
Meeting with the Gods

Continuing their way, soon, they arrived in a grand hall.

"Ah, we have arrived!" Granham was somewhat relieved.n

This Ainz figure was polite, but she didn't want to spend more time in his presence than it was necessary. She had goosebumps from him like something was always staring at her back. A cold hand was grabbing and squeezing her heart. If she made a wrong move, it'd simply burst!

Just now, the group entered a sizable hall, decorated with eleven symbols and flags.

In the middle, is a round table. The room was inhabited by priests and priestesses, prostrating themselves ceaselessly behind each seat.

Only one figure sitting, a plant-like little humanoid constructed from wood and different plants, glancing at Ainz and the group, waving nonchalantly. Ainz just nodded, returning the gesture.

"Most likely, Wareharun. According to the reports, she is a demi-goddess, but also many consider her a full-fledged goddess. Ruling over the trees and forests." he recalled the detailed reports his subordinates wrote about this world, its religion, and the gods inhabiting it, writing a considerable amount about this little sprite. He should have expected this.

"Please, wait a moment, our masters will descend." Ainz nodded, accepting Granham's explanation. Slowly, the apostles lined behind their respective deities' seats.

"Now, this is interesting."

Honestly, what came next was an exciting scene.

Ten ethereal beings appeared, descending from the walls — males and females, constructed from divine astral energy.

Looking around, they inspected the servants on the ground; a few had chosen right away, possessing the individual of their choice, then took a seat. Others pondered on the decision hard before making it.

In a few cases, the ones possessed started to hyperventilate and convolute, even scream, before their body began to bleed and break apart on a cellular level. From their eyes, skin — even butthole — blood sprouted before dying a gruesome death — some also exploded in a gory mess.

Some of the gathered "sacrifices" couldn't bear the transfer and simply died from the strain coming with getting possessed by a god.

In such cases, the astral entities left the dead body sighed, then tried another body — the servants around cleaning the remains rapidly.

Then Ainz extended his hand and said "Please stop!"

"I have some gifts for you"

Ainz gestured to the Supreme guards

Then the Supreme Guardians took out 11 coffins from their storage. They opened the lid of the coffin.

"These bodies are artificially made especially for you. These bodies can withstand your force. You will not have any problem with it."



The gods began to enter the bodies. Some gods thought for a while then entered. The gods who were already sitting in the chair also left their bodies and entered those bodies.

"Ah! Are these bodies the same as ours?"

"Are these ours?"

"Yes, I'm giving you these as gifts."

"It feels like it's my real body!"

The gods began to examine the bodies.


"Thank you so much!"

"It's okay"

"Can you share with us the knowledge of making this body? Please!"Elange said

"Huh! Forgive me. These were made by my Servants. I don't know much about them. They may have used alchemy."


"There are so many wise men in your world!"


"Then that's why you can easily go beyond your divine realm?"

"Does that mean we can go too?"

"I think so, yes."

The gods are very happy about it. Of course, it is new for them. These are not like those mortal bodies, in them, they feel like real bodies. They have lost many of their followers to get mortal bodies. But now they don't have to sacrifice anyone else.

"We should sit in our seats now."


The gods went to their seats and sat down.

"Hmm, I see."


"I am Flare, Lord of Sun. I am the head of this conclave of gods you see before you. You and your fellow deities honor us with your presence. Also thanks for giving us this body"

"It's nothing. I am Sorcerous Emperor Ainz Ooal Gown. Leader of Supreme Beings. She is the Prime Minister of Albedo, Sorcerous Empire, and my wife. And they are Aura and Mare, the 6th-floor guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Also, they are Governors"

"I see, please take a seat." Ainz took a seat, and Albedo, Aura, and Mare stood behind Ainz. Supreme guarders stood around them

"Aren't they gonna…?" one of the deities asked near Flare, looking around confused as Albedo and the rest didn't take a seat.

"Ainz-sama is our master. We can't sit in front of our master."

"Hmm! Master! ... I won't be surprised. Granham told me that you hide your Aura. And according to your Aura, you are a Supreme god!"

"Undoubtedly Ainz-sama is the best!" Aura said cheerfully

"Ah Aura, calm down!"

"I'm sorry!".


"Oi! Can't we start? I am bored here!" not far from Flare, a rough voice came.

"Emroy, please, get a hold of yourself!"

"Tch! Who cares! Instead, tell us, bone face, tell me, Where is the black coat boy? If I remember, he might be your son and his name is Ragnarok. I want to fight him."

"How dare you talk to Ainz-sama like that!"

"Ah! Albedo calm down! You're talking about Ragnarok. He's busy conducting an important operation right now."

"Huh! I thought you'd bring your child ."


"In that case, we can finally start this discussion."


"First thing first, we would like to apologize and state, that opening the gate to your world was not our doing. But our fellow god, Hardy."

"That, we already knew." Ainz nodded coldly.

"You knew?" Flare blinked, surprised.

"Indeed, Apostles Graham, Giselle, and Rory told us about it."

Flare sighed, remembering the report of his right hand. "Yes, we heard the report from Granham." Behind him, Granham stood, gulping nervously. "She told us quite incredible things about your empire. Such as a flying castle, god-like beings ordered around by you like mere toys. Incredible things. Too incredible for even gods to believe, almost like her memories had been manipulated."

"I assure you, such a thing did not happen."

"We also found no trace of mind modification." two people spoke at once, a male and a female, only raising their heads once from the received tomes, then once again returning to their new reading material.

