
GATE but warhammer (mainly krieg)

you watched/read GATE and must have gone "man there is no Warhammer 40K" same so I wrote this. enjoy the Death Korps will be a bit more lax in this story NOW BLOOD FOR THE GOD EMPEROR AND SKULLS FOR THE GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND

DaoistcNgNHn · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Questioning of a little girl

Amim just simply got up and left the office, he then went and found Itami. Itami was showing the refugees around the base so Amim didn't bother him. Amim then took a second to look around. seeing hundreds of earthmovers, waking further through the base until he saw a field of hundreds maybe even thousands of dead mini dragons. and so he walked over to one of the many dead dragons, and took out his trusty shovel, he then proceeded to scrape off a few dozen scales off the poor beast then putting them in one of his pockets for further study back at HQ.

Amim heading back the JSDFs base he saw a little silver haired girl with a staff. (and like any good man) he approached her

with his hand on his Laspistol just in case and his squad at his back.

"are you a psyker?" Amim asked

"what's a psyker?" she asked confused

"ARE YOU A PSYKER, I MUST KNOW!" he yelled ready to execute her, even his 10 Grenadiers were at the ready.

she stood there shaking her head a little scared

"No I am a mage of lordo." she said

giving up on that he left the girl alone

Amim and his squad walked around, taking pictures of the base as well as the people there, then going back to the Death Korps convoy, then he and the rest of the convoy set off.

He Finally returned to the Death Korp base, finding the HQ tent he turned in his data slate and pic capture device. then the tech priests that were apart of the base's logistical units, looked over all the images in absolute disgust.

Then all the death Korp troops were brought into the gathering grounds, a projector was set up, with a team of tech priests working the dammed thing, as the regiment leader stood up near the wall.

"Now brave men of Krieg, do to the actions of one of our brave officers we now have intel on this new enemy and their base as well as equipment, now listen well men...…" the man said


"Men of green as well as faceless figures appeared on the same day as a flame dragon. They saved us and even aided in our evacuation. with rods of iron as well as staves of red light, and beats of metal, carts of iron. they faced a flame with no fear in their hearts" a woman said to a group of people in her tavern.