
Frost's Greed (Marvel)

Everyone follows Xavier, the idealist. Everyone worships Magneto, the extremist. None dare to disrespect Apocalypse, the militarist. But what about the final of the big 4. The one who has lost their students at every turn. The one that walks down the darkest path and is unwilling to put their faith in none outside of their circle of trust. The one that cares not about how humans view mutants nor about the infighting of others. Whose only true care is for the students. This is not a story about her but about a student of hers that believes in her ideas and teachings. Not about peaceful coexistence or mutant supremacy or survival of the fittest. To strive for a brighter tomorrow, even if they have to make it through the blackest night. This is the story of one boy following learning how to be a mutant in a world that hates him under the teachings of the White Queen. He will go from an inexperienced kid to one of the most important mutants in the world ------------ I'm guaranteeing this story for a year, averaging a chapter per day (major holidays may get no chapter or more chapters.) This means that this will be my longest and most secure story, and hopefully the best, on the site. *Warnings! Warnings! Warnings!* - This takes place in an AU of Marvel. So while most things will remain similar to what most people are familiar with, there will be some changes (Some characters being mutants or mutates, etc) - He will start off weak power-wise. He will become very powerful eventually but not for now. He must earn the crowd's favor. - This will be a harem.

BoredAsura · Cómic
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215 Chs

Issue #1

--- A week later, the day of the auditions ---

Johnny and Crystal were in their swimsuits sitting next to the pool. They had pulled the long and shortest straw that day. While two of the teams were handling missions and the squad leaders were holding the auditions, Johnny and Crystal were on babysitting duty.

Johnny looked at the kids with resentment from his seat. If looks could kill, he might have accidentally murdered his niece or nephew.

'Literally, every other day has been either her being busy with Inhuman royal matters or me being on a mission. And on the day I finally got her to agree to go on a date with me, I get stuck with this sudden task. I told Sue that I would regret her giving birth to these kids.'

Johnny's eyes went from the kids he was watching the Crystal laying next to him. At first, he ignored his looks but she had to say something after a minute. She had her eyes closed but could still feel the hear (hehe) from Johnny's gaze.

"Can I help you, Johnny?"

"Nope. Enjoying this wonderful view so don't want anything to change."

And it was true. Her swimsuit showed off that Crystal had the body that most women and men dreamt of. Curvy in the spots that should be curvy, thin in the spots that should be thin, neither taken too far to make her body look out of proportion. She also had a beautiful face with green eyes that resembled emeralds.

Just as Crystal was about to reprimand him and remind him that she could leave if he kept trying to flirt with her while the kids were near, she felt a gust of cold wind and the smell of cinnamon. Her eyes opened and she saw Jack in casual wear floating down from the sky.

"Hey, stranger!" Crystal greeted enthusiastically

"Jack! you here to take care of the kids?" Johnny looked as if he saw his savior

Jack laughed when he saw both of their expressions. He knew that both of them had a date planned. That's why as soon as the auditions ended and his new squad was confirmed, he flew up to take over for them.

The kids heard them calling out for Jack and rushed over to him. Jack picked up Valeria while petting Franklin and Nadia on their heads.

"Hey, little ones," he greeted the kids before turning to Johnny and Crystal "You guys only care about your date. You don't wanna hear about the new squads?"

"Nope!" the pair said before jumping off the nearby ledge and flying down the tower

"Tsk! Both of them are on my squad so I can get they can't escape me."

Although the squad leaders had already been announced, the new squads would officially be announced the next day. Captain America wanted to make sure that each squad was balanced to the point where it could handle or hold off most of the threats until another squad came to their rescue. There were also special squads that were meant to be specialist squads.

Jack got one of the general-purpose squads with 4 members not including himself. He got 2, technically 3, new members to the Avengers while the only member he kept from his original squad was Johnny.

Jack began to play with the kids in the pool and taught them all how to swim. Valeria, unsurprisingly, learned it the fastest of all the kids despite only being two years old. The other two took a while longer but by the time their parents came to pick them up, each of the kids could brag that they knew how to swim.

When he no longer had to take care of the kids, Jack returned to his room and got back into the database. One of the things that were being encouraged was to take more initiative instead of reacting to situations.

Jack was looking for a good lead that he could follow that involved mutants. During his time with the Avengers, he learned that they were truly ignorant about matters that came to mutants.

They got most of their intel through SHIELD that would selectively filter out mutant issues and leave notes such as 'Update X-Men if the issue persists for another month' or 'Watch for now and gather evidence on more individuals. Check again in 3 weeks.'

Because of this, he knew he had to bring the matter up directly to the team instead of relying on SHIELD to help the mutant population.

'I have the Inhumans on my side. I also have most of the team seeing me in a positive light. I'm just not sure if this is enough for them to truly fight for the mutant cause.'

Jack spent several hours in front of his laptop before he felt mentally exhausted. He went to his bed with thousands of thoughts running through his mind.

The next day, the Avengers gathered in the meeting room once again. First, all of the squad leaders took their seats at each of the 7 tables. Then, Captain America called out the members of each squad.

"Squad 1 will be with me. Of my original 4 members, have become squad leaders. So besides Invisible Woman and The Thing that will remain on my team, both Black Bolt and Tigra will be joining us.

Squad 2 will be our magic-specialized squad which will be led by Thor. This squad will be comprised of all new members. The members will be Clea, Blade, Ghost Rider, and Iron Fist.

Squad 3 will be our science-specialized squad and will be led by Iron Man. The members of his squad will be War Machine, Mr. Fantastic, Hank who has taken up the new code name of Yellow Jacket, and Medusa.

Squad 4 will be led by Black Widow. Most of the members will remain the same as before. Jack and Johnny have both left the squad which brings the squad down to one member less than necessary which is why Spider-Woman shall be joining this squad.

Squad 5 is led by Hawkeye. Unlike all of the other squads, this one shall remain the same as before.

Squad 6 is led by Wasp. Because two of her members left, they are being replaced. Since Hank changed his codename to Yellow Jacket, Lang will be taking over his old mantle as Ant-Man. We will also be adding Deadpool to their roster.

Lastly is Squad 7 which will be led by Jack Frost. The members of his squad are those that remain standing. Human Torch, Crystal, Elektra, and Wonder Man.

Congratulations to the three new squad leaders and the 14 new members. Let's do our best to make this world a peaceful place."