
Hijacking A Large Cruiser!

He knew the battle must be swift, to not let the other force take note of their appearance, and then pincer then from behind. Suddenly an idea popped up his mind, so he said:

"Change of plans, slightly though. When we attack that large cruiser, leave a couple of fighters here to monitor the other force. When they march to meet us, start detonating the bombs planted around the buried cruisers. Make sure the detonation occurs when these cruisers leave the star system, not before."

Rigo understood the meaning behind this, as adding chaos to the enemy's plan was always a good strategy. Even if they lost their surprise attack advantage, they knew the enemies' plans, and this was the best thing to use the plan of the enemy against him.

But the issue here was the timing, it had to be superb, not little early, not too much late.

"How about we leave Islinda here to do this?" Rigo asked, as Islinda was now staying back at the capital city, watching over things.