
The shadows (4)

As Spike noticed the letter. He picks up and saw that it was addressed to Dennis, but the sender was in the name of Maxwell.

"Maxwell? That crazy doctor should be dead..."

Spike said. He then opens the letter and starts reading it. The others then joined him to understand it.

"Dear Dennis... If you read this, it means that you made it back to Valhalla at the time of need. Ever since you left, this world has gone mad. Your enemies awaits in every corner while I wait for you in the coldest of places. See you soon, signed Maxwell."

After Spike finished reading the letter. He folded it and placed in his left front pocket. They then headed out in search for Dennis. Once they stepped out, they saw Dj alongside Icarus. Galloping towards the main city.

"So, where do guys think Dennis could be?"

Donte asked.

"Well, If I understood something from knowing Dennis... He would be stuck in a cage or chained into a wall in the most obvious building..."

Spike said. Once he said it, they all heard a bell ringing in the distance.

"Well let's go, Dj probably heading there right now."

Dwight said. They all then went on the move and followed Dj and Icarus.

Meanwhile in the center of the city of Valhalla. There were a bunch of people wearing black cloaks and formed a circle around a pole. On that rod, they had Dennis tied up and unconscious. The people in black cloaks began talking to one another, giving ideas to what to do with Dennis, but as they kept talking, they said a few things out loud.

"What should we do with him?"

"We must offer him to the gods!!"

"I believe we should burn him alive!!"

Dennis was able to hear all this, and he opened his eyes. He then saw the people in black cloaks and attempted to move forward to soon realize he was chained up on a pole.

"Who are you people and what do you want!?!"

Dennis asked. The people then began to talk to one another, and it was irritating Dennis to the point he could kill someone.

"I don't got time for this!!"

Dennis said. He then attempted free himself with his own strength, but the chains where to tight for him to set himself free. One amongst the people in cloak walked up to Dennis and slapped him the face.

"Stop struggling your insolent fool!! Accept your faith and become one with the gods!!"

The person said. Dennis then spats out blood and his left eye started to glow.

"Gods? You going to offer me to them!?"

Dennis asked. The person then nods, and Dennis began to get desperate. He attempted to use fire on his hands to melt the chains, but it had no effect. The chains absorbed the fire and it strengthen itself. Making it even harder to brake.

"I told you to stop struggling!!"

The guy said. He was going to slap Dennis once more, but Dennis looked him in the eye, and he stopped. The person froze as was having a second thought, then he went into fear after realizing Dennis death stare. At the time, Dennis only knew was anger. His anger allowed him to stand up and focus his strength to break himself free, but the chains were too strong.

"Release me or I will kill all you right here!"

Dennis said at the people. But they didn't take him seriously. One amongst the crowd said something out loud that made everyone take a step forward.

"Restrain him!"

The person said. Everyone went on to Dennis to restrain him, but Dennis had enough.


Ad Dennis called out his weapon. A sword appeared from behind and cut down the chains. Allowing him to be free. He then turns around and grabs his weapon and set himself ready for battle, but before he could take action a lightning bolt landed on the rod, and they all stopped approaching Dennis.

"He has arrived!"

A person amongst the crowd said. They all then kneeled as someone was descending from the sky.

"What in the world is going on?"

Dennis asked himself. Soon he felt a presence that is very similar to his enemies and turned around to see a man dressed as craftsman while having light cyan hair with dark blue eyes with a skin pale skin tone.

"Who the hell are you?"

Dennis asked. As the craftsman landed on the tip of the rod. He stood there with on foot while having the other one resting in the air.

"Me? I am the one that brought you here..."

The craftsman said. Dennis got confused for a moment that made him drop his guard.

"You brought me here...?"

Dennis asked. The craftsman then nodded at him and Dennis facepalmed himself.

"By the gods of the almighty... What do you want from me?"

Dennis asked. Trying to get answers, but the craftsman didn't answer. It then forced Dennis into the offensive, getting himself ready for a quick attack by leaning himself forward we with his left leg.

"You see... You have something very important with you, and I want it..."

The craftsman said. Dennis didn't trust the person for a moment and started to move forward. He ran towards the rod, jump, and kicked it. Causing a vibration to move inside it, breaking the balance of the craftsman. He fell, but he was able to recover midair with a flip and landed on its own two feet.

"Not bad, tell me, who are you?"

The craftsman asked.

"I can go by many names amongst my friends, but everyone this day's just calls me Dennis."

"Well then Dennis... My name is Regin, and I came here to claim your soul into my collection!"

Regin said to Dennis.

"Wait a minute that's a name of a god... I thought I wasn't going to find none around here!"

Dennis said. He raised up his sword and was getting ready for the worst to come.

"I was recently reincarnated into this world, and I was giving the order to destroy it!!"

Regin said. He then snapped his fingers and all the people that were wearing cloaks turned into armored shadows while the one that hurt Dennis turned into a bigger version of it, but with a mark on its chest.

"Now, I can spare your life if you give me what I want, but if you refuse, I'll take it from your cold dead body..."

Regin said with a smile on his face. Dennis then closed his eyes and began to walk forward Regin.

"I rather take your head right now... You slowly getting into my nerves..."

Dennis said. He then opened his eyes and only his left eye was glowing. He looked at Regin for a few seconds, then turned around to see the one that is the second in command.

"This going to take a while..."

Dennis said to himself. After that, he threw his sword at the ns that had the mark and charged in with a flaming fist on his left hand.