

Amelia Rosi is a very ambitious and talented girl. By meeting a wealthy businessman, the door to her dreams opens for her. But will she be brave enough to get out of her comfort zone? **** - Good morning, Miss Rosi - he muttered and passed me by accidentally nudging me. This gentle blow was enough for me to stagger and fall down from my squat to my knees. I closed my eyes at the mere thought of how pathetic it must have looked when I landed with the cloth straight under his feet. - You don't have to worry about that - he said, looking down at me with a ferocious smile. Only when I lifted my head and on the way noticed that the button in his pants was unfastened, and the shirt was being buttoned, I understood what he meant. I leaned back as if I was burned, rolling my eyes in the process. - It was inappropriate - I pointed out to him. ****

Ania_Madejska · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

- What do you mean by that? - I asked, looking at him curiously.

Brunet pushed himself from the desk and headed towards me with a gallant step.

- Nathaniel Davison - introduced himself, extending his hand towards me.

- Amelia Rosi - I offered him my hand, and he gently grabbed my fingers and directed it to his mouth. He brushed his warm lips against my skin, then gave me a short smile.

- I suggest that we completely forget about the last month. We will relive it, but on the right path of the relationship - he said, his eyes never leaving me.

- Do you have any special offer for me? - I asked as I tucked an unruly strand of hair behind my ear.

It sounded pitiful.

Brunet laughed softly and looked at me with amused eyes.

- I've noticed you want a well-paid job, and cleaning someone's house isn't what you'd like to do for the rest of your life - he said and took a few steps to the side to lean his butt against the edge of the desk.

- Yes, I have definitely other plans.

- Without hitting, I confess that I didn't even look at your portfolio. I prefer to personally test the skills of my future employees due to the fact that a portfolio can be created over a long period of time and our company cannot afford it - he looked at me significantly.

Oh shit, at this point I think I was at the right job interview.

- Then what should I do?

- You will prepare one of the projects at all stages. From the functional layout to the investor's cost estimate. You'll have a week for that, and we'll talk again later.

- Place and type of project to be chosen by me?

- I'll email you all the details tonight - he nodded.

I smiled gently under my breath and picked it up from the comfortable armchair. At last, I got the opportunity to prove myself and I am not going to lose this chance. I will prepare a project for him that he will begin to regret that he did not want to see me earlier.

- So that's it? - I asked, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

- Yes, I think so.

Our heads turned to the door as we heard the clatter of heels and the short beep of the reader. Eliza appeared on the threshold, as always elegantly dressed in one of the expensive dresses, and immediately she looked at me.

- How good I found you here, Amelia - she said, and turned toward me, shaking her hips as she did so. - Nath told me what the situation with the necklace really looked like and I wanted to apologize to you for jumping at you.

I just nodded my head, not having any idea whether or not I should get into any discussion with her, noting the unsatisfied face of the brunet. He looked at Eliza from under the bull, as if knowing her intentions well.

- So I'm waiting for your email and thank you for giving me a chance - I said, smiling shyly at him.

- Don't thank me yet. We'll see when you do well and then I'll decide what to do with you.


- Honey, I think this is the right time to tell Amelia about our second offer - Eliza grabbed my arm as I started to walk out.

Looking at the man, I saw him straighten his back and narrow his eyes, evidently nervous that the woman had added something else. He shook his head no and pushed himself off the desk, then slipped his hands into the pockets of his suit pants.

- And I think you should ask me first. Thank you Miss Rosi, you can go now - he said rather unkindly.

- No Amelia, please stay a moment longer - she stopped me again, this time without letting go of her hand, in case I would rather listen to the brunet. - We've talked about it many times and I've made up my mind.

The man huffed something under his breath, then looked up at her nervously. He looked as if he wished she had interrupted our conversation and started on a topic that was probably uncomfortable for her.

- Sorry, but I'm in a hurry to go to work - I said, glancing briefly at the watch on my wrist.

If they are going to argue now, I'd rather stay away from them so I won't get hit again for no reason.

- It won't take long. Please sit on the couch - the blonde pointed at a black piece of furniture, and a moment later she sat down on it herself.

- No Eliza, I do not agree with your decision - the brunette raised his voice, at which the woman looked at him with a strange expression on his face.

Everyone in the room fell silent as if on cue, so you could hear soft murmurs coming from the corridor. The man exhaled loudly from his mouth and rubbed his neck with his hand, he went to the large window. Eliza got up from her seat and walked over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

- Just look me in the eye and admit that you don't want to have a baby with me and that is the reason why you disagree with my decision.

I raised my eyebrows, looking at the two discreetly. Are they really going to run their private business with me now? I understand that Eliza is not disturbed by the presence of third parties, because I managed to find out about it while working for them at home, but the brunet's reaction spoke for itself. He looked over his shoulder at me, as if to check how many of her questions I heard.

I ran my hand over my leg, feeling uncomfortable with the whole situation.

- You know it's not like that, Eliza. I just don't understand why you insisted on it so much - he said softly, but still enough for me to hear everything.

- I care about it, and so do your father, and you know very well that he may not be looking forward to a grandson otherwise.

- You had other candidates, don't change your mind now. Not Amelia, I disagree, do you understand? - He clenched his hands into fists, then crossed them over his chest.

Hope what I think is not what they are talking about.

- Why? She has everything we need and if she agrees, there will be no problem with her.

- Sorry, but I really have to go - I said, and got up from the couch, walking quickly towards the door.

- You see? You scared her - he growled low, shaking his head in frustration.

- Amelia, I'm only asking for five minutes. I'm already talking about it - she looked at me pleadingly, completely oblivious to her fiancé, who refrained from exploding in my presence.

