
Futa, Fantasy, and Firearms

A gun nut gets sent to another world, another world with something a little extra.

mortem · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Not So Civilized Civilization/First Encounter of the Futa Kind

After some reassurance from Lucy Silvia was able to calm down for the duration of the ride. Amusing as it was the poor girl had already been through enough so Tommy was happy she'd relaxed a bit.

They soon passed by various carriages and bewildered coachmen. Lucy pulled back the bolt on the SAW readying the weapon.

"Easy killer," Tommy said to her, "I trust in your ability but anyone can have an ND occasionally."

Lucy nodded and begrudgingly let go of the weapon. Tommy knew that they could easily deal with any surprise attacks that may befall them. That wasn't arrogance, it was trust in his weapon systems and companions.

If Aleina said they'd properly receive the knowledge to operate their guns, he trusted that they'd handle their guns. After all, Aleina had already proved she wasn't useless, unlike a certain other blue-haired goddess...

Suddenly they left the cover of the forest and the town became visible. It was surrounded by modest walls that seemed to be in place more to keep out bandits and monsters than a determined siege. Tommy drove the vehicle to the back of a line that was waiting to pass through the gates.

He paid no mind to the odd glances they received due to their mysterious horseless carriage. Tommy idly grasped the steering wheel as they waited their turn.

Eventually, they made their way to the gate. Instead of being thoroughly checked or screened as Tommy expected, the guard barely looked their way before letting them through. This struck Tommy as odd; why have walls and a checkpoint entry when you're just going to let anyone through? Suspicious as it was, he pushed the thought to the back of his mind.

As he eased the DPV down the sufficiently wide road he noticed various shady people gazing at him and other passersbys. The men had a glint in their eyes that didn't sit right with Tommy.

"Stay sharp girls something doesn't seem right here."

He noticed Lucy looked unsettled.

"What's up Lucy?"

"I'm not sure... When I was last here three or so years ago there was a much happier atmosphere. Look at how the people act, they're keeping their heads low as they go about their business. And look at that," she subtly gestured towards a merchant sneakily passing a bag of what was assumedly money to a group of guards who subsequently nodded.

"You're right, this doesn't have the atmosphere of a prospering merchant city, something's certainly wrong. For now, we should find a modest place to stay. All we have right now is Lucy's generous donation, so money is a major deal right now."

"The inn I stayed at when I was here didn't cost too much and was clean and tidy. I remember how to get there if you'd like to check it out," Lucy pitched in.

"Sounds good to me," Tommy replied.


After a little bit of driving and more odd stares, they made it to the tavern Lucy had in mind. It was a quaint little place and the sign outside identified it as the Blue Palm.

Tommy parked the car and put the SAW boxes into his inventory. The girls looked at him surprised.

"Sorry I guess I should've mentioned. Aleina gifted me this ability to make things easier on us. I'm storing the boxes because I don't want odd people blowing their hands off."

The girls were satisfied with his answer. They walked into the Blue Palm and a little bell chimed as the door opened.

"Welcome to the Blue Palm how may I help you?" asked the young receptionist.

The receptionist looked them over and was confused by their odd attire and lack of weapons. She decided they must be a group of foreign mages or the like.

"Hi I'd like to see how much it is for a room here," Tommy asked.

"It costs 3 copper a night but we don't provide baths or food. We don't have a stable so any horses will have to be housed at a separate location," she explained.

"We'll take one room for a week please," Lucy said as she handed over two silver.

The receptionist handed 6 copper and retrieved a room key.

"Don't lose this or you'll have to pay for the lock to be replaced," she warned, "Room number 6 on the second floor."

Lucy nodded and climbed the stairs to the second floor. Tommy followed her and met her upstairs.

"Only one room? shouldn't we at least get two so you girls can sleep separately?"

"I thought it would be a good chance for us to get closer and maybe help Silvia gain some confidence," Lucy said, "You don't mind at all do you, Silvia?"

Silvia blushed darkly and looked at the ground at the thought of sharing a bed with Tommy and his beautiful companion.

"I-I don't mind sleeping on the floor," she offered meekly.

Tommy wrapped her in a hug.

"I can't let you sleep on the cold floor. As long as you don't mind sharing a bed with me and Lucy then I don't have any issues. Any man that wouldn't want to share a bed with a beautiful woman would be nuts," he said sweetly.

Silvia blushed deeply, "B-Beautiful?"

Tommy patted her head making her blush even darker.

"Yeah, beautiful. Your pretty silver hair, gorgeous violet eyes and you're gorgeous face, I'd have to be absolutely blind to think any different," he rubbed her wolf ears causing her to lean into her touch.

