure it was monitoring and he was just watching me.

He pointed to the chair on the other side of the desk, smiling gently at the same time. I passed the black couch and sat in his designated spot, resisting the urge to look around the room.

- I'm very glad you agreed to come - he said, falling back against the back of his chair.

- You're welcome.

- You're no longer fever?

- What did you want to talk to me about? - I asked, completely ignoring his question.

Brunet sighed deeply and rested his elbows on the desktop. He saw that I wasn't in the mood for jokes after he behaved towards me. At least I hoped he understood it.

- I think we started our relationship badly - he said after a moment's thought.

- It was you who misbehaved towards me. I was just doing what was asked to do - I looked at him pointedly.

- You're right, I behaved ...

- Like an asshole - I finished for him.

Brunet lifted the corner of his mouth in a smile, even though he was clearly trying to remain serious. He got up from his seat and unbuttoned one button of his jacket in a moment, taking it off completely. In the silence, he began rolling up the sleeves of his white shirt, letting me watch him.

- You don't have to worry, I've already explained everything to Eliza - he said, and rested his hands on the top of the desk, leaning forward a little.

I nodded my head, still having no idea what he was up to. The smell of his perfume and his bloody sexy look were too confusing for me to focus on anything else.

- How about if we start all over again? - he asked, smiling to himself.

Fuck the businessmen.