
Genis Manifestation

Kaile an orphan and a seemingly ordinary young boy, was adopted by a loving family at 8 years old because of an overprotective father. Now Kaile is 20 years old, living with his loving sister and mother, due to an unknown reason, he is extremely overprotective of his family. But out of nowhere, an unfathomable woman claims him as her husband. And to top it off, her dowry was…Evolution! The world is on the brink of destruction, but nobody knows about it! An ancient being cultivated from a mortal, broke the boundary of their home planet, reached the zenith of her universe and even surpassed it, yet now countless years later as she looks down on the countless cosmos beneath her feet, she feels unfulfilled, taking a glance up and spotting the boundary of the reality with just a glance, she knows she can brake past it but… ‘’What’s the point in all this strength, if I feel this lonely inside?’’ Follow Kaile the Mc and Eleonor his first wife, as he and even the plants around him evolve, see as Kaile and his wives experience evolution and how that evolution affects their mentality. Watch as Kaile and his loved ones simply become overpowered, and find out the reason as to why the world is on the brink of destruction…

Confligere · Fantasía
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48 Chs

Chapter 8 Weird day at school III

Chapter 8 Weird day at school III

Upon arriving at the dinner hall, Sophia and Kaile got off the floaters at the designated landing spot.

In front of the two was a two story building, that seems to be longer rather than taller, the building its rectangular in shape and the glass is see through. 

Upon entering the dinner hall Kaile and Sophia can hear many people talking loudly.

There is only one dinner hall per section within the school, so most of the time unless you specifically have permission you'll most likely never see another person that doesn't take the same subject as you.

Of course it's not impossible to walk from section to section, but that would take hours depending on the distance you want to cross, so it's become like a silent rule that unless allowed, one isn't supposed to walk across the campus.

As the floaters are controlled by AI you cannot drive them anywhere, they only ever have two options, and when your next lesson starts that involves a different section, the floater will automatically take you there without asking you for it. 

''Did you also get that Genis scripture too?'' A whisper was heard from a table not far from the line Kaile and Sophia were standing in to get food.

''What! You also got it? Damn I thought I was special or something, you know like in those novels.'' A shocked reply was heard.

''Yeah. I tried to read it but it just pissed me off so I stopped after a few tries.''

Conversations like this were heard all throughout the dinner hall.

Kaile and Sophia got to the people surviving food. It took almost 10 minutes when usually it doesn't even take half of that.

''What happened?'' Kaile asked the plump dinner lady called Jessica.

Jessica has light brown short hair that reaches her shoulders, it's currently tied up in a bun and has a pure white fishnet around it. She also has light brown eyes that compliment her hair, her face is plump just like the rest of her body, it wouldn't be a surprise for people to think she eats more of the food she serves.

People often call her names behind her back, the innocent and gentle look in her eyes cannot be hidden.

She is one of the few people Kaile's willing to talk to in this school. 

In fact she could be called a friend to Kaile, despite what people might assume about a dinner lady she is only in her twenties just like Kaile.

'Why would a person in her twenties work as a dinner lady?'

Sometimes life doesn't work out, and you find yourself fat, and working in a dinner hall as a dinner lady, was the reply Kaile got when he asked her that question.

He remembered at that time the sad look in her eyes, and from that moment on he decided to make this fa- cough- plump lady his friend.

Who knows, underneath all that fat could be a gorgeous woman, this is something that is not all that uncommon in reality, if you look closely.

Jessica replied to Kaile's question of what happened.

''The chef was late to work today, he blamed it on the traffic as usual.'' She said, in an unbothered tone, it's clear she isn't bothered about getting fired or making a bad impression with her boss.

''Are you sure you should be bad mouthing your boss like that out loud?'' Kaile asked with concern. 

Sometimes it's hard to see the true nature of people, especially when you see that they have experienced the same kind of emotions you have. 

So Kaile didn't notice that Jessica's usual innocent look in her eyes vanished when talking about the chef, and instead a look of hatred could be seen, but the sadness in her eyes that spilled out was more prominent, and that was something Kaile focused on, completely ignoring everything else.

It could be said that Kaile is just looking for a fellow comrade that feels sadness rather than a true friend, otherwise how could he miss the obvious.

Sophia on the other hand was not the same, she saw the complex emotion behind that innocent facade, but she just ignored it as it has nothing to do with her.

After some time, Kaile and Sophia got their food, before leaving Kaile shouted in a playful tone towards the back where the chef could hear him.

''Tell the chef that the food better be good otherwise, I'm going to have to kick his arse today.'' 

Jessica's eyes turned cold, and her hatred leaked out from her eyes again, but Kaile didn't see this as he was smiling and looking towards the back, where the chef prepared the food.

''You brat. You'd be lucky if I didn't poison your food today!'' A joking tone was heard, coming from the back of the area where the chef should be. 

It's clear this isn't the first time Kaile has made such jokes. In fact the other person that can be said to be his friend is the chef.

It's not a joke to become a chef of such a place created by the world's top five countries, your skills simply have to be world class, especially since the people he is serving aren't normal people at all. 

Kaile smiled and walked away.

Sophia just shook her head in pity, it's clear to her something is happening between the chef and Jessica otherwise, how could such hatred come out from her eyes at the mere mention of the word chef, of cause it could be that she doesn't like the word but, Sophia's intuition tells her otherwise, and her intuition never lied to her before, so why would it now.

Kaile and Sophia took the food and sat down in a corner of the dinner hall, to the right of them was the glass window, and to the left side of them were many different students eating and talking about things.

The layout of the hall was simple, a circular table with chairs aligned it, each table typically has eight chairs, each table was three people with outstretched arms apart from one another, which may seem like a lot but with the amount of tables they are, it makes sense.

The tables were light grey in colour, along with the chairs that had pitch black legs.

People are unable to move any furniture in the hall, so no movie like food fight scenes will be seen here. 

Their is only one chef, as no more than 60 people will be in the dinner hall at any given time, it's like this to ensure the fastest possible time, but also a good quality of food possible, the reason as to why Sophia and Kaile waited in line instead of at the table like any normal rich person should, essentially given the environment they are in. 

Well that's simple.

It's a way for this school to temper the attitude of the students, as to why they do it's also unknown, but the family's of the students allow this to happen…

Save to collections so you can find the story again.

Also, this school section within the story is very short, only one or more chapters, the school might become more relevent in the story in the furute but who knows, i have many plans, but i know just as much as you guys, becuase i don't plan what to write, i only plan a rough skeleton on how a chapter might go, with a flushed out world narrative.

I plan for this story to be quite long, but lets see.

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