Lucy hugged him from behind, "What about me?"

"Don't pout lucy, you're plenty pretty yourself too."

She nuzzled up against his back.

"come on, let's go take a look at our room shall we?"

Lucy took the lead finding their room and unlocking the door with Tommy and Silvia right behind her. The three stepped in to check out where they'd be staying for the next week or likely more.

The room was plain yet well kept. There was a king-sized bed a side table and a place to hang your clothes. Tommy couldn't complain about the price. He'd be satisfied as long as the bed was nice.

He gently sat down on the bed testing it and was pleasantly surprised by how comfy it was. Lucy laid on the bed and sighed at the comfy feeling. Silvia nervously came over and felt the bed as well, and though her face didn't change much Tommy could tell by her eyes that she approved as well.

"Alrighty then, let's go find a place to store the car and see about finding an adventurers guild; those are a thing here right?"

Lucy nodded to his question.

Tommy led the duo back to the car and turned on the engine. The quiet engine hummed to life and he drove the car short ways until he found an alleyway. He drove back through the alleyway and found a small undeveloped area that would work perfectly.0

"Alrighty, this oughta do," Tommy said satisfied, "How about we go find that guild?"

The girls nodded and they started on their way. That is until a group of 7 guys walked down the alley towards them.

"I take it you lads aren't here to welcome us to town," Tommy raised his M16 followed by the two girls.

"Put away your fucking toys. Give us the horseless carriage and I'll let you go. If you don't, we'll skin you and rape your women to death."

"Blunt aren't you?" Tommy snarled, "Now you feel free to threaten me," he lowered the weapon and let it hang off the sling, instead grabbing the bayonet and the Sig Sauer handgun assuming a combat stance, "But you threaten to rape my companions?"

The lead man snickered and raised a well-worn sword, "The fuck are you going to do with a knife? There's seven of us here mister hero, you won't die valiantly here, we'll just cut you to pieces."

The other six men readied clubs, maces, or shoddy swords expecting to tear Tommy to pieces and rape his women while he bled out. The men chuckled to each other as their boss raised his eyebrow.

"It looks like you chose the fun option," he smiled a hideous grin.

Tommy looked on blankly. He quickly raised the M18 and christened the handgun with its first rounds fired in anger.

He shot the leader in his elbows and immediately ran up to him stabbing up under his armpit into his lung. He stared into the dying man's eyes with a look of pure hatred.

The other men were quick to react and were quick to be gunned down by Lucy and Silvia. The heavy barreled Ultimax tore through three of the men before running dry while Lucy fired precisely in semi-automatic non fatally downing the other three.

The leader of the men looked into Tommy's eyes in horror and began gasping as blood flooded his collapsing lung. Tommy without taking his eyes away from the leader's twisted the blade with plenty of force before ripping it out leaving jagged flesh from the serrations at the back of the blade.

"Say hi to the last men I killed when you reach hell and send the devil my regards."

He screamed in rage and drove the blade through the leader's eyeball easily piercing his skull into the main's brain. Stepping on the man's head to gain leverage he yanked the blade out and proceeded to wipe the blood and eye fluid on the leader's ragged clothing.

Two of the surviving men begged for their lives while the third had the gall to challenge Tommy.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done! You've just attacked men of the ruler of this place!" The man left out a crazy laugh before Tommy kicked him in the head before pressing the muzzle of the M16 to his temple. The man continued laughing as Tommy ended his miserable existence with a single round of 5.56x45.

Lucy then rushed to him and wrapped him in a tight hug.

"Are you ok Tommy? Why did you do that, you could've been killed! Just because we have super weapons doesn't mean we're invincible Tommy!" she weakly beat up his chest.

Tommy gently stroked her hair as she buried her head in his shoulder. Tommy saw Silvia look at him worriedly, but she was too timid to say anything. He gestured Silvia to come over and gently rubbed her ears.

"But I'm fine aren't I? I couldn't let that man threaten to do such horrible things to you two and get away with a quick death. Remember when I dealt with far more men to save Silvia?" he gently soothed her.

She calmed down a little but stayed in his embrace.

"Besides, I had you two covering me did I not? Take this as a sign of my trust in your abilities."

Lucy looked up at him and he leaned down to kiss her, "I'm sorry to worry you."

Lucy pouted, "Do you think that makes it better?"

In response Tommy kissed her again, this time a little deeper and longer. When he pulled back she was uncharacteristically blushing fiercely.

