
Futa, Fantasy, and Firearms

A gun nut gets sent to another world, another world with something a little extra.

mortem · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Not So Civilized Civilization Part 2

Tommy was awake before the two girls. Leaving a kiss on their foreheads, he got out of bed and threw on his camo pants. He strapped on his belt and holster and slotted the M18 pistol in its rightful sheath. He buttoned up his BDU top and put on his vest before slinging his rifle.

Something was very wrong with this town. From what Lucy'd said as well as what he'd seen himself, something was off and he didn't exactly like the idea of staying in a lion's den. Having enough firepower to eliminate any opposition, he saw this as a good opportunity. Why not try to figure out the issue and solve it? Of course, chances were high that this was just him being idealistic, but again this was a new world.

If he planned to take on the town though, he'd need more than the ammo they had. At the moment they had 33 full magazines out of the 36 total magazines, 24 being PMAGs and 12 being the sturdier standard nato STANAG magazines for their squad weapon. Aleina had blessed him with an ability and it was time he truly took a look at it.

Opening the menu by command with his mind, he was met with an incredibly simple interface, he was greeted with a few options.

[5.56: 20 MP for a box of 50, 25 MP for 30 round magazines, 45 MP for 100 Ultimax Drums]

[9mm: 10 MP for a box of 30, 12 MP for 17 round M17/M18 magazine, 15 MP for 21 round M18/M17 magazine]

At the very top read MP: 500.

He was missing 78 rounds to refill his magazines, and it would be good to have an extra few mags in storage, as well as a metric fuckton of ammunition to compliment the weapons.

He allocated the MP as so:

240 MP for 12 boxes of 5.56

150 MP on 6 more PMAGs

90 MP on 2 100 round Ultimax Drums

20 MP on 2 boxes of 9mm

This completely bottomed out the 500 on a much-needed surplus. One curious detail though, is that the empty and depleted magazines that he'd dropped into storage to reduce weight now read as filled, having automatically repacked in storage.

The drums would be good for when shit eventually got hot, and the other magazines would stay in storage for when the other mags were depleted, mostly for extended firefights.

As he finished putting the three now full magazines in his backpack, he saw Lucy sit up and blink sleepily. He put a finger to his lips and pointed towards the slumbering Silvia. Lucy blinked the sleep out of her eyes and nodded. Lucy gave Silvia a kiss on her forehead before getting up, causing Tommy to cheekily arch an eyebrow. After shooting him a slightly flirty look, Lucy got out of bed and grabbed her clothes.

After putting on her lingerie she slowly shimmied up the BDU bottoms putting on a reverse striptease for Tommy. Tommy watched as she pulled the form-fitting BDU up and over her nice ass before putting on her belt a little clumsily, ruining the display. She pouted as she finally got it put on right and holstered the pistol. Having ruined the mood she was going for, she buttoned up her top as one normally would, albeit having a little trouble with the buttons.

She too slung her rifle and quietly walked over to Tommy, giving him a brief kiss on the lips and smiling.

Although trying not to wake her, it seems all the activity woke up the sleeping Silvia. She sat up in bed and yawned cutely blinking her gorgeous violet eyes before stretching.

"Goodmorning Silvia," Tommy greeted.

"Good morning Tommy," Silvia smiled and then blushed after remembering last night.

She quickly covered her face but Tommy'd already seen her cheeks turn a deep crimson. She got over herself and got out of bed, putting on her clothes without trouble making Lucy pout.

"Alrighty girls, here's the plan. First, we ought get some breakfast, and while we do that listen to the place for any information. I know something is off here, and I'm not sure what it is. Intel is very important, we can't make any rash decisions without knowing the facts. From what you've told me, Lucy, this place wasn't like this last time you'd been here. Something changed for the worse, our job is to figure out what exactly it is."

The girls nodded and Silvia finished putting on her equipment.

"Here, Silvia take these," Tommy said passing her the two drums.

As she grabbed the two drums white light surrounded her vest, before forming two drum mag pouches at the sides. She slotted the two drums in their new home before thanking Tommy.

The trio headed downstairs before stopping at the reception.

"Excuse me miss, where would you recommend we go for a meal around here?"

"Ah, I'd say head to the Rampart, it's a tavern down the street and to the right from here."

"Thank you very much miss."

She nodded as they left, wondering what the oddly dressed trio were headed off to do that day.

As Tommy's group walked down the street, they noticed a good deal of unsavory individuals relaxing and loitering around the place.

As they walked down the street something caught his eye. A boy was standing in front of his sister guarding her against a group of men with evil intent in their eyes.

The lead man delivered a hard slap to her face throwing her to the ground. Before either of the girls could respond, Tommy was getting over there to protect the two children. He stepped in front of the men and the kids.

"The fuck are you bastards doing beating up children?!" Tommy yelled at the two.

"None of your Goddess damned business. Now get out of our fucking way!" The man snarled back at him.

In response, Tommy broke the man's nose with the M16's buttstock. The man howled in pain and the other few men drew weapons. Before any of them got within reach of Tommy a series of loud cracks filled the air. The three men slumped to the ground dead covered in holes.

Tommy nodded to the girls and drew his M18 jamming it into the lead man's forehead.

"The problem is, when you harm children it becomes my business."

The man looked up and into Tommy's cold sharp eyes, his piercing making him feel as if he was impaled by the young man's will alone.

