

"Fufufufufufu..." Ainz chuckled softly, a sound that echoed through the grand hall, almost as if he found the expressions of the gathered beings amusing. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and the tension was palpable as those present felt the weight of his presence.

"We are here to meet your chief deities!" Ainz declared, his voice resonating with authority.

"Ye-Yes," Granham stammered, swallowing hard. She could feel the overwhelming might radiating from Ainz, and the last thing she wanted was to provoke his ire. The Apostle of Flare took a deep breath, steeling herself before gesturing for him to follow. "Please, lead on."

Wordlessly, Granham nodded, her heart racing as she guided Ainz, his aides, and the Supreme Guardians through the temple. The air was thick with the scent of incense, and the flickering candles cast dancing shadows along the ornate walls, adorned with intricate carvings depicting the history of the gods.

It took a few minutes, but soon they reached a long, echoing hallway, the sound of their footsteps reverberating off the stone walls.

Scene Change

In a separate part of the temple, Hardy was busy marveling at her new artificial body, a creation of exquisite craftsmanship. "Can they really make an artificial body for a god?" she mused, her voice tinged with excitement.


"Their magic and technology are so advanced!"

"This body is perfect! Thank you so much, Prince!" Hardy exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy.

"I'm happy you like this body," Ragnarok replied, a smile breaking across his face.

"Hmmm…" Hardy pondered, her expression shifting as she looked around. "Now then, let's go!" she declared, linking her arm with Ragnarok's in an enthusiastic embrace.

"Huh! Where? Where are we going?" Ragnarok asked, slightly taken aback by her sudden exuberance.

"Hmmm… now it's dinner time! Let's go. I have arranged for eats and drinks," Hardy replied, her excitement infectious.

"Okay!" Ragnarok agreed, a hint of curiosity piquing his interest.

"Follow me!" Hardy instructed, leading the way with a spring in her step.

A few moments later, they arrived at a beautifully adorned terrace near Hardy's temple. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden hue over the landscape. They all sat around a lavish table, the aroma of delicious food wafting through the air. However, the atmosphere was oddly tense as they all leaned silently in front of themselves, the food untouched.

"AAH… There's nothing to do when you are a god. As you simply fulfill your duties in the endless flow of time, you grow increasingly numb, to the point of forgetting all feeling," Hardy lamented, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy.

"That's why you're eating?" Tuka inquired, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"Indeed!" Hardy replied, her eyes shining with a hint of mischief.

"Wouldn't a spirit such as yourself understand? After thousands of years,,"

"When they grow tired of everything and choose to become the seeds of a great tree, don't they?" Hardy countered, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

Tuka's expression darkened, her thoughts swirling with the weight of Hardy's words.

"Miss Hardy, you can keep this body permanently," Ragnarok said

"Really?" Hardy exclaimed, her face lighting up with joy.

In a burst of enthusiasm, Hardy rushed over and hugged Ragnarok tightly, her warmth enveloping him.

[Ragnarok: 60% Overlord, 40% Demon]

Despite the unexpected embrace from a beautiful woman, Ragnarok remained calm, his Overlord nature and rigorous training allowing him to maintain his composure. "Welcome!" he said, his voice steady.

"Ah! Prince Ragnarok, what are you here for?" Hardy inquired, her curiosity piqued as she pulled back slightly to look into his eyes.

Ragnarok glanced at the Dark Elves, who were still simmering with resentment. "You know why we are here," he stated firmly.

"How do you mean? I can't read your mind," Hardy replied, tilting her head slightly.

"The reason we have come here today is to officially quit being one of your followers. It may have been different before, but… after losing our friends and family to the Flame Dragon, we wonder why we ever worshiped you!"

"Yao, control yourself!"

"…Yes!" Yao replied, his voice strained as he struggled to contain his emotions.

"Indeed, but I will not apologize for it," Hardy retorted, her tone dismissive.

"Why not?" Yao pressed, his frustration boiling over.

"What a pointless question," Hardy replied, her expression unyielding.

"In which case, you should just hate me. There is no need to pretend I know your reason. If you wish for me to feel remorse…" Hardy's voice trailed off, her gaze unwavering.

"P-pretend?" Yao echoed, disbelief etched on his face.

"Is that what you think of our anger and pain?!" he shouted, his voice rising in intensity.

"Exactly. I feel absolutely nothing. Everything I do is predetermined," Hardy stated coldly, her indifference cutting through the air like a blade.

"That is just too cruel!" Tuka exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Cruel? What is? Survival of the fittest is the rule of this world. What the Flame Dragon consumed is something only it knows. It is not like I tossed you onto the plate for it. As such, I won't complain about that cute little thing being killed. In any case, I am the ruler of the Underworld. I guarantee the dead happiness. All of your friends, family, and lovers were merely transferred from this world to that one, and now they live there happily," Hardy declared, her voice filled with a chilling certainty.

