
GATE but warhammer (mainly krieg)

you watched/read GATE and must have gone "man there is no Warhammer 40K" same so I wrote this. enjoy the Death Korps will be a bit more lax in this story NOW BLOOD FOR THE GOD EMPEROR AND SKULLS FOR THE GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND

DaoistcNgNHn · Cómic
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12 Chs

The JSDF base

Riding in on a leman Russ, in a great coat and gas mask, it got Amim a lot of attention from the people of the base. the base was quite large, with an outer wall having 6 entrances as well as an inner wall. the leman Russ stopped with the rest of the Krieg convoy. both sides had their guns raised ready to shot at any moment but just then a man walked up to Itami, and yelled at him, something about 'refugees and brining in a random convoy full of solders and how that's not a 'good' idea.

in general Hazama's office, Yanagida informed the general of the soldiers that Itami encountered at the village, and which Sasawsga took pictures of. "their outfits are similar to that of the first world war Germans, but their technology doesn't match at all. so I think it's safe to say they aren't form our world's past" general Hazama's said.

"it appears so, also Itami recounted how that after 1 of their own died it almost seemed like they didn't care" Yanagida said.

the general leaned forward in his chair

"if this other force continues to act the way they do we may not be able to stop hostile actions, we have to open contact with them, somehow?" the general added

"about that, a soldier with the serial number of '365-759' or Amim as his men call him and he seems to be the leader of this other group that arrived with Itami" Yanagida said

"see if you can bring him to me." the general said

-Amim POV-

'A Commissar? or maybe an inquisitor of their world but I still believe that my men could fight out of here if necessary' Amim smiled as he thought to himself.

"good morning, I am general Hazama of the Japanese self defense force. it is a pleasure to meet you. and I hope we can begin some form of communication, and perhaps we can even open channels of trade. and with the technology you have shown we hope we can find something that is worth for both of us. also we are here to find who is responsible for an attack on our homeland. now, can you tell me the reason why you and your men are here, and what your plans are." the general asked

Amim, was to put it simply was lost on what to do here as he had no orders from HQ and didn't known what to say