"Hmm, I see. If Ra and Elangle state it, it must be true. Having such empire then…" Flare looked up at Ainz. "You truly are something, Lord Ainz."

"Well, thank you, we take pride in our nation, and what our people have accomplished — but returning to the topic. What do you intend to do with the goddess named Hardy? She belongs to your pantheon, no? I hope you intend to make an example of her, or I will be forced to do so. In truth, it would be best if you hand her over willingly, so we can make a judgment over her."

"We have already disowned her. Since the accident, we haven't even answered her calls or communication attempts. Even now, her priests and worshippers have been banned from this city."

"I see…"

"As for handing her over. I am sorry, but that's impossible. Even if we would be willing to do that. She is a goddess that belongs to our pantheon. One of our oldest core members. Even if we could force her to come along, it'd require a great sacrifice. She is the goddess of the underworld; not only her followers would start to rebel and act unpredictably once she disappears, but she also regulates the flow of souls in the realm of mortals. Unfortunately, her role is crucial in the workings of this world."

"Well, that's unfortunate."

"Without her, the restless souls will once again walk on the world. Calling back to life the deceased, and when that happens, creatures such as yourself will appear. Please forgive me for saying this. But in our world, the undead infestation is not well received."

"How dare you!" Albedo stepped forward, her heart filled with anger. "Ainz-sama is more than a mere undead! Know your place primitive astral being!"

"Ugh!" Flare and the rest felt Albedo's demonic presence lashing out, making them pressure.

"Albedo, that's enough."

"Please forgive her. Sometimes they tend to be emotional. It cannot be helped, they are the children of my friends."


"It's okay!"

"I am glad we can be of service. Well then, continuing the line we cut. I know well the undead are not well-liked amongst the living. But I can say the same about unliving. They also dislike living. It cannot be helped; this is in their nature. The two sides usually like not each other."

"In your nature too?" Deldort, the god of covenants, raised her brow, all gods glancing at her.

"What? From his appearance, he also seems to be an undead being."

"Deldort! You can't just call a god a simple undead being. Apologize in an instant!"

"It is not necessary." Ainz waved away, even the chance.


"It is true; I am undead."

Everyone around paled, watching Ainz in horror. They only suspected this; now, it was confirmed.

"But... that godly presence!" Palapon gasped, watching Ainz strangely. It was like the endless abyss stood before them. Death and magic incarnate!

"I never stated I am a god, just an immensely strong undead magic caster. People think I am one despite clearly stating otherwise; it's up to their misconception."

"Then that religion of yours!?"

"Our people set it up."

"Then, if you are a simple undead, that means…" Lunaryur already pitied the people living under the "tyrannical" rule of Ainz, looking slightly sad.

"I don't dislike the living if you are referring to that."

"Still, that undead of yours. Undead are the bane of living beings, you can't suggest they can live with the living in peace." it was proven in Falmart.

When the gods neglected their work — referring mostly to Hardy — undead tended to appear, keeping the living in terror. In such cases, heroes of legendary tales usually appeared, taking care of the bane of life. Alternatively, the gods sent their heralds to get rid of the nuisance and restore order.

"Ohh! But that's the actual truth in my empire. Humanoids, demi-humans, and even heteromorph beings can live in peace. This also consists of the living and unliving citizens of mine. My undead is absolutely under my control, only attacking if threatened or receiving my order."

"This must be a joke, right?" Emroy asked skeptically.

"I assure you, Lord Emroy, this is the actual truth."

"Haaa!" All the gods offered different expressions. They didn't want to believe what Ainz said. But what they had seen in Granham's memories, and what the people had experienced in the territory attached to his protectorate, implied otherwise.

Their spies clearly stated those undead monstrosities didn't hurt simple people, only protecting them from bandits and harmful elements. Moreover, it helps with their everyday life.

For example, those monstrous, hulking undead carrying tower shields — death knights — were often seen on the fields helping with the heavy physical labour, serving as a tireless workforce.

The magic of those robed skeletons helps with everyday life. Monsters were walking around to help people. Dragons were serving as simple parcel service. Things their spies and their divine sight had seen all seemed too absurd to be true. Yet, they had all witnessed it first-hand; it could not be denied.

"Their world is just WEIRD!" Indeed, for the deities of this world, the concept of monsters, demi-humans, humanoids — moreover! — Living and undead working together were absurd. Even the idea of humans treating demi-humans as equals was unheard of in most nations.

"Tell us then, Lord Ainz. What did you plan with this world? What are your intentions?" Flare said

"But I want to solve Hardy's problem first. I have a solution for that. What if we seal her power? That way she can't use her power without our permission."

Everyone was amazed.

"That's a great idea!"

"We agree!"

"As a result, she will never be able to open gates again."


"Can you do it?"

"Of course!"

"So Lord Ainz, answer my question now. Do you want to expand your boundaries within Falmart?"

"I won't lie to you when you've asked this question. Yes, I want to."

"What!" All the gods are angry with Ainz

"So you want to snatch our place from us?"

"Look, if I had been snatched, I could have taken over all Falmart long ago. But I didn't. I want to do everything peacefully. Let's make a deal."

"Why would we make a deal with you?"

"Look, it will be good for everyone. I don't want to fight you in vain."

"Are you threatening us?"

"Whatever you think"

"Lord Ainz, we need some time to think about this."


"No problem!" That said Ainz and his team walked out of the room.

The apostles shut the door.