I guess if I hadn't been here, a nice war would have started.

- I don't want you to get scared, so take some distance from my proposal, okay? - she said, and I nodded my head in affirmation.

Brunet cursed softly under his breath and took a heavy step towards the exit. He left the room, slamming the door behind him.

- I'm sorry for him, but he's been getting nervous lately - she sighed softly and led me once more towards the couch.

- So what's going on?

- I don't want to go too far here, if you need any details then we'll talk longer. Ever heard of something like belly rent?

- No, I mean that's what I heard, but if that's what it's about then no, sorry - I said quickly and got up from the couch.

- At least hear me out, Amelia - she looked at me again with her pleading eyes.

I swallowed nervously, hesitating for a long moment. It's idiotic.

- I really care about the baby, but I am sterile - her voice broke, thanks to which I automatically returned to my previous position. - I know that such an offer may come as a huge shock to you, but I think that once you sleep with it, you will find it makes sense.

- I have other plans - I shook my head.

Certainly not for a child.

- I know. You want to study in the States, right? Reading your cover letter, I realized that you really care about it and I figured out that you applied for a job in our company, because references for such studies are very important.

- Yes, it's true, but what does that have to do with anything?

- If you agree to be our surrogate, we will pay for your entire studies, including the best accommodation and livelihoods. You will also get the best references and papers that will automatically give you priority to get on them. This is your dream come true, Amelia, isn't it?

I parted my lips because what she said sounded unbelievable. Yes, it is definitely a dream come true for the fact that I would barely make ends meet, even though maybe she would get some kind of supportive scholarship.

- Should I rent my belly to you?

- You are young and healthy, so that's why I chose you. Of course, you would be constantly under the watchful eye of the best specialists - she assured me, and there was hope that I would agree.

There was a long pause between us before I got up from the couch.

- Sorry, but I can't do it - I said and shook my head. Before the woman could answer anything, I went out into the corridor, out of the corner of my eye seeing that she rose from her seat just like me, with the intention of stopping me. I ran towards the elevator, completely ignoring the fact that I was acting like an idiot. It was just too much heavy information for me all at once.

When the elevator door slid open, my gaze, as if out of spite, met the inquiring gaze of the brunet. I parted my mouth to say something, but not a word crossed my throat. I hesitated, seeing that the man was not about to go out into the corridor, and Eliza appeared right behind me.

I'm trapped.

- Amelia ...

- I'm sorry - I repeated, and with my head bowed, I entered the elevator before the door closed completely. I leaned against one of the walls and closed my eyes, wishing I was in a more peaceful place.

- I told her it was a stupid idea - the low voice of the brunet echoed in the room.

I said nothing, just glanced at him briefly before stepping out into the main hall.

- Miss Rosi - he called after me, and all the receptionists looked at me curiously. - Please don't forget to check your email in the evening.


- You're kidding - Viktoria screamed into the telephone receiver, so I had to take it away from my ear.

- I'm quite serious - I sighed and looked from side to side before stepping into the pedestrian crossing.

- You agreed?

- Are you crazy? - I laughed softly under my breath and adjusted the strap of my purse on my shoulder.

- Well, it's a perfect occasion! Where else will you earn that much money in nine months? After all, they will provide you with such a luxury that you will not have to worry about anything during these years - she said enthusiastically in her voice.

- Yes, it sounds amazing from this point of view, but don't forget that I would be carrying their baby in my stomach - I emphasized the last words.

- Pregnancy like pregnancy, maybe this whole businessman will fuck you too - she laughed.

- It's not funny Victoria - I pouted. - Do you realize what a shitty situation I found myself in? Now, forever, Eliza will look at me as a person who did not agree with her suggestions.

- That's it, simple.

I snarled loudly into the phone, clenching my hand on it.

- It's not as easy as you say. What am I going to tell my parents and Dominic? I'm going to run around town with a belly and then suddenly I will be without a baby? - I laughed softly, realizing how pathetic it sounds.

- You're going to leave anyway, so you shouldn't care, especially Dominic. When was the last time your parents visited you? - she asked.

- I don't know, Mom was about five months ago - I muttered, after a moment's thought.

Victoria laughed softly into the receiver. I was sure she was shaking her head right now, and if she had been here, she would have looked at me with that eloquent gaze.

- You will invite your mother first and you can be sure that she will not visit you for the next few months.

I didn't say anything for a long moment, pondering what she said. True, I wouldn't have to worry about my parents either.

- I don't think I'm brave enough.

- Think about it calmly.

- I know - I sighed and pushed open the door to the supermarket, nodding my head to the security guard in greeting. I frowned at the empty cash register seats and gave the boy a questioning look. - Okay Viki, I'll call you later, because now I'm starting a change in the supermarket.

- Okay, I'm waiting! - she clicked briefly to the receiver.

- Where is everybody? - I asked, hiding the phone in the pocket of my purse.

- At Dominic's, you should go there quickly, too - he said with a sour face.

Could it be another day that I would be able to enter into my huge chronicle of the worst days?

I pushed open the heavy metal door leading to the back room and quickly headed for Dominic's office. I knocked softly on the door and pressed the handle as I walked slowly inside.

- Something happened - I said after the faces of the girls standing at the manager's desk.

- You will not be satisfied - Iza muttered and fell wasted on one of the chairs.

- Come on, tell me what's going on - I groaned as the room fell into complete silence.

- I'm closing the supermarket - Dominic shrugged and threw a briefcase with papers on the desk.

I stared at him for a moment, then picked up a few pages, examining the neatly printed numbers on them. Debt for tens of thousands?

I put the pages on the desk and crouched down, hiding my face in my hands. Perhaps it would have been easier if that miserable chandelier above me fell right on my head.