Before he could even utter a squeak in protest Tommy executed him with a clean headshot. Tommy threw the corpse to the ground after wiping the barrel of the gun on the dead man's shirt. He turned to the two kids.

"Hey, you two alright?"

The children were clearly scared by the loud noises but the three strangers had just killed their assailants. They hesitantly nodded. The girl gathered up her courage and spoke to Tommy.

"Thank you very much, mister. But please, come with us. The guards will soon come and kill you!"

Tommy didn't feel like arguing. At the same time, this could easily be a trap. He certainly wouldn't put it past the bandits, con men, and criminals to use children as bait. He asked her to lead the way but stepped back to the girls first as they began following her.

"I'm not sure if this is legit or not, stay sharp alright?"

The girls nodded in return and they followed the girl and her brother. Soon they heard the sounds of men in armor running, and the girl beckoned them into an alleyway. The trio melted into the alleyway and made their way away from the scene.

Following the two kids, they eventually made it to a run-down residential area. A few tired-looking citizens went about their days clearly affected by whatever was going on here. As the five of them entered the house two kids were greeted with a warm hug from their worried mother. Said mother then looked up startled by the presence of the three oddly dressed individuals.

"Mom these three saved us from a group of men that were going to have their way with Selia."

Their mother's face went pale and she adamantly thanked the trio for protecting her children.

"I'm sorry I can't really afford to repay you, all I have to offer is my body," she said.

Tommy quickly assured her that wouldn't be necessary, "That's alright don't sweat it, I was merely lending a helping hand."

He thought for a moment, "Actually wait a minute," the mother resigned herself to what she thought would be offering her body, "We could use some information about this place. I would be extremely appreciative if you could help us grasp the situation."

The woman hesitantly nodded.

"This town used to be a very nice place, bustling merchant fair, even tourism from other nations. That was until the previous lord died under suspicious circumstances. Unfortunately, nothing was done about it and the lord's son took over the town. Under the lord's son crime began to rise, eventually getting to the point that the bandits basically run the place. The guard work only for the lord and his interests, and his interest is not in helping the people."

"I find it rather odd that nothing was done about it. Why didn't you and your family leave?"

"The bandits began taxing everyone but the nobles incredibly harshly. Now we can only afford to live here. We can't afford better housing, let alone leave town. It was such a great place in the past, but now only corrupt merchants and brigands make a good living," she replied, "Again I really need to thank you for protecting my babies," she hesitated a second, "Recently children have been being abducted frequently."

Tommy had a serious look on his face as he asked, "Where is the lord's manor?"

"You can't go there you'll die and your friends will..."

"Miss, trust me when I say that they have absolutely nothing on us. We practice a special kind of magic known as 'firepower'. After listening to yours and my friend here's story about how this place used to be, I want to do something."

He thought for a moment, "I may not exactly have a long-term plan, but purging the corrupt leadership, guards, and bandits is an excellent start."

When the lady looked into his eyes she saw the certain conviction and complete confidence in his abilities. Either he could back up his words or his arrogance was overwhelming.

Hesitantly, she explained that the lord's manor was in the center of the town and heavily guarded. Since the lord didn't care about the safety of the citizens he had a major portion of the guards acting as personal security.

"Do you mind if we stay here for a little bit? I need to do some preparing in order to make this work well."

"Please make yourself at home, it is the least I can do after you saved my children."

Tommy nodded his thanks and the trio went into the adjacent room to go through their equipment.

The brief firefight expended 21 rounds of 5.56 and the single 9mm cartridge. He took the depleted magazines and dropped them in storage for them to be magically repacked.

[Aleina I have a small request if that is alright]

He heard soft giggling in his head before she responded.

[Your wish is my command]

[Thank you Aleina. I've decided to take action against the corrupt lord and his men. To do so we will be going through his manor eliminating resistance. Could you possibly give us some MK3A2 concussive offense grenades and a small supply of breaching charges?]

[I believe so Tommy. Give me a second to gather knowledge from your memory about these devices]

After a short wait white light appeared on the ground before forming 8 hand grenades and four small folded up breaching charges along with a clacker, assumedly wirelessly connected.

He stowed the extra two grenades away, as well as the remaining M67. While the fragmentation divide could clean rooms easily, the concussion grenades were created with this sort of purpose in mind. While fragmentation grenades create a rain of fragments, concussion grenades fully utilize the concussive force to create a sudden and massive change in air pressure to produce lethal effects. They are stupidly effective indoors due to that nature.

Tommy showed the girls how to place the grenades on their vests, with the knowledge of proper use instantly being transmitted to their brains.

"The plan is shock and awe; a type of attack that entails a rapid and brutal strike leaving them no time to counter the action. We blitz through there eliminating targets as well as freeing any slaves we find. The lord should be captured alive for public execution, I can imagine it will boost the morale of the people and put fire in their bellies to help them rebuild anew. We are doing this like Saddam Hussein's execution."

Tommy could see cold determination in the eyes of his women as they checked the chamber of their weapons and nodded.

I have no idea why I found it so hard to write this chapter. I was picking at it like 100 words at a time super inefficiently. I apologize for a long time since the last update, but be not afraid as this story isn't going anywhere.

We've reached just about 32000 views! You all are amazing! I've written before but nothing of this level, I cannot thank you all enough. Knowing that there are people who enjoy what I write and continue to read it means this story will go nowhere. As long as there is a loyal following there is a story.

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