
Galaxy Overlord

Tao Jue, on his deathbed, wished for a more fulfilling life. He had died at the young age of 26, from a terminal illness caused hereditarily through the family. He had no one left, spent most of his life in bed living from his inheritance and only found solace in novels and shows. Closing his eyes and taking his last breath, he silently wished for a better afterlife. Once opening them, he found himself in space, and holding the strange non-tangible element of creation; with this, he can create and destroy planets, races, and be free to live in a paradise of his own creation. Quickly, however, he realised he was not the only God in the vast universe. With enemies throughout the universe and wars incoming, he must increase his strength and his subjects to defend his newly given life - at all costs.

Tang_Advisor · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Creating Hell

Tao Jue was slowly mastering his god-like creation powers.

While waiting for the creation of the demons, he had created himself a primitive flat meteorite structure, large enough to centre its own gravitational force, and enable him to sit down cross-legged, relaxing in silence.

With the creation of his asteroid, his next project was a viable moon, or moons to orbit his new home. Although he had no idea how to create a planet, nor was he a scientist in the appropriate fields, the power was something anyone with an imagination could utilise, even a small child.

Failing to create a moon, he sighed to himself, "If only I spent my time studying the universe and its wonders, but who knew this would happen? I shouldn't blame myself" He spoke to himself and continued to progress with his creations. Without much to do, he could only attempt to recreate a liveable atmosphere and habitat for the demons and forgo his expedition to create a moon he knew nothing about.


Years later, whilst sleeping, he remembered something he recalled in class many years into his childhood. The periodic table was mandatory to memorise for tests and evaluations, so he had repeated different elements and their various methods of creation throughout his school years.

Unfortunately, he had forgotten most of the periodic table by now, however, given so much time to think to himself in silence, the images had begun to clear up.

He now recalled the Sun was a creation of hot gasses, containing many of the elements he was familiar with back on earth. Although he could not create a sun with his limited and crude knowledge, he could at least attempt to create one, Afterall - what's the worst that can happen?

Combining his knowledge with his memories, he imagined the sun as he knew it. His core started to circulate the creationist power, and left his fingertips with a bright, almost blinding show.

Looking ahead of him at the humongous ball of flames, he thought it reminded him of Hell from Christianity.

An idea came to his head; He had Demons with no place to put them, and the Sun was just a project to test the creation of a planet. Perhaps he could alter its purpose to be Lucifers dwelling?

Thinking this way, the huge ball of fire slowly changed its size into a typical earth-like planet with flames protruding from the surface, but not enough to damage a being like Lucifer and his arch demons.

Now, he could see the planet's surface, a plain and barren land with fire covering its surface. Unless immune to heat, no being could currently live there. He needed to alter the landscape to his image of Hell.

Thinking to himself for a minute, he used his power to create various stone castles throughout the world's surface. Bridges rose above the fire-filled surface and connected these castles to each other. He only needed to create the necessary living space for the Demons and allow them to build their home as they see fit; this was just a project and his first planet, Afterall.

Finding himself pleased with his own work, Tao Jue flew towards his planet and into one of its many primitive stone castles. These castles were made with the famous Bodiam castle from England in mind, basic but sturdy structures connected by a bridge to the others, the only difference was the original Bodiam castle was surrounded by water, and these are surrounded by high temperature everlasting fire.

He sat in one of the castles throne rooms and sat down, planning to sleep once again until the Demons were successfully created.

He hypothesised that the Demons he knew were extremely powerful god-like beings, and perhaps this was the reason so many years had passed with their existence still coming into fruition. Afterall, everything else he created was almost instant, even Hell itself.

Slowly, he fell asleep with his head resting in one hand, sitting like a king on the throne.


Tao Jue had a creepy and unnerving feeling he was being watched. Both in his dream and in his physical body, he could not help but sweat and be uncomfortable, causing him to wake up earlier than planned.

He opened his eyes to a ghastly sight, a tall human with the head of a goat and giant black wings on his back. He was watching Tao Jue with reverent eyes, not quite understanding what he was.

Tao Jue, on the other hand, was looking at him with similar eyes.

Speaking to break the awkward stare-down, Tao Jue kept a calm and collected tone,

"Do you know who I am?" He said in a clear voice

Turning his head to the side, Lucifer, the fallen angel and son of God, spoke in an eerie deep voice, "I do not." He simply said.

This was understandable, as he was brought into existence by accident through his own dreams. Lucifer knowing the English language was likely only due to his own belief that he spoke it, otherwise they would have no way of communication.

Understanding this, Tao Jue acted instead of explaining. Raising his finger, he thought about what to create.

His fingertip started to glow and a multicoloured light flew out from his body, towards the corner of the room. A silhouette of another being appeared, another human-like male with old features.

This body, however, came into existence almost instantly. A man in his seventies with a tall six-foot 6 frame and budging muscles, wearing what looked like a butler suit appeared, he looked towards Tao Jue and smiled.

Lucifer, half-demon half angel, had his mouth and eyes open in awe; he now understood completely. He had been created just like this man in a similar way, by this God-like being on the throne. Unknown to Lucifer, the only difference between the two was that Tao Jue created inherited memories for the butler to understand. He was born with the knowledge about who he was and who he served, excluding anything about Tao Jue's old life.

The butler, Mikhail, walked towards Tao Jue and bowed. He was created almost instantly because his power was weak; well, weak in comparison to Lucifer and the archdemons, but if compared to a human on Earth, he would be treated like superman. This mere butler had the ability to smash through mountains and manipulate earth to an extent, as ability given as Tao Jue himself would no longer need to build things himself.

Smiling in accomplishment, He turned from the bowing Mikhail towards Lucifer.

"Do you understand now?" He said calmly, attempting to ensure he had the image of a wise and powerful god of creation.

Lucifer, snapping out of his awe, quickly bowed towards his creator. His knowledge was limited but was able to learn very quickly.

He replied respectfully, "Creator what is my purpose?" Lucifer asked, unknown as to what he was really thinking.

After a brief pause, Tao Jue spoke, "That's on you to figure out. I created the planet as your home, so you need to mold it to your liking. Understand your own power better and create a race, a planet, do as you wish. I only ask that when I need you, you answer."

Without thinking, Lucifer imminently replied "Of Course, Creator"