
Frozen awakening

"We found something that looks like it can make us some big dough in the waste lands of a forgotten world it's cold to the touch, wait something or someone is in that thing could it be the original inhabitants of te'gra ? or something else entirely."mirai tanya captain of the scavengers was sent with her crew to ter'gra a planet whose entire civilisation wiped by unknown forces,she being one of the surviving decendents of hopes to uncover the truth and any other survivors But what she and her crew found on ter'gra was a being whose very existence could forever change their lives and the universe.

Ralph_Fourie · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Welcome to the Aurora

" The Aurora is the federations space station base just above the planet audo, it is a sort trade hub, military base, academy and most of all home to immigrants like me."

"Iam a student engineer at it's academy during my final cycle, im currently paired with Jack test and Sheena mechanicia on the solar colletors ship (S.C.S). With it's captain being a senior who graduated the previous year and the doctor who was assigned as our examiner for our practical test of a scavening mission."

"Though it imperative that the doctor ,Jack and Sheena may have their minds messed up by the phantimismal entity attached to our rescue target I wonder what the director has to say about this, I hope I'm not held back due to this" Maxmimite Allider's personal journal.

Leaving the ship behind the captain,crew and their guests disembark the S.C.S and set foot on the Aurora space station of the galatic federation. The docking bay in full view is filled with many different spacecraft of design and origin but only the damaged Rex in tow receives the most glaring attention.

The onlooking crowds of many alien races on the top floors are filled with awe, jealousy from Rival scavenging parties, all mixed up together as some of them rush to the glass separating the docks from the passenger section and customs section atop of the docking bay.

As they walk down past the many docked ship they head towards a cylinder elevator that operates using magetism to move from floor to floor, mercury and Primus are amazed by the futuristic scene as it was nothing compared to their time on Earth.

Once they arrive at the elevator terminal, it's doors open and stepping out of it a pink skined humaniod voluptuous woman with small horns coming out her heard accompanying a smaller child like girl with long sharp ears and green hair that complements her snow white skin.

Mirai,Jack,Max and Greg salute and stand at attention as the voluptuous woman smirks then the little girl coughs and speaks with a mature tone in her childish voice.

"Congratulations, Miss. Tanya and crew, you have successfully carried out the mission and I say you have earned bounses all of you but before we get on to that mind introducing me to our guests here eh? Miss Tanya".

"Yes ma'am, this is Mercury Rex 231, the occupant of the ship broadcasting the distress signal for the past 10 cycles and the other one is called Primus he doesn't have any audible voice and quite possibly a phantimismal".

Mirai responds swiftly as she is ordered .

"Thank you captain, well can't be the only one left out here IAM the commander of the Aurora station leene lushthie of planet Aldo and the tall young lady standing next to me is m second in command Jenni Feare also from planet Aldo".

she introdues her self and gestures presentabily at her companion.

Then Jenni requests that the change locations to further discuss the matter"now shall we head over to the Top section to discuss this further, please come this way".

They all walk into the elevator following the commander and her aide from behind, once all of them had entered the elevator, Jenni presses a button on the panel hologram activating the elevator and sending it upward to the top floor.

Left behind by the elevator Primus seems disappointed as he is then dragged by his astral tether that connects him to Mercury's body pulling him up the elevator shaft at lighting speed.

Meanwhile in the elevator leene giggles with Joy and appears to very pleased by the findings if mirai and her crew.

"Mirai you have done well in your first mission I was very worried when you left for planet ter'gra after the distress signal was detected after it disappeared 5 cycles ago and who would've thought that you and your crew of newbies were going to the source of the signal first".

"Not to mention the Earthling government will surely be happy to know that the we found ship is one of their own, now I can finally take a vacation after this yes yes " she twirls in circles gleefully.

Mirai replies "ma'am may I speak out of line?"

"Well yes you may IAM in a good mood" leene gleefully responds

"I think we have left Primus down at the docking bay"she expressed worryingly while pointing down at the floor.

As the elevator comes to a stop with a bell ring and Primus comes in from the bottom of the floor and passes right through leene who is standing in the center of the elevator.

"Eeeeeek !" she sheriks and shivers in terror from the cold caused by Primus and leaps into jenni's arms shaking Primus turns around to see the scene.

Laughing silently he thinks to himself "who made a child Commander Of a space station? They must've been either crazy or dimwitted"

"Agreed" mercury responds to Primus statement loudly as his eyes are closed arms folded with on foot on the wall of the elevator.