The Dark Elves were visibly enraged by Hardy's words, their faces contorting with anger.

"Happily! Happily!" one of them shouted, his voice laced with bitterness.

"Happiness is not something the gods grant us! We have to obtain it ourselves!" another priest cried out, their fists clenched in frustration.

"You don't get to decide that for us!" Yao added, stepping forward defiantly.

The tension in the air was electric, and it felt as if a storm was brewing. The Dark Elves were on the verge of attacking Hardy when the Supreme Guardians intervened, their presence commanding and authoritative.

"You do not have permission to do this," one of the Supreme Guardians warned, his voice low and firm.

The Dark Elves bowed their heads, their anger momentarily quelled. "I forgive you this time. But next time, you will be punished by martial law," the Supreme Guardian declared, his gaze stern.

"We understand!" the Dark Elves replied, their voices subdued.

"Prince Ragnarok, how hard you are!" Hardy remarked, her tone shifting slightly as she regarded him with a mix of admiration and annoyance.

"Oh! Prince Ragnarok, I haven't been able to contact Giselle since your soldiers killed the Flame Dragon. Do you know where she is?" Hardy asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"Yes, she is in our prison," Ragnarok replied, his expression serious.

"What! You're holding my little Giselle captive?" Hardy exclaimed, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"Yes, you can free her if you want," Ragnarok stated matter-of-factly.

"Are you asking for money from a god?" Hardy retorted, her voice incredulous.

"According to our rules, no matter who you are, if you commit a crime, you will be punished," Ragnarok explained, his tone unwavering.

"How much do I have to pay?" Hardy inquired, her frustration evident.

"At least 10,000 gold coins!" Ragnarok declared, his voice firm.

"What! 10,000?" Hardy echoed, her eyes narrowing in disbelief.

"What!" .

"…Okay," Hardy relented, her voice resigned.

Belnargo was a city where people of every religion came to pay their respects to the dead. Many came to wish their relatives peace in the hereafter, and as a result, a significant amount of wealth flowed through the city. There were also numerous mines in Belnargo, making it a hub of commerce and trade.

"I'll give you the money soon," Hardy promised, her voice steady.

"Thanks," Ragnarok replied, a hint of satisfaction in his tone.

"Prince Ragnarok, I don't think you've come here for all this. You must have some other purpose?" Hardy inquired, her curiosity piqued once more.

Ragnarok stepped closer to Hardy, a serious expression crossing his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bracelet, its surface glinting in the light. "What is it?" Hardy asked, her interest piqued.

"Ah! Yes. I came here to capture you. But it seems the other gods didn't agree with this decision. So Dad asked me to seal your strength," Ragnarok stated, his voice steady and resolute.

"Hey, it's a hoax!" Hardy exclaimed, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"You betrayed me!" she accused, her voice rising in anger.

"It's your punishment!" Ragnarok replied, his tone unyielding.

"Can you seal the power of a god? Impossible!" Rory interjected, her voice filled with skepticism.

"Prince Ragnarok, if it doesn't get a little too much. Sealing the power of a goddess?" Itami added, his brow furrowing in concern.

"Then we're going now," Ragnarok said, completely ignoring their protests.

"Wait! Free me!" Hardy shouted, desperation creeping into her voice.

However, Ragnarok did not pay attention to her pleas. "We will release Giselle after payment," he stated firmly.

Hardy, feeling the surge of power within her, attempted to retaliate. But as she unleashed her energy, a jolt of electric shock coursed through her, causing her to scream in pain. "What?" she gasped, bewildered by the sudden backlash.

"This is what happens when you try to use your power without permission," Ragnarok explained, his expression unflinching.

"Guards, stop them!" Hardy commanded, her voice laced with urgency.

At her command, several dragons from the Sorcerous Empire swooped down, their massive wings casting shadows over the terrace. The guards panicked, retreating in fear as the dragons landed with a thunderous roar. Hardy's eyes widened in alarm as she realized the gravity of the situation.

"Dragons!" she exclaimed, her composure faltering.

"Then see you in the future! Come on, Dark Elves!" Ragnarok ordered, his voice cutting through the chaos.

"Yes, sir!" the Dark Elves responded, their loyalty unwavering as they followed Ragnarok's lead.

Hardy, feeling the weight of her impending defeat, called out, "Wait!"

But it was too late. Ragnarok and his party had already left. Hardy her heart racing with a mix of anger and confusion. The realization that her power had been challenged and her authority undermined settled heavily upon her.

As the echoes of their departure faded, Hardy clenched her fists, her mind racing with thoughts of revenge and the need to reclaim her lost power.

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