
Galaxy Overlord

Tao Jue, on his deathbed, wished for a more fulfilling life. He had died at the young age of 26, from a terminal illness caused hereditarily through the family. He had no one left, spent most of his life in bed living from his inheritance and only found solace in novels and shows. Closing his eyes and taking his last breath, he silently wished for a better afterlife. Once opening them, he found himself in space, and holding the strange non-tangible element of creation; with this, he can create and destroy planets, races, and be free to live in a paradise of his own creation. Quickly, however, he realised he was not the only God in the vast universe. With enemies throughout the universe and wars incoming, he must increase his strength and his subjects to defend his newly given life - at all costs.

Tang_Advisor · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Hierarchy of Hell

Shortly after his conversation with the newly awakened Lucifer, Tao Jue ordered his butler Mikhail to create a city space following the plans of conventional middle-aged infrastructure. Stone houses, makeshift bars with no alcohol, barracks with no troops and huge walls erected around the primitive and empty city were constructed, each city cantered around its own castle, with five large castles in total, each for an archdemon.

Mikhail himself had both knowledge and memories imbedded in his mind, so altering the landscape, finding and combining numerous materials and creating Tao Jue's plans were relatively easy and only time was required.

Mikhail did not question the orders nor voice out any opinions, as he was created to serve the Creator, and that itself was the highest honour, as brainwashed by Tao Jue.

Meanwhile, Lucifer was experimenting with his powers by attempting to create a race, similar to how Tao Jue did it.

His fellow Demons were still in their creation faze, albeit close to finalising the smallest details, and Lucifer believed he needed an edge over the others.

Recalling how his creator had made Mikhail, he sped through numerous failed products over the years Tao Jue was in slumber, as he did not understand a key part of creating a sentient being, the Soul.

Each and every time Lucifer created a being, be it a demon made entirely of flames, with large wings or a stone golem, they were mindless beasts that could only act on instinct, and not at all what he had hoped.

Fortunately, Lucifer was incredibly intelligent as expected as the son of God. He studied Mikhail and spent much time with him throughout the city building projects, and even assisted him in numerous projects, all to better understand what makes a soul unique.

Eventually, Lucifer and Mikhail became close and good friends over the years, and Lucifer got his answer after many more failed attempts. Finally, he created an intelligent life form, one that would later be known as the first Demon of Hell.


Tao Jue once again woke up from his slumber, this time recalling more and more of his lessons in science. With more information about the Earth's core layers, he could accurately visualise the creation process based off elementary and advanced textbooks seen within his memories.

However, he still did not have the confidence to bring it to fruition. Before experimenting with a new planet, he decided to check how the progress was going in Hell's construction.

Walking out of the Castle and towards the bridge, he saw a magnificent sight, one that truly amazed him.

A large city connected to the bridge extended as far as the eyes could see, in the distance tall walls were erected high and surrounding the entire city. Houses, shops and bars were apparent throughout the centre as he walked by, and fountains were placed within what would be populated areas within the city, with the water replaced by lava.

'Although this is supposed to be the land of Demons, it was sure one hell of a beautiful place' he thought.

After appreciating the beauty of this place, Tao Jue flew upwards in order to gain a better view.

Flying was one of the many abilities he had as a creator, along with the power to deconstruct any creation he had made, and any creation his creations had made, for that matter.

This meant that if he wished to do so, he could snap his fingers and erase the Demons from existence, not that he would, unless they had any ideas.

Soon after flying, he noticed the other cities throughout Hell. These cities were similar in buildings but slightly different in landscape and layout, ensuring no city is bland and identical. Within the last of the five cities, Tao Jue spotted Mikhail and Lucifer speaking while walking in the city centre.

Stopping to greet them, he spoke "Mikhail, you did a great job with these cities, exactly as I imagined them to be - well done"

Upon hearing the voice of the Creator, Mikhail turned around to see Tao Jue and immediately bowed, Lucifer also bowing in his direction.

"Thank you, Creator. I was merely doing as you planned, and with the help of Archdemon Lucifer and his Demons of Hell, the construction went much smoother than anticipated" He spoke with his head down.

Lucifer, on the other hand had a proud look on his face. He was able to create a race of sentient beings, even if they were prone to violence and anger, he was still able to reign them in so they could be of use, all before his fellow Demons could materialise fully. Looking towards his Creator, he also spoke out, "Creator, I was able to create a race of subservient but intelligent beasts, I hope you do not mind the name."

"The name?" Tao Jue thought, "Let me see them, the 'Demons of Hell' should at least look the part, right?" He spoke out.

Although Lucifer had no idea what he meant by 'Look the part', he nodded his head and called a few of these Demons over.

They truly resembled demons in every sense of the word. Tall structures, two curved horns and wings large and sharp covering its entire blaze-red body. It's fangs once bared were twice the size of a wolf's and its eyes were sharp and vicious looking.

'Now this is a Demon' Tao Jue thought with a smirk. In fact, he had no idea why he didn't fear the creature, as it truly was terrifying to think about. Perhaps because it was a creation of Lucifer, his own creation, but he was fond of them like his own children. Of course, he wouldn't spoil them like kids, but he wouldn't be afraid of them nor their appearances.

Looking at the smirking Lucifer, he also smiled and spoke, "These demons... are perfect."