To make things even Tommy leaned down and kissed Silvia deeply as well. He felt a slight throb against himself but paid it no mind.

He broke off the kiss with saliva trailing between their lips.

"You know, maybe we oughta just head in for the day. After all, a lot's happened."

The two girls nuzzled into him and nodded. Neither of them separated from him as they made their way back to the inn. They faced no more trouble on their way back and were able to make it back to their room.


"Tommy, can you wait in the hall for a few minutes?"

"I guess, could I ask why?"

"No," Lucy pushed him into the hall and shut the door.

He stood there for a few minutes before Lucy called for him to come in.

When he entered the room he saw the two women sitting on the bed braless.

Tommy couldn't help but whistle at the sight of the two gorgeous women barring their perky breasts to him.

Poor Silvia was blushing brighter than the sun and kept looking at the floor.

"Lucy didn't force you into this did she, Silvia?"


"No... I wanted this too..." the brightly blushing futa replied as she averted her gaze.

Tommy didn't need further coercion. He beamed his equipment and weapons into his storage and approached the two girls. A gentleman he may be he wouldn't deny his urges when presented with two consenting beauties.

"What part about wanting to earn your love did you two not understand?" he said jokingly.

"If saving two maidens from rape isn't enough to earn their hearts what is?" Lucy asked and Silvia nodded.

Tommy sat on the edge of the bed and Lucy unbuttoned his uniform shirt. She took it off and rubbed his chest. Tommy responded by grasping her breasts in his hands and rubbing her nipples with his palms. She moaned quietly so he rubbed with more force making her moan louder.

Silvia looked on awkwardly, wanting to join in but not quite knowing how. Tommy saw her specially designed panties begin to strain against the slowly awakening python inside. Lucy noticed as well and rubbed Silvia's balls through the silky fabric.

"Ohhh..." Silvia moaned sweetly.

"Take off your panties Silvia, I want to see it," Lucy asked in a sweet almost motherly tone as she removed her hand.

Silvia bit her lip but complied, slowly lowering the panties until her rod sprung free and wetly slapped against her stomach before standing at attention. A drop of precum lazily rolled down her length to her balls.

As Tommy watched that happen Lucy grabbed one of his currently occupied hands. Lucy could see uncertainty in his eyes as she gently led his hand to Silvia's length. He hesitantly grasped it, careful not to hurt her.

Silvia was blushing a fierce crimson as Tommy tentatively grasped her cock. It was hard like steel yet had a softness to it that clashed perfectly.

If he thought it had felt warm when he had held it before he was wrong. Her rod felt hot as it throbbed gently with her heartbeat in its arousal. She bit her lip as she looked at him too shy to ask for more, yet with need clear to see in her eyes.

Lucy leaned close to Tommy's ear, "Can't you see how hard she is? She must be aching for you to give her a hand," Tommy shivered as she spoke into his ear.

He steadied his resolve and gently stroked up Silvia's cock. He carefully rubbed up to her frenulum and then massaged her glans with her softly moaning all the while. When he paid special attention to her glans her moaning grew louder as she blissfully closed her eyes in enjoyment. Lucy ran her hand down her panties as Tommy continued to rub her nipple.

Silvia let out a louder moan as Tommy rubbed his way up her crown, and finally gently rubbed her head. He was surprised to find he was getting aroused at this. He wasn't gay, but her cock was just so feminine and beautiful... It fit so well that she would look odd without it.

"T-Tommy," she moaned as she rest her head on his shoulder, the new sensations overwhelming her. A bead of milky precum formed on her tip as he stroked. When he stroked up her head again her precum lubricated her shaft, and it began making wet noises as he stroked.

He worked into a steady rhythm as she softly panted into his ear.

"Is it good?" he softly asked her.

She gently nodded and buried her head in his chest.

Lucy bit her lip with lust as she watched the display. She gently rubbed her index figure around Silvia's urethra gathering up a decent amount of precum. Silvia slightly yelped at the brief contact with her incredibly sensitive head. Lucy then surprised Tommy by sticking said finger in his mouth.

His eyes went wide at first, until he gave in and licked the gooey substance off of Lucy's finger. He moaned lightly at the taste, it was sweet with a hint of bitterness to it completely unlike he expected.

Lucy lowered the remaining hand fondling her breast down into her sopping wet panties and then kissed him. Tommy gently rubbed her weeping pussy careful not to hurt her. He dipped his finger into it causing her to gasp in the kiss. He began to slowly finger her as she let out a deep moan in response.

She broke the kiss and a very lewd trail of saliva bridged from their mouths.

