
Frozen awakening

"We found something that looks like it can make us some big dough in the waste lands of a forgotten world it's cold to the touch, wait something or someone is in that thing could it be the original inhabitants of te'gra ? or something else entirely."mirai tanya captain of the scavengers was sent with her crew to ter'gra a planet whose entire civilisation wiped by unknown forces,she being one of the surviving decendents of hopes to uncover the truth and any other survivors But what she and her crew found on ter'gra was a being whose very existence could forever change their lives and the universe.

Ralph_Fourie · Fantasía
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14 Chs

The unseen passenger

"Space is vast,deep with so many stars it's secret be many as it's countless stars. Though the mysteries of the universe are in my grasp, a form, a body a home to call my own has been long lost to the ravages of time. I remain eternally trapped in limbo, I am what remains in the head of mercury a few hundred thousand cells locked onto my wave length that dragged my spirit and soul to this body that I cannot posses.

Hold up you there yes you, the people on the phones and computers reading my opening dialogue!, Just wanted to hi it's been long since i got to talk ,

you know me being without a body and all, so here is this chapters continuation of RIDING THE AXIS."~Primus the phantom

The S.c.S is has finally arrived at the federation station, the large spiral wheel shaped station makes the s.c.s and the broken Rex seem like tiny bugs or grains of sand before it, a stream of incoming and outgoing space ships of all sorts can been seen on all doors of it's wheels lighting up the dark space like a stream of milk ,at the center a very large pole when seen from a distance is holding the wheels together by a series of small cylinder passages each connecting to the wheels and the pole.

Behind the station the capital of the federation kaonde it's home planet, majestically it stands in the background it's blue colour, brings a piece of mind calmness to all who see it, looking through the glass panes of the command deck mirai embracing Sheena opens her eyes to the sight with a smile filled with joy and hope.

Meanwhile in the ships lab Jack is sulking at his current situation and has not noticed the dark presence floating above him like a ghost haunting the place it leaves the lab via the wall passes through several walls until it arrives at the medical bay it looks at Max and follows him as he tries to communicate with mercury, going down the Spector takes the form of mercury but it's eyes are black it's skin is bright blue, it's hair dark red,as he sets foot on the floor.

The phantom moves in on the doctor who is still recovering from a it's psychic assualt, and touches his head absorbing the doctor's language knowledge and then floats up to the ceiling and flys toward Max and Mercury, passing through Max's body and entering mercury.

All of the sudden mercury is able to understand Max and he replies, 'my name is 231-mercury Rex, that's what I remember so far, please where is the Terra 2 I need to find commander Tanya it's important'. Max not knowing of the Terra 2 has he is unfamiliar with the Humerian history or any history just tilts his head and folds his arms' I don't know a Terra 2 but I if want to speak to the captain well then first you need to get yourself dressed, I might have some spare uniform in my cabin that will fit you we'll wait here.'

Max walks over to Greg and signals that he is heading out, Greg looks at Max and smiles and Max's walks to the door and leaves the room he goes to the Left of the hall Mercury curious about the doctor's fear of him attempts to introduce himself.'hello I'm 231-mercury Rex, pleasure to meet your aquantance I take that you are a doctor why did recoil when you saw me?'. Greg feels uneasy finds it strange to be suddenly interrogated by a paitient for the first time in his career.

The phantom watches from Mercury's eyes the transpiring events unfold quietly, Greg garthers his courage for an answer to Mercury's question as he takes a deep breath,'i was just startled I have been recalling an event where a paitient attacked me when I was a medical student, the paitient was a soldier and I judged you by your scars that you may have a great deal of combat experience and you be on edge. My name is Greg hydrax I'm the ships doctor' he states withith pride and confidence as he stand up.

In the his personal cabin Max picks his uniform and heads back to the medical bay and he sees Jack on the way, 'Jack' Max called out cheerfully 'our guest is finally awake I'm taking him my spare uniform so he can look presentable to the captain and looks like you have some competition there man's he teases at jack gleefully.

Jack looks at Max with a deep depressed look on his face 'max enough with the jokes, besides you can't even get a date, I feel sorry for you" Max receives it with a disappointed look on his face then laughs out loud and pulls Jack along with him as his laughs echo through the hall.

In the command center mirai and Sheena prepare to meet their guest at the same time they put in a request to dock on the space station as the ship joins a stream of ships flying to the docking bay and they report about the broken ship as part of their scavenger mission.

In the medical bay mercury and Greg have gotten along well as Greg tells mercury stories about his time working for the rexlian empire, mercury listens attentively to the stories, but the phantom grows bored and leaves trough the ceiling making his way to the cockpit and he cacthes a glimpse of the station and the planet behind it.

"Well well this reminds me home sweet home, yuck I feel sick remembering what a hard life I had" phantom feels disgusted as he recalls being hunted as a human because he was always mistaken for mercury even when he was on the other side of the planet law enforcement would rain down on him until he decided to rebel against the government.

Then revenge on the corparations that were responsible for creating mercury using phantoms neurons when they gassed a hall he had visited with 230 others leaving them unconscious except him recalling his head cut open to extract his brain cells then waking up just to be told he was in an accident and was the only survivor.

Phantoms rage sends out a wave of phsyic energy that causes all life forms in his vicinity to feel his rage as he screams out loudly but no one hears his voice except mercury who recognizes it as his own.

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