
Shadows of Doubt

Ava eagerly stepped onto the campus, her heart filled with anticipation. The dream of Alex had left her yearning to see him again. But as she looked around, a sense of unease crept over her. Alex was nowhere to be found. She searched every corner of the college, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, but he remained elusive. The bustling hallways echoed with chatter, yet his absence cast a shadow over Ava's excitement. Where could he be? Ava murmured

As the class began, Ava's mind was consumed with thoughts of Alex. She couldn't focus on the lesson, her curiosity gnawing at her. The minutes ticked by slowly, and when the class finally ended, she couldn't contain her eagerness any longer. Turning to her friends, she asked excitedly about the new boy, Alex. But to her surprise, her friends responded with confusion, asking, "Alex? Who's Alex? Are you daydreaming?"


Ava's heart sank, and she felt a wave of disbelief wash over her. She returned home, determined to find answers. Searching through social media, she discovered that there was no trace of a boy named Alex. Emma, her closest friend, was equally shocked by the revelation.

Ava and Emma tirelessly searched on social media, but their efforts turned up no trace of Alex. Emma was in shock, unable to comprehend the mysterious disappearance. Meanwhile, Ava's mind was racing, trying to make sense of the situation. They decided to take a bold step and skip college for a day, determined to uncover the truth. Ava couldn't shake off the memory of her friends' strange reaction when she asked about Alex. It seemed suspicious. With a determined look, Ava turned to Emma and asked, "Are you up for a plan?" Emma, always ready for an adventure, replied with a resounding "Yes, always."


The next day, Ava and Emma discreetly keep a close watch on their friends as they head to college. They carefully observe the routes they take and the people they meet, but nothing appears suspicious. Determined not to give up, they decide to continue following their friends after college. Emma expresses her concern, wondering if their friends could be involved in Alex's disappearance. Ava, feeling confused, reassures Emma that they will figure it out together. Emma encourages Ava, saying they can overcome any obstacles. Ava holds onto hope, expressing her desire to find something that will lead them closer to the truth. Emma suggests checking the college registration of new students as their next plan of action.

Ava and Emma make their way into the college, their hearts pounding with anticipation. They swiftly head to the office, where they find the registration records. Their eyes scan the pages, searching for any sign of Alex. And there it is, a glimmer of hope amidst the sea of names - Alex's name is listed. Relieved, they exchange a look of determination and proceed to find their teacher, Miss Jeff.


Entering the staff room, they spot Miss Jeff sitting at her desk, engrossed in paperwork. Ava and Emma approach her cautiously, their voices filled with a mix of anxiety and hope. They explain their worries about Alex's sudden disappearance and ask if Miss Jeff has any information that could help them.

Miss Jeff looks up, concern etched on her face. She takes a moment to gather her thoughts before responding. "I'm sorry, girls, but the name Alex doesn't ring a bell," she admits. Worried, Ava and Emma exchange a glance, their minds racing with questions. Miss Jeff suggests checking the computer records to verify, hoping for a simple explanation. But as they search, their hopes are dashed - there is no trace of Alex in the digital records.

Confusion fills the air as Ava, Emma, and Miss Jeff try to make sense of the situation. Miss Jeff furrows her brow, deep in thought. "Wait," she says, a flicker of realization crossing her face. "I remember now. There was a mistake in the computer system. Alex's name is in the register, not the computer records. It must have been an oversight."

Relieved yet still perplexed, Ava and Emma exchange a mixture of relief and frustration. They thank Miss Jeff for her help and leave the staff room, their minds buzzing with a newfound sense of hope. As they step out into the hallway, Ava turns to Emma with a smile. "Well, at least we know Alex is still registered at the school," she says. Emma nods in agreement, feeling a weight lifted off their shoulders.

Ava's eyes widen in shock as a thought crosses her mind. She turns to Emma and exclaims, "Hey, did you notice that Jessica is also missing from college? I can't help but think that she might have something to do with Alex's disappearance. She's always been suspicious, and her friends too. Do you think they could have done something to him?" Emma takes a moment to process Ava's words before responding, "You know, Ava, I've had the same thought. It's quite peculiar how Alex vanished just as we were getting closer to him. And now Jessica's absence raises even more questions. I think we should investigate further and gather more information about Jessica and her friends. Maybe we'll find some clues that will lead us to the truth." Ava nods in agreement, her determination growing. "Absolutely, Emma. Let's keep a close eye on them and see if we can uncover any evidence. We won't rest until we find out what really happened to Alex."