"Where the hell did you learn all this from?" Tommy reasonably asked her.

"I told you that I read a lot of books," she replied.

Lucy then cupped Silvia's chin and surprised the futa wolf girl by bringing their lips together. Tommy was rock hard at this point. Both Lucy and Silvia began to ooze more of their love as Lucy intertwined their tongues. As Silvia blushed deeply from the unexpected yet very welcomed kiss Tommy cast aside any doubts he had and bent down to Silvia's crotch. It was a new world, it was time he got with the program.

He brought his lips to her testicles and began to wetly kiss Silvia's balls as she melted into the lesbian kiss. Lucy for her part rewarded Tommy for his adventurousness by reaching down Tommy's pants and stroking his member. Tommy slid out of his boots and soon had this pants off. He gently pushed the two girls onto their backs on the bed as they both looked up at him with blushed cheeks and heated gazes.

Tommy rubbed Lucy's gushing pussy with just the right amount of force alternating to fingering every now and then as he came face to face with Silvia's cock. He licked up a bead of pre as it formed on her tip and gently pushed the flavor around his mouth before swallowing the sweet honey.

He grasped the upper part of her dick and gingerly rubbed her head with his thumb making her softly moan with pleasure. Lucy looked over into Silvia's soft expression before rejoining their lips in a passionate kiss. Silvia was helpless to Lucy's deep loving tongue-filled kiss as her tongue was played with and sucked.

Meanwhile, Tommy gently took one of Silvia's musky balls into his mouth sucking gingerly and lightly scraping it with his teeth causing Silvia to moan into Lucy's mouth. He briefly alternated before letting her now drool-covered scrotum from his mouth. Giving her balls a parting lick he switched to her throbbing and twitching shaft.

As his tongue pressed against the start of her shaft her cock twitched with excitement at what was to come. He held her cock in hand as he slowly and deliberately licked up the impressive length. At the tip, he swirled his tongue around the crown before sucking just the very tip. Slowly he accepted more of her length into his mouth before popping in the full head.

Lucy clutched Silvia's face kissing even deeper as Tommy's assault on her pussy deepened as well. He rubbed and gently squeezed her clit before sliding one, two, and finally a third finger into her sopping cunt. Having more experience on this side of things, he skillfully fingered her with a steadily increasing pace. Her soft folds tightened around his fingers sucking them deeper. He rubbed up against her clit with the underside of his index finger as he continued driving his fingers into her causing her to gasp and desperately suck at Silvia's tongue.

As he did that he swirled his tongue around Silvia's delicious cockhead like an exquisite lollipop steadily gaining more confidence as he orally pleasured her. He repeatedly teased her urethra as he caved in his cheeks to suck down on her hard length. He'd trace his teeth against her crown causing her to shudder as he went deeper on her length before gagging as the unstoppable force of her cock met the immovable object of his gag reflex. He was dejected that he couldn't accept her further but she didn't have any complaints as she sloppily kissed back Lucy.

The breathing of both women quickened as they panted into each other's mouths sucking each other's tongues for dear life at Tommy's pleasuring actions. Both of them bucked their hips up to meet Tommy suddenly as they climaxed.

Incredibly thick, creamy, goopy, and oh-so-sweet nectar-filled Tommy's mouth in large warm spurts as at the same time Lucy's pussy spasmed against the invading fingers. He drove his fingers deeper into Lucy as he swished Silvia's cum around her still spasming member as the women broke their erotic kiss and openly and deeply panted.

"Holy shit," Lucy breathed.

Tommy, not one to be a quitter tilted his head back and swallowed multiple times as Silvia's thick viscous girl cum slid down his throat.

"Wow, that was a lot," he said causing Silvia's deep blush to go tomato red.

The two women laid back panting and exhausted. Tommy lightly stroked Silvia s she softened and gently groped Lucy's breast as they came down from their orgasm. Although he himself hadn't gotten off he was more than happy with the strong sense of accomplishment he felt after pleasuring the two beautiful soldier girls.

He laid back between the two girls as they nuzzled his neck and chest. He wrapped his arms around the two and kissed them both briefly on the lips.

Soon he heard very gentle and cute snoring and looked over to see a completely spent Silvia sleeping peacefully. He and Lucy quietly laughed and shared a loving kiss with each other before she too fell asleep.

Tommy closed his eyes and soon fell asleep. It had been a looong day, after all, smiting bandits and rescuing a slave, to executing 7 more bandits, and finally pleasuring two beautiful women. What more could a guy ask for?

>Tfw no big titty futa girlfriend to let me nurse on her cock

>Why live

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