
Friends In Hatred And In Love

In the wake of a devastating war that claimed the lives of half the world's population, a fragile peace was sought among the three distinct creatures that inhabited the realm. To cement this fragile peace, a sanctuary was envisioned—a place where all three species could coexist without the looming threat of annihilation. However, a particular race held firm to their kind, reluctant to yield even a fraction of their population, creating an unsettling dilemma: the shortage of humans. As time elapsed, the other creatures perceived this shortage of human inhabitants as a display of human superiority, a stance that escalated tensions. Before matters spiraled further into chaos, an unexpected figure intervened—none other than the devil himself. Paradoxically, the architect of the peace initiative, the devil shouldered the responsibility of integrating humans into this shared sanctuary. But his methods were far from benevolent; he sought out those humans who had no other viable choices, manipulating circumstances to ensure their inclusion. His first target in this orchestrated plan was Emily. Emily, the central figure in this narrative, bore a harrowing past, marked by unfathomable acts—brutally murdering her biological father and boyfriend. Granted a second chance at life, she aimed to leave her haunting past behind, yet the weight of her history proved inescapable. However, amidst this shadowed past, a glimmer of hope emerged; perhaps, someone might stand alongside her to confront the haunting echoes of her actions. As the devil orchestrated his designs to integrate humans into this fragile alliance, Emily stood as a focal point in his intricate plans. Her story encapsulated the struggle for redemption, the perennial conflict between one's past and the pursuit of a new beginning. Her journey mirrored the perennial battle with personal demons, a quest for absolution in the face of unforgiving memories. The devil's intervention, while shrouded in sinister intentions, presented an opportunity for Emily. Her path toward reconciliation and the pursuit of a new life unfolded amid the backdrop of a world grappling with the fragile threads of a newfound peace, juxtaposed against the shadows of a tumultuous past. Emily's journey toward redemption, entwined with the devil's machinations, marked a pivotal chapter in the delicate equilibrium between races and the profound yearