
The Wise and The Singer

Chloe and I sat at a table while she ate and I looked at her and checked out her figure. She had some fine curves and to top it all off she had some THICC thighs. I looked back at her face and she noticed I was checking her out. I blushed and sat back in my chair then she giggled.

"You know, you're the first guy in a long time to just check me out like that. Especially on the first day of meeting~ If you want I could give you a blowjob behind that building for $20~" She smiled at me.

"W-What?" I blushed even more.

She laughed softly and leaned against the table. "I'm kidding. My days of doing that are over since I've been in this world. Now I teach an erotic dance class. Basically I teach women how to lap dance and strip in a way that pleases men just from looking at them. I used to be the most famous stripper known on Earth."

"I think I've heard of you before. Your name was...Strawberry right?" I asked.

"Mhm, it was great just getting all that cash from those men. Ahh life was great in my twenties~" Chloe smiled.

I looked at her and smiled. "I can make you feel like you're 20 again."

{Chloe's Affection rose by 12}

{Chloe's Affection Points: 24}

"Smooth talker aren't you." Chloe giggled then placed a hand on her cheek then closed her eyes. "I feel like I'm forgetting something but don't know what.."

I looked at her then looked at Kyu-Pit.

"She's definitely more mature than I thought, but she still has memory issues. She's different...like really different." Kyu-Pit said.

"Uhm...what were we talking about again?" Chloe asked.

"We...were just talking about going somewhere." I said then stood up.

"Ahh okay~" Chloe opened her eyes then stood up.

She went to throw here empty plate away and hurried back to me. We walked off and I looked around.

"So you live in Locanoka City. Pretty mid. Like my class average." I sighed then placed my hands behind my head then closed my eyes.

{Personality Trait Level Up! Funny Level 1!}

Chloe giggled and looked at me. "You go to school?"

"Well not really. I'm only there to help a friend out. I'm a no time student. I arrive when I arrive." I said.

"A no time student?" Chloe giggled. "That's the first I've ever heard of that."

I opened my eyes and looked at Chloe. She looked at me then smiled. "What were you like back then?"

"Me? Well I used to be really kid like and loved anything children related like pacifiers and building blocks. I used to also do cocaine and was addicted. Hm...Well I am still kid like, I love being pampered, but each date I've been on, the men could never keep up and it's sad." Chloe sighed.

"Must've been dating slugs huh? If they can't keep up then maybe they should step it up." I smiled then looked at her.

{Chloe's Affection rose by 11}

{Chloe's Affection Points: 35}

{Points Needed Until Next Status: 25}

"You get it, you must be like a dating expert~" Chloe smiled.

"Pfft...I am no where close to being an expert. I feel like a third wheel and there's only two of us." I sighed then placed my hands in my jacket pockets. "That's how bad it is."

Chloe bumped her hip into mine. "Come on now, it can't be that bad~"

"I caused a woman to dislike me because I sounded like her sister." I said.

"Oh my! You're worse than I thought!" Chloe laughed.

"Oh har har~ Laugh it up, it wasn't even my fault." I chuckled. "So where are your normal hangout spots? I wanna get used to this part of Elvania as well."

"You can always catch me at the park!~ I love going to the park, that's where I have my picnics. I love my picnics, but I generally eat alone." Chloe answered.

"God, I love your accent." I said.

{Chloe's Affection rose by 12}

{Chloe's Affection Points: 47}

"Geez, I've heard that a lot." Chloe smiled at me.

"Come on I'm being serious, your southern accent is so pure. Where are you from?" I asked.

"I'm from good ol' Texas~" Chloe smiled.

"Oh? You ride on the horses and listen to some good ol' country huh?" I chuckled.

{Personality Trait Level Up! Funny Level 2}

{Chloe's Affection rose by 13}

{Reached Acquaintance Status!}

{Chloe's Affection Points: 50}

Chloe laughed. "Don't get me started! I hate country!"

"Come on I know you've said yeehaw at least once." I smirked.

"Okay okay, maybe like once." Chloe smiled at me. "Not all Texans like country you know, and not all of them are cowboys and cowgirls."

"You'd probably make a great cowgirl. Probably do a good one as well." I chuckled.

Chloe blushed and looked ahead. "You'd be surprised on how good my hips can move~"

"Well then I'd like to see it one day." I chuckled.

{Chloe's Affection rose by 28}

{Chloe's Affection Points: 78}

"Mmm, you've got to be one of the biggest flirts I've known~ You've got a way with knowing how to stir me up~" Chloe smiled then crossed her arms.

I chuckled and noticed we made it to the park. I looked around and noticed couples and parents with their children. I noticed Kali sitting on a bench and tilted my head.

"Oooo~ Now this is interesting, you've got two girls who are compatible with one another~ This will lead to a special mechanic called Double Date. Double Dates can only be gone on when two girls who are compatible are in the same location. Double Dates back then work vastly different from Double Dates now. How? Well back then you could just take any two girls on a date and it would trigger a double date, but now the two have to be compatible. Now Kali and Chloe seem like opposites, but Kali is secretly a student of Chloe's~ She's learning how to twerk for whatever reason~" Kyu-Pit giggled. "Double Dates are harder because you've got to divide your attention between the two evenly. A happiness meter will be added only on Double Dates, but there is a certain woman who's Happiness Meter is a concept outside of Double Dates~ Ahem anyway, I'm a poke away if you need my help!"

"That's what I needed to do! I had to meet Kali here!" Chloe said and hurried to Kali.

I followed her. Kali looked up from her phone and noticed me and Chloe walking to her.

"Leon! Ms. Wise!" Kali stood up and bowed to Chloe. "I wasn't expecting you to be here Leon."

"He accompanied me while I was headed here~ He is a joy to be around from what I've seen so far." Chloe smiled.

"Oh? Well he helped me on some of my studies~ I like him from what I've been shown so far~" Kali smiled.

{Double Date Possible!}

"Hey, how about the three of us go do something fun?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! We all can do something together~ What do you have in mind?" Chloe asked.

"There is a beach somewhere close by if you two would like to go there." I suggested.

{Kali's Affection rose by 26}

{Kali's Affection Points: 141}

"I'd love to! I love the beach! Swimming is one of my favorite things to do especially on this side of Elvania~" Kali smiled and stood up.

"I wouldn't mind doing a little swimming and playing in the sand~" Chloe smiled then nodded.

"Okay, I'll meet you two over there." I nodded then hurried off.

"Okay! See you at the beach!" Kali waved.

"K, so we have a little issue. I don't have swimming clothes." I said.

"You can buy some from the Lovers Shop using your Lover Finder." Kyu-Pit said.

I looked at my Lover Finder and noticed a little shop option then rose an eyebrow. I bought some swimming trunks and went to a nearby hotel to get a room and get dressed.


I made it to the beach and looked around. I felt the sun hit against my chest and covered my eyes from the sun. I walked around then soon found Kali sitting on a towel under an umbrella. She had on a blue and white polkadot two piece bikini. I smiled and sat down next to her. "Hey there."

Kali looked at me and smiled. "Hi~ I got here earlier than expected. Ms. Wise is still getting ready. You know she has big...boobies." She mumbled the word 'boobies' and blushed. "I get a little jealous when I see her boobies bounce up and down and stuff like that..~"

"Come on, you've got...some good...ahh.."

{Kali's Affection rose by 46}

{Kali's Affection Points: 187}

{Kali's Happiness rose to 49%}

"You don't have to...you know...compliment me about my mediocre boobies..." Kali blushed and smiled.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late! I lost track of time!" Chloe ran to us and panted. She stopped and held her knees. "Now I understand how Krystal feels..."

"Well since we are all here, let's have some fun!" Kali stood up and pointed at the water. "Last one in the water is a rotten snail!"

She ran off and giggled.

"No fair...You know my breasts are preventing me from running fast..!" Chloe whined.

I chuckled and took Chloe's hand. "Don't worry, I'll stay behind."

{Personality Trait Level Up! Tenderness Level 4!}

{Chloe's Affection rose by 29}

{Chloe's Affection Points: 107}

{Chloe's Happiness rose to 54%}

"Thank you..~" Chloe smiled and held my hand back.

We both went to the water and got in. Kali waited for us in the water and smiled.

She giggled and swam to us. "You two made it~"

Chloe let go of my hand and I let go of hers. I felt water splash on me. I closed one eye then looked at Kali. She smiled at me then splashed me again. I chuckled and splashed her back. She squealed and closed on eye. I splashed Chloe as well and she giggled then splashed me. I chuckled and swam backwards and continued to splash them. They laughed and swam after me.

"Get back here!" Kali laughed then splashed me again.

I laughed and splashed her back then Chloe popped up behind me and wrapped her arms around me then we both were submerged underwater. She laughed as we were underwater then we emerged back up. We gasped for air then coughed. I looked at Chloe then noticed her blushing really hard.

"Uhm...we have a little problem.." Chloe said and I noticed her covering her breast.

"Ohh..! Ooooohh!" I looked around then noticed her top floating on the water. I swam over to get it then picked it up. I swam back to her and handed it to her. "Here you go."

She grabbed it then quickly put her top back on. She sighed in relief and smiled. "Thank you.."

"No problem." I chuckled.


We sat on the sand and I watched Kali and Chloe building sand castles. I chuckled and Chloe looked back at me.

"What's so funny?" Chloe smiled at me.

"This brings me back to the days I would go to the beach with my dad and friends...such peaceful days." I smiled.

"I agree! The beach is always so relaxing!~" Kali smiled sweetly at me.

Chloe's phone began to ring and she got her phone from her bag. She looked at her phone then sighed and stood up. "I forgot I had classes to teach. I will see you both later!"

{Chloe Locked!}

{Unlock Requirements}

Kali [Crush Status]

Gloria [Friend Status]

Lust Level 15

Funny Level 10

Kali looked at me and sat beside me then smiled. "I had a wonderful time even though it felt short lived. I keep forgetting that Ms. Wise has classes to teach..~"

"Yeah, but at least we got to spend more time together." I chuckled.

{Kali's Affection rose by 30}

{Kali's Affection Points: 217}

"Come on...you're making my face as red as a tomato~ If you want...we could keep hanging out." Kali said.

I looked at Kali and nodded. "Sure, I don't mind~"

"Let's do it then~" Kali said excitedly.