
Regin (part 1)

As Dennis charged in at the ns with the mark on its chest. His sword was almost about to make contact, but Dennis then snapped his middle finger and switched places with it. Making that, his punch lands first, then his sword. The ns got pushed back and received a dent in its armor. Then he turned around, grabbed the sword and swings it at the nearest target. Knocking down a few targets on a straight path.

"Capture him and bring him to the altar to the north!" Regin said. He then left the area, waiting for Dennis to be captured.

"An altar to the north? But the only structure in that direction is a gate..." Dennis said. By the time he was thinking. An enemy tried to capture Dennis from the back, but he snapped his fingers and switched places with the enemy.

"Come on! You want a piece of me?! Then come get it!!" Dennis screamed out loud. Incurring the enemy to charge at him with everything they had. As they got closer to Dennis. He was responded by casting magic left and right. Using the basic elements to what comes to his mind. He cast fire to burn down the initial targets, then lighting to create a chain reaction, allowing to paralyze his enemies while casting ice on the ground. Making it hard to move for everyone.

"Is that all that you got!!" Dennis said. After casting three simultaneous spells. He soon realized that his body was running low on strength. He tried to cast a simple fireball, but it wasn't enough to maintain itself for a second. The enemy soon realized that their target was reaching their limit and approached. Making Dennis feel cornered.

Amongst the enemy, the elite assigned by Regin stood up and created a manifestation of a shadowed sword and approached Dennis by itself while the rest tried to distract him.

Dennis was swinging his sword. Hitting his enemies in all directions by coordinating his movements for its sword with a single hand while making quick reaction each time an enemy got too close to him.

"Warrior chosen by destruction, you will be sent to our master by force."

The elite said. It then charged at Dennis, making him quickly react and leap backwards. The elite swung its sword at Dennis, forcing him to dodge every attack while moving back. Eventually, Dennis made it to the rod and stood behind it as his opponent cuts it down in half.

"You better not make another swing... Or you will regret it." Dennis said to the elite. He called off his weapon and placed his hands in his pockets.

"Fool, you don't have enough strength to stop us..."

"Well... Don't say I didn't warn you..." Dennis then took a leap back while they all heard the sounds of galloping from behind him. He then turns around and sees Dj alongside with Icarus on a mechanical horse. They dashed past Dennis while making eye contact.

"Dj?" Dennis asks. By the time Dennis asks about Dj. Osiris stops the horse and laughed himself towards the elite. Pushing him away from further conflict with Dennis.

"Dennis! Thank you god you're safe!" Dj says as he gets off the horse. He then sent a punch to the left, knocking out an enemy that was approaching.

"Dj, I'm glad to see you right now... I don't think I can go on like this..." Dennis says to Dj. Dj then noticed Dennis being exhausted.

"Don't worry, I got you covered." Dj said to Dennis. He then pats Dennis on his shoulder. Turns around and joins Icarus into the battle.

"Alright... Gaia!!" Dj shouts. Calling out his weapon to prepare himself for battle. He then punches the ground and plants grew from the frozen soil. It then turned itself into vines and grabbed the enemies one by one, tossing them around.

Meanwhile, Icarus was dealing with the elite. Icarus swings his sword at the elite, but it gets parried and the elite strikes with one swing. Pushing Icarus back.

"I must say, you've been one of the strongest enemies to invade Valhalla, but you must leave at once!!" Icarus says. He charges with sword at full speed. As he hears a storm brewing up in the distance. The elite stand its guard and prepare itself for the moment to strike. As soon as they were about to make contact, they both swung their swords at once. Lightning then struck down on them, making hard to see what was happening.

"Icarus!!" Dennis and Dj screamed. Dennis went on ahead while Dj was following behind him. Taking care of the remaining enemies. When they arrived, they saw Icarus on the ground while the elite was still standing.

"You are next." The elite says and points out at Dennis.

"I would like to see you try!!" Dennis said. He then screamed and charged in.

"Dennis, wait!!" Dj said. He tried to stop his friend with his words, but it didn't reach out to him. Dennis continued on and was feeling a chain break inside of him. He readied up his right fist and soon as he took a swing. A giant flaming fist appeared in front of him knocked out the elite. The flaming fist vanished, and it soon rained.

"Icarus..." Dennis says. Trying to call out to Icarus that was down on the cold ground. He kneels down and finds out that he is still alive.

"Dennis, is everything alright?" Dj asks.

"Yes, luckily, Icarus is alive. He must have been fighting for weeks." Dennis says while stating that Icarus had no rest at all.

"So what now? We should probably regroup with the others." Dj said to Dennis. He then notices a light coming from the far northern side of Valhalla.

"We are going to finish this fight and return to the house. There's something that I need to check before we get on the ship." Dennis said, then picks up Icarus. They then walked deep into the city towards north.

A few hours pass during the walk. Dennis and Dj ended up in an open meadow and see people heading their way. When they had a better look, they saw it was their friends. At the other end, Owen points out Dennis and Dj and they all ran towards them. When they meet up, Dennis casually greets them.

"Oh, hey, guys." Dennis casually says to his friends.

"Don't give us a 'oh hey guys'. We were worried about you." Dwight states.

"Sorry about that. I know you guys want to leave this place, but Icarus here is the only one that can get us out." Dj mentioned. Dennis then hands Icarus to Dj. To take a slight break.

"Meanwhile, we were heading to the north. I want to beat down the guy who caused all this mess." Dennis says. Spike then walks up to him and hands him the letter.

"What is this?" Dennis asks.

"It's a letter from Maxwell. Ain't he supposed to be dead?" Spike asks. Dennis then sigh at him while reading the letter.

"Yes... That's definitely Maxwell... Glad that his still alive at least..." Dennis then puts away the letter and looks at the cloudy sky. It was relaxing until they all heard a loud thunder hit the ground at their destination.

"What in the world was that?" Owen asked. He then turned around and saw a bright light in the distance. Dennis then gets up and calls out his weapon. He then steps forward and walks towards the light, but before he could proceed, Donte stands in his way.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" Donte asks. Dennis looks at his friend with an icy stare that made everything go silent.

"Towards the light. There is a god named Regin waiting for me and I'm going to kill him." Dennis says to Donte. Donte then moves aside, allowing Dennis to continue forward.

"That's odd. Did the enemy anger Dennis?" Spike asks. Dj then steps forward to answer his question.

"Well... It's more like what they didn't do..." Dj said. Then Icarus wakes up and taps Dj's back.

"You must go help your friend. Stop the one behind the invasion." Icarus says to Dj and stands up on his own two feet. He then walks away, returning to bridge. After Icarus left, they all went after Dennis. Eventually, they all cached up to him and continued onward to the north.