
Veiled Illusions

Ava's mind was spinning with confusion as she tried to piece together the puzzle. She couldn't help but notice Alex's mischievous smirks, which seemed to be directed at her. The whispers and hushed conversations between Alex and Jessica only added to her intrigue. Just when she thought she had a handle on their dynamic, Alex surprised her by taking hold of Jessica's hand and leading her away. Ava's thoughts raced as she pondered the nature of their relationship. Were they enemies, friends, or something more? The idea of Jessica being Alex's ex seemed far-fetched, especially considering her status as the popular college queen. Ava took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.

Ava's curiosity got the better of her, and she made the impulsive decision to ask Emma to go home. Determined to uncover the truth about Alex, whom she found incredibly captivating, Ava quietly followed behind Jessica and Alex. As she trailed them, her heart raced with anticipation. Suddenly, Alex caught sight of her, causing a momentary pause in their conversation. Jessica, unaware of Alex's distraction, tried to figure out what had caught his attention. Sensing Ava's presence, Alex subtly signaled for her to go away.


Ava couldn't resist the pull of her curiosity, so she went home and decided to reach out to Alex on social media. She added him as a friend and nervously typed out a message, asking about everything that had happened earlier. As she hit send, a wave of self-doubt washed over her. She questioned why she was so intrigued by a boy she had just met. It couldn't be love at first sight, could it? She tried to shake off these thoughts, reminding herself to wake up from this fascination. But her mind was engaged in a deep conversation with itself, contemplating her feelings. "Why am I so drawn to him? Is it possible that I like him?" she wondered, quickly dismissing the idea. "No, no, it can't be," she reassured herself.

Ava's mind continued to wander as she lay in bed, contemplating her growing fascination with Alex. "Is he intentionally distracting me? No, that can't be it," she whispered to herself, trying to rationalize her thoughts. Determined to regain control, she resolved to stop thinking about him and to let go of the dreams that had been consuming her mind. As she succumbed to sleep, a vivid and mysterious dream unfolded before her eyes. In this dream, Alex and Jessica danced through her subconscious, their every move shrouded in intrigue and untold secrets.

But she suddenly wakes up. Ava, torn between her desire to forget and her curiosity about Alex, finds herself in a constant internal struggle. On the outside, she tries to bury the suspicious thoughts and move on. However, deep down, her longing to know more about Alex grows stronger. It's as if there's a magnetic pull drawing her closer to him, despite the uncertainties. Ava battles with conflicting emotions.

Ava, exhausted from the constant thoughts of Alex and his mysterious secrets, tries once again to find solace in sleep. However, no matter how hard she tries to forget, his presence lingers in her mind. The memories of their encounters, especially his captivating eyes, haunt her thoughts. In a desperate whisper, she pleads with herself to dive into a deep sleep, urging herself to let go of all the thoughts and emotions that keep her awake.


As Ava's thoughts continued to revolve around Alex, she found herself falling into a deep sleep, once again consumed by dreams of him. In this dream, she saw Alex standing alongside Jessica, who shot her an angry glare. But Ava's gaze remained fixated on Alex, captivated by his eyes that seemed to hold a world of secrets. Suddenly, Jessica vanished, leaving only Alex and Ava in the dream. They walked hand in hand, their connection palpable, as they enjoyed a meal together at a restaurant. They then danced gracefully at a grand ball, their every movement synchronized. In the dream, Alex turned to Ava and said, "I want you to dream about me every day." A smile formed on Ava's face as she replied, "Of course, I will." Intrigued, she mustered the courage to ask him about Jessica. He assures her, "I'll tell you all the details, I promise."

Although it was merely a dream, Ava finds herself captivated by the idea, believing that it may be a sign from a higher power.

But she's still curious and asks him again

And the dreamy conversation goes like this :

Ava: "Alex, I really need to know the truth. Who is Jessica and why is she with you?"

Alex: "I understand your curiosity, Ava. Tomorrow, I'll share everything with you. I promise."

Ava: "Please, don't keep me in the dark any longer. I want to understand."

Alex: "I know it's been hard for you, but trust me, tomorrow will bring clarity."

Ava: "I'm counting on you, Alex. I hope this dream is a sign of what's to come."

Alex: "It may just be, Ava. Hold onto hope,

Alex reassured her, saying, "I'll tell you everything tomorrow. Let's have a meal together." And with that, their dream continued, filled with anticipation.

Ava, filled with joy from the dream, fell into a deep and peaceful sleep. Excitement bubbled within her as she imagined the new experiences. Ava's heart was filled with happiness. Excitement coursed through her veins, and she woke up early, eager to start her day. She carefully styled her hair and, for the first time, applied a touch of makeup. With a warm smile on her face, she headed to college, ready to embrace this new feeli

ng with confidence and joy.