For centuries the dragons roamed the skies as power incarnate. Their flesh fire and their hearts stone. And the dragonborn conquered the known world riding incarnates of power, and now a young dragon rises again.
I was aware that something felt different, it was just a gut feeling but as i started looking around with my blurry eyes, i spotted a banner with three red dragons on a black field. I shivered feeling a sense of thrill and accomplishment which was followed by a wave of dizziness.
And in my heart i knew the reason for it, why not i am in Game of Thrones, and this is something that i always wanted. Realizing its implications my heart started beating faster and the feeling of dizziness vanished.
I looked into my surroundings well i tried to being more accurate, as being a baby i could only do that, and was surprised to find myself alone.
It was strange to be honest, being alone in the form of a toddler and with the passage of time also being quite difficult for me to comprehend due to the absence of a clock.
As i was thinking these thoughts of mine, she came into my view. I know i looked good, but i was not a model. Even then i was confident in my looks but compared to me, she was world's apart in every sense of the word.
And i think i first saw Rhaella Targaryen, the Queen of Westeros and my new mother, if am right.
She was good looking yes, with silver hair and purple eyes but it was not the aesthetic personification that she represented, but the aura of melancholy that she carried with herself .
I guess Rhaegar got that from his mother, all in all she was diffrent from normal standards.She looked towards me and scooped me in her arms. I just stared at her, and she gave me a amused smile and pinched my cheeks, now i was not a real baby so my reaction was obivious.
I frowned, but from the giggle that she gave i don't think it was quite a frown, it was more likely a pout.
"Now now viserys she cooed", I just shifted in her arms. She adjusted me to make me comfortable and started to humm a tune, this is what mothers do to their babies i guess.
After quite some time she left, she kissed my forehead and promised to come tomorrow. She was reluctant i could see that in her eyes, so i just gave her a smile or my attempt at a smile, it must have been quite good cause she visibly brightened and left.
From what can i guess it must be due to Aerys as he was quite paranoid about me due to the deaths of his children prior to me in their infancy. Only Rhaegar had survived, and he had blamed it at Rhaella.
Quite some time passed like this, Rhaella used to visit me whenever she could. I was mostly handled by my wetnurse, i was a quiet child quite diffrent from others but i detected no surprise at my behaviour from her. My observation skills were low or it may be that my behaviour was considered normal, well good for me.
Another thing of note was, i have not seen my Aerys or Rhaegar. I can understand Rhaegar from his depiction in the books, but Aerys i could not guess him. As he valued me greatly, as seen as he had prevented Rhaella from meeting me, well he tried anyways. Or is it that he has not yet grown suspicious of Rhaegar, for me to be his heir instead of Rhaegar. Well it was another good news for me, as that meant he was not in my presence.
I am just living my life in this cycle, it is comfortable if not a bit tedious, i am a somewhat lazy guy so it's easy for me to handle a bit of boredom. It also helps that the novelty has not yet wore off as i still feel that thrill as i realize the implications of what i have become or just where i am.
See i seem to have developed a habit of monologuing due to overthinking i guess.
On a side note i am stupid, i should also have wished for the power of gamer.
Author: it would be boring and more difficult for me.(Lazy)
So it was all normal life for me i had started to crawl too, then Aerys Targaryen decided to visit.
And as Aerys came into view and i cringed, his appearence was all right i guess if you compare it too after duskendale event, so defiance of duskendale has not happened yet.
So Rhaegar is not under his suspicion as of yet were my thoughts. But when he stared down at me, was when i felt a chill in my spine. Various thoughts raced in my mind at that time, none of which were in my intrest.
Though he just stared at me and it was uncomfortable, but it was bearable compared to the other unpleasent thoughts in my head.
Viserys he whispered, and left.
And i let out a sigh of relief.