
Friends In Hatred And In Love

In the wake of a devastating war that claimed the lives of half the world's population, a fragile peace was sought among the three distinct creatures that inhabited the realm. To cement this fragile peace, a sanctuary was envisioned—a place where all three species could coexist without the looming threat of annihilation. However, a particular race held firm to their kind, reluctant to yield even a fraction of their population, creating an unsettling dilemma: the shortage of humans. As time elapsed, the other creatures perceived this shortage of human inhabitants as a display of human superiority, a stance that escalated tensions. Before matters spiraled further into chaos, an unexpected figure intervened—none other than the devil himself. Paradoxically, the architect of the peace initiative, the devil shouldered the responsibility of integrating humans into this shared sanctuary. But his methods were far from benevolent; he sought out those humans who had no other viable choices, manipulating circumstances to ensure their inclusion. His first target in this orchestrated plan was Emily. Emily, the central figure in this narrative, bore a harrowing past, marked by unfathomable acts—brutally murdering her biological father and boyfriend. Granted a second chance at life, she aimed to leave her haunting past behind, yet the weight of her history proved inescapable. However, amidst this shadowed past, a glimmer of hope emerged; perhaps, someone might stand alongside her to confront the haunting echoes of her actions. As the devil orchestrated his designs to integrate humans into this fragile alliance, Emily stood as a focal point in his intricate plans. Her story encapsulated the struggle for redemption, the perennial conflict between one's past and the pursuit of a new beginning. Her journey mirrored the perennial battle with personal demons, a quest for absolution in the face of unforgiving memories. The devil's intervention, while shrouded in sinister intentions, presented an opportunity for Emily. Her path toward reconciliation and the pursuit of a new life unfolded amid the backdrop of a world grappling with the fragile threads of a newfound peace, juxtaposed against the shadows of a tumultuous past. Emily's journey toward redemption, entwined with the devil's machinations, marked a pivotal chapter in the delicate equilibrium between races and the profound yearning for a harmonious coexistence. ------------- A glimpse of her life: Emily: Why are you here? Beel: To bring you food! Emily: Didn't that girl offer to buy you expensive food? Beel: Yeah but eating with you is better, everything tastes good, especially the food you make me Emily (while smiling): What should we make? Beel: Fried chicken and rice! Emily: Okay, get the ingredients, I will see the kitchen Beel: Okay, don't start without me, I want to help! (he ran away while she put her hand on her beating chest and wondered if she was ready to move on)

MiKouki · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Resurfacing Issues

For what reason Mammon brought Raiin to an arena full of sweaty, we may never know, kidding, of course, you may know since I am so nice, I will let you know, Mammon brought her there because, drum roll please, he needed money, that's it.

Raiin to Mammon, at the moment, was a wallet, a bank account he could use to earn money, betting on which fighter would win, which would allow him to pay off his debts and not get harassed every day, by the people that he owns money to.

Everything was going according to the plan, they were headed to the counter, where they could bet, Mammon had a huge smile on his face as he was dragging Raiin behind him, but it all came to a halt, when Raiin stopped him, when they were two steps away from the counter, and told him she can't stay here any longer.

"Why? It's fun here." Mammon said with a cheerful tone and tried to convince her to stay, but nothing he said could do anything to make her stay.

As he was giving her reasons to say, she shook her head while looking down, not wanting to see anything that was happening around her, but even though he line of vision consisted of only the floor, she could hear the shouting, the screams of anger, agony, and panic, that reminded her of that head, the year her mother died.

That year, their house was never empty, it was always filled with relatives that came to express their sadness some they angry, and some were angrier than others, but they were all angry at her, for killing her mother -the woman who was loved by everyone and anyone- or that's what she thought, she thought everyone was angry at her, because of her, so every argument, noise or fighting that happened was about her, she caused it; everyone was as suffering because of her.

Every time she would hear a cry, a scream, or even a hint of a fight, she would run to her room, curl up in a ball and cry until she fell asleep; that was how she spent that year, miserable with puffy eyes all the time.

That had a big impact on her, if you couldn't tell, it changed her more than her mother's death, the way she handled arguments and fights changed, in the past, if someone in the family was arguing with someone, she would try to stop them with puppy eyes and a pout, but now, if the argument was small, like the ones she had with Miko, she could handle, if the fight was revolved around her or because of her, she could handle but other than that, she would start remembering that year and struggle to stay conscious, which was happening right now.

Mammon couldn't understand what happened li she was fine a minute ago, what triggered this reaction? If he could ding that out, making her stay would be easy.

And on that note, he started asking her questions, to try and get her to speak, which didn't help at all, they only overwhelmed her and made her more wanting to leave more.

She didn't care how much she liked Mammon and wanted him to be hers to play with, this wasn't a case where that could be a reason to stay, it was more of a reason to leave.

But in the state she was in, she couldn't show him how angry or serious she was, the only thing she could do was look up at him, with teary eyes and a red nose, and say in the softest tone ever: "Please."

Mammon was shocked by her reaction, he wasn't expecting her to be this affected, but with that, he knew, they had to get out, so he made the hard decision to give up on making money and pulled Raiin away from there, and decided to take her somewhere else to cheer her up, somewhere fun and exciting, but where?

While the author and her dead friend Riri think about that answer, let's rewind back to a few hours ago, when Dolores was taking Katsuki to the vet.

She frantically ran through the hallways of the school, to the nurse's office -the only close by place that had a medical professional- she busted through the door, her tears streaming down her face, her eyes teary and red, her nose runny and hands shaking.

"My pet…my chicken….his leg, it's burnt." Dolores said, breading heavily and struggling to keep her composure, but when she saw someone in the room other than the nurse, she composed herself and wiped her tears.

With a deep breath, she walked to the nurse, who immediately took Katsuki in her hands, to examine him. Dolores was staring at her, checking his leg, not noticing the man behind her, looking at her with a glint in his eyes.

"It's pretty bad, I think I am going to have to take him to a hospital." The nurse said as she handed Katsuki back to the nurse. The worried nurse quickly wore her coat and checked her purse, to make sure everything was there, and then she got a big cardboard box and told Dolores to put Katsuki in it.

Dolores was hesitant to do it, because usually, Katsuki doesn't like being in tight places, but surprisingly, after she put him down, he just rested and did nothing, which got her even more worried, because he was never like this, he never got this sick and depressed.

Seeing him like that made Dolores emotional but she choked up her tears and asked with much difficulty if she could go with the nurse to the hospital.

"I am sorry, I can't, I am going to a hospital in the human world." The only reason she was taking the pet chicken to the human world was that they treated animals better than they did here, in here animals are food and rarely anyone saw them as beings to love.

Those words broke Dolores and her tears were threatening to fall, with the unknown black hair patient watching her closely.