
Friends In Hatred And In Love

In the wake of a devastating war that claimed the lives of half the world's population, a fragile peace was sought among the three distinct creatures that inhabited the realm. To cement this fragile peace, a sanctuary was envisioned—a place where all three species could coexist without the looming threat of annihilation. However, a particular race held firm to their kind, reluctant to yield even a fraction of their population, creating an unsettling dilemma: the shortage of humans. As time elapsed, the other creatures perceived this shortage of human inhabitants as a display of human superiority, a stance that escalated tensions. Before matters spiraled further into chaos, an unexpected figure intervened—none other than the devil himself. Paradoxically, the architect of the peace initiative, the devil shouldered the responsibility of integrating humans into this shared sanctuary. But his methods were far from benevolent; he sought out those humans who had no other viable choices, manipulating circumstances to ensure their inclusion. His first target in this orchestrated plan was Emily. Emily, the central figure in this narrative, bore a harrowing past, marked by unfathomable acts—brutally murdering her biological father and boyfriend. Granted a second chance at life, she aimed to leave her haunting past behind, yet the weight of her history proved inescapable. However, amidst this shadowed past, a glimmer of hope emerged; perhaps, someone might stand alongside her to confront the haunting echoes of her actions. As the devil orchestrated his designs to integrate humans into this fragile alliance, Emily stood as a focal point in his intricate plans. Her story encapsulated the struggle for redemption, the perennial conflict between one's past and the pursuit of a new beginning. Her journey mirrored the perennial battle with personal demons, a quest for absolution in the face of unforgiving memories. The devil's intervention, while shrouded in sinister intentions, presented an opportunity for Emily. Her path toward reconciliation and the pursuit of a new life unfolded amid the backdrop of a world grappling with the fragile threads of a newfound peace, juxtaposed against the shadows of a tumultuous past. Emily's journey toward redemption, entwined with the devil's machinations, marked a pivotal chapter in the delicate equilibrium between races and the profound yearning for a harmonious coexistence. ------------- A glimpse of her life: Emily: Why are you here? Beel: To bring you food! Emily: Didn't that girl offer to buy you expensive food? Beel: Yeah but eating with you is better, everything tastes good, especially the food you make me Emily (while smiling): What should we make? Beel: Fried chicken and rice! Emily: Okay, get the ingredients, I will see the kitchen Beel: Okay, don't start without me, I want to help! (he ran away while she put her hand on her beating chest and wondered if she was ready to move on)

MiKouki · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

Something is in the Air

It was necessary for Dolores to control her tears, she didn't want to seem weak in front of anyone, so she sucked the tears back in her eyes and said: "Can't you make an exception?"

"No, I am sorry." The nurse didn't hesitate to answer, she was a person who followed the rules because she knew why they existed.

The law stated: 'It is forbidden for demons or any kind of creature from the demon world to go to the human world, in any shape or form, the only exception that could be made is for medical or political reasons, which the demon king has to approve of.'

That law had to be kept at all costs, so that the two worlds could be in peace, without the two sides colliding, in any way; the past shouldn't repeat itself. The nurse didn't want to be part of those experiments again or see her kind thrown on the human world ground as if they were dirt; the trauma she had now was far more than enough.

"But…." Dolores was about to say she had permission from Lucifer, a person close to the demon king, to go back and forth between the two worlds, to execute her missions, but she wasn't allowed to tell anyone, or else he would lose his position, which meant she would lose everything she had, because Lucifer gave her everything, her name, her house, her clothes, her food, Katsuki and even her freedom, she can't say it. So she just nodded and watched the nurse taking her Kacchan away, with the hopes that she would get a call in less than an hour, telling her he was completely fine and that he would be back to normal in less a week.

Surprisingly for her, she got the call two minutes after the nurse left, but it wasn't about Katsuki, it was about the person there, who she completely forgot about, the nurse asked her to bandage his arms and kegs and not let him go out of the room before she was back.

She looked at the said person and decided to do it, the bandages were laying right in front of the person so she just went to do it.

But as soon as reached out to his hands, he moved his hand away and asked: "What do you think you are doing?"

"I am going to bandage you, the nurse asked me to do it." Dolores said and tried to hold his hand again but he just moved his hand away again.

"It's fine I can do it by myself." He said as he took the bandages from her hand and turned up his sleeves, while she just watched him and wondered why he didn't want to be touched by her, did he a phobia or something or was he just uncomfortable with another person's touch?

Dolores that it was rude to ask something like that, but what she wasn't conscious of and didn't consider being rude, was asking him about the marks on his body, specifically on his arms and legs.

"It's none of your business." He replied and turned around to continue bandaging his arms, without her weird ass staring at him like he was an art piece at a museum.

"You know, I like your muscles." Dolores wanted to take her mind off, her pet chicken possibly losing a leg, so she dropped off her personality on the side of the bed and picked up her flirty one, thinking that by using it, she would be able to relax until then.

"Excuse me?" The guy was confused, what the heck was that girl talking about, he had no muscles at all, maybe some on his arms but that was it.

"What's your name?" She said as she stared him, into his eyes, making him feel uncomfortable.

"Why should I tell you?" He was not interested in having a conversation with a girl, in fact with anyone, he preferred staying alone and talking to himself in the mirror.

"Why? Is it a secret? I am good at keeping secrets." Dolores said with a grin.

"No." He said, as he finished bandaging himself, he walked to the door to leave but Dolores told him he can't while laying on the infirmary's bed.

He didn't care about what she said and walked out, while she just thought: 'should have listened, now I have to touch him.'

While he thought that escaped from the infirmary and the nurse, and the weird girl, he wasn't, as soon as he turned to the corner, he was carried by a mysterious figure, on their shoulder, it was the weird girl and she wasn't even holding him in place, she was just balancing him on her shoulder and walking. (don't ask me how, it can happen, maybe, not really, who knows)

"You can get down on your own but just know that I will follow you and drag you back here, you make your choice." She said and because the guy on her shoulder was smart enough to know that he can't run away from her, he jumped from her shoulder as she was walking and got back inside the room.

He lay on the bed and closed his eyes. She smiled when she saw him obediently go back, she liked good boys, they reminded her of her little siblings in the facility, they weren't siblings per se, but they followed she said, they were cute, she missed them, wonder if they got over their time in the facility, where they got experimented on.

Hopefully, they didn't turn out like her, hopefully, they got saved and they have families that love them and cherish them for who they were.

Dolores was so lost in her thoughts, that she didn't hear the guy talking until he threw a Cotton at her and woke her up.

"What?" Dolores asked with confusion written all over her face, how did she get lost in thought? She shook her head and walked to the bed next to the guy, as he rolled his eyes and said: "Didn't you want me to tell you my name?"

"You are going to tell me? What is it?" Dolores asked, surprised, she earlier thought long forgotten.


"I am Dolores."

"I wonder if it fits you." He said with his eyes closed, looking at the ceiling.

"I wonder if it does." She said with a smile, also looking at the ceiling and losing herself at the paint's details.