
Frost's Greed (Marvel)

Everyone follows Xavier, the idealist. Everyone worships Magneto, the extremist. None dare to disrespect Apocalypse, the militarist. But what about the final of the big 4. The one who has lost their students at every turn. The one that walks down the darkest path and is unwilling to put their faith in none outside of their circle of trust. The one that cares not about how humans view mutants nor about the infighting of others. Whose only true care is for the students. This is not a story about her but about a student of hers that believes in her ideas and teachings. Not about peaceful coexistence or mutant supremacy or survival of the fittest. To strive for a brighter tomorrow, even if they have to make it through the blackest night. This is the story of one boy following learning how to be a mutant in a world that hates him under the teachings of the White Queen. He will go from an inexperienced kid to one of the most important mutants in the world ------------ I'm guaranteeing this story for a year, averaging a chapter per day (major holidays may get no chapter or more chapters.) This means that this will be my longest and most secure story, and hopefully the best, on the site. *Warnings! Warnings! Warnings!* - This takes place in an AU of Marvel. So while most things will remain similar to what most people are familiar with, there will be some changes (Some characters being mutants or mutates, etc) - He will start off weak power-wise. He will become very powerful eventually but not for now. He must earn the crowd's favor. - This will be a harem.

BoredAsura · Cómic
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215 Chs

Issue #5

-- 1600, Avengers Tower, December 6th --

Captain America stood in the Avengers Tower courtyard with dozens of reporters in front of him. He was there to announce the formation of the newest iteration of the Avengers.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen of the press. I am Captain America.

When we battled against Thanos a few months prior, we protected the Earth. But it also left the Avengers shattered. Friends and family lost. Bodies and minds scared. It was truly a dark time for the Avengers.

We do not regret it though. We are heroes. We put our lives on the line for the people of this planet. To ensure that men, women, and children can sleep peacefully at night. And we thought that when we defeated Thanos, our mission was done. But that was not the case.

Because it is not just threats from space. We do not just face threats from other dimensions. We must also help protect civilians from their fellow man. Because while I do dream of the day all people can walk the Earth without fear, that day has not yet come.

Until that day comes in the future, we shall be there. Man-made or supernatural. Earthbound or extraterrestrial. In our own homes or international. The Avengers shall try their best to be there. And you can be sure. If we can't save you, you can bet that will certainly avenge you.

Today I present to you, your new Avengers!"

Captain America raised his arms and heroes started appearing one by one, each making their own unique entrances. Spider-Man swung in, Invisible Woman appeared out of thin air, Thor arrived with a thunder strike. Each member of the Avengers showed up in a grand fashion to show some of their skills to the public.

Jack was last to go with The Human Torch. The pair flew in from above leaving a trail of ice and fire behind them. They flew side by side while creating the logo of the Avengers in the air that was made out of both frost and flames.

Once the symbol was created, the pair landed with the rest of the Avengers on the temporary stage. With all of the new members on stage, Captain America introduced them all once again.

"Your new Avengers are Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, She-Hulk, Hawkeye, The Falcon, Black Widow, White Widow, Ms. Marvel, Namor, Wasp, Ant-Man, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, The Thing, Human Torch, Cloak, Dagger, and Jack Frost!"

When all the Avengers were introduced, the reporters gave a thunderous round of applause. Most of these heroes were veterans while the ones that weren't were popular newcomers that had been making a name for themselves.

Like Cloak and Dagger. The pair had only been operating for 6 months but when it came to stopping drug trafficking, these two were some of the most famous heroes. They would specifically go after drug dealers and suppliers.

The reporters were then allowed an hour to ask questions. Most of the questions were directed at those that were members of the original Avengers. These questions mostly consisted of confirming which heroes had died and which had simply retired or which rookie hero they thought had the most potential.

The group with the next largest amount of attention was the attractive ones. Jack, Human Torch, and pretty much all the women were included in this category. The questions they were asked were less about their powers or plans for the Avengers but more about their personal lives and relationships.

Once the press conference was over, the Avengers were allowed to leave and go rest. They had to attend an evening party about an hour after the press conference where they would need to interact with members of the press, wealthy individuals, celebrities, various government representatives, and heroes that had not been invited to be members of the Avengers. So a very peaceful evening.

When Jack arrived at the party, it was already in full swing. Jack came in a blue and bronze suit. He also changed his scent to smell like roasted chestnuts. His appearance caught the attention of many.

Most of the heroes arrived wearing their hero costumes. The only exceptions were She-Hulk that had a custom ordered dress for her large size and Human Torch that wore a normal suit.

Seeing that Jack had arrived a bit late, Susan walked over with her two kids. As soon as they got near him, both the kids let out a cheer.


Jack smiled warmly at the pair before taking Valeria in one arm and rubbing Franklin's head with his other. These were both of Susan and Reed's children. Franklin was their oldest and was 4 while Valeria was 2.

"Do you mind watching them for a bit, Jack? I need to powder my nose but don't want to leave them the hyenas," Susan explained

Jack nodded. Everyone wanted to get closer to heroes and the best way to do that was through their loved ones. Which is why Jack thought Spider-Man was so smart to keep his secret identity so well.

Jack brought the pair of children over to get some snacks since he knew th party would last long time and waiting too long would mean all the good stuff would be gone. The trio ten made their way to a table but when he tried to sit Valeria down, she wouldn't release him.

"You smell so good. Let me stay here for a bit, Jack," Valeria said very articulately for a 2-year-old. The girl was a super genius that would most likely be even smarter than her father in the future

Jack was helpless and could only keep her in one of his arms while he held her plate with another. The girl was almost literally eating out of his hands. This scene caught the attention of many people present who thought that Jack's persona was truly as good as it was rumored in the news.

Susan returned and took her children back from Jack when she returned from the restroom, though she had some trouble prying Valeria from Jack's neck. After thanking him, Susan took the pair to find her husband. She was planning to let him take care of the kids for the night so she could bond with her female teammates a bit.

After he was free of the kids, many people approached Jack. There were toasts and compliments that were paid to him over the next few hours from so many people that Jack could barely remember them. The rest of the night was truly a blur.

When Jack woke up the next morning, he realized that he was not in his room. The color scheme was all wrong. Once he noticed that, the memories of last night came back to him. He looked at the body that was currently under the sheets before silently cursing to himself.

'Shit! I slept with a teammate before we even had our first meeting?'

Jack left a note of ice on the wall about wanting to get ready for the meeting before quickly getting dressed and rushing out the room. A head full of blonde hair cam from underneath the blanket and looked at the note on the wall while enjoying the scent roasted chestnuts in the bed.

"He didn't have to act like we would eat him up, did he?"

Another woman appeared underneath the sheets next to the first.

"Didn't we eat him up last night?"

The blonde blushed at the comment and hid herself under the blanket once more. The second woman laughed at this before she got out of the bed and put her dress back on.

"I'm gonna head to my room to take a shower. I'll see you during the meeting."

And with that, She-Hulk was off. Ms. Marvel was left in bed all alone. Letting out a sigh, she smelled her sheets once more before getting out of bed and taking a shower.