Max, Jack and Greg are shocked the commander's behavior as the doors of the elevator open up and the commander regains her composure as she is put down by Jenni and storms out embarrassed.

"Phantasmal are quite interesting don't you think so doctor?" Jenni glares at Greg with a big smile on her face.

"Yes i do think so, apparently this one is able to involuntary cause psychological damage just by coming into contact with it,some experimentation may be able to find out more about it"he replies as he smiled back at Jenni.

"Come on now let's hurry up and catch up to commander leene do we can sort this out"she walks out of the elevator and heads straight in the direction which leene went.

The others follow Jenni and arrive at a office marked station commander that is guarded by two sentry robot enforcers that are very intimidating to look at.

The doors automatically open as Jenni approaches as she walk in she heads to the desk and stands to it's side and seated behind the desk on a black chair is leene.

The doors close behind mirai's crew, mercury and primus.

"Alright I want all of you to forget what you saw back in the elevator and I won't cut your bounses" she threatens them.

"Yes ma'am,"mirai and her crew respond all at once. Mercury steps forward followed by Primus.

"Pardon me but where can I find the Terra 2 space exploration craft?" mercury questions leene and jenni. With a stoic face.

"Terra 2? Oh you must mean planet ter'gra the ship you are looking for is still on the planet ter'gra , well to be accurate it it's spread out across the planets surface" Leene responds adamantly it.

She continues "that was one of the most amazing events in history a spaceship that was used to turn a planetiod Into a planet, that's truly incredible,. But unfortunately about 70cycles ago the planet just turned into a waste land and all the remaining inhabitants on the surface disappeared without a trace"

"Oh before I forget ter'gra has not been called Terra 2 in the last 9990 cycles, so please just use ter'gra, now what did you want from that place?" Leene questions mecury seriously as she stares him down in the eye.

"Did you say 9990 cycles? So that means..... No I am too late then" mercury falls into despair as mercury floats above him.

A commucator terminal on the desk turns on and leene proceeds to answer it as she smiles and speaks into it.

"I believe I have found the person you earthlings have been searching for all this Time".

Leene smiles with confidence as looks at the screen display of the terminal.

She speaks to the person on the communication terminal.

"How certain are you?, This better be the one we were searching for or else the deals off little girl"

the voice on the terminal spoke frustrated, leene looks up at mercury with a nervous expression.

"I have no doubt in my mind about this ambassador, this is the occupant of the ship that sent the distress signal".

Primus analysing the voice through Mercury's ears that came from the communicator seems to recognize it has some what familiar.

He then presses on for Mercury to check the terminal screen to verify this.

Mercury take a step toward the station commander who is standing behind the desk in front of the communicator.

He walks past her assistant taking a turn around the table and faces the screen with one look at the face on the screen, his eyes begin to tear.

"Is that really you professor Reinhardt ?"

The person on the screen simply shakes her head in deniel and replies.

"I'm sorry IAM not her, but her 900th grand daughter, my name is Heather reinhardt I'm an ambassador from Earth who has been tasked like my previous ambassadors before me to look for the space shuttle Rex"

" I know this is a lot take in at once but I will explain everything once we meet in person, miss leene thank you for your help".

"But The only thing left to do now is to get him registered as a foreign visitor, I will prepare the necessary documents"

" I will bring them in person , besides i would love to meet him as soon as possible,see you then"

The commucator terminal cuts off with a black screen. Jenni turns to look at mirai and her crew.

Tinkering on a pad she transfers credits to their individual accounts proceeds to dismiss them.

"Okay that will be all for now, the payments have been transferred to your accounts, that will be all you may leave the office."

The three crew members leave the office but mirai insists on staying behind with mercury by requesting to assist with his registration.

"Vice commander Feare, I would like to remain behind and assist with the registration procedures if you would allow it."

Leene interrupts mirai," No way, mirai just go get your hair done or buy some new clothes maybe some jewelry, but please leave this no longer concerns you and your crew if at all your assistance is required I will have you called for ."

She gestures with her hand towards the door, mirai bows apologetically and leaves the room quickly.

On the outside of the room mirai sighs sadly and the others look at her she gazes back at them and smiles.

Sheena reaches out her hand to mirai and takes hold of it as she approaches her.

"Well can't dwell on the past, mirai shall we head to the shopping district, I saw an ad for these clothes I want to try out."

Sheena then pulls mirai and walks toward the elevator as max, jack and Greg follow from behind.

The elevator doors open as a women dressed in red walks out and passes the Crew on her way to the commanders office.

Mirai looks at the woman as she passes them by "where have I seen her?" She thought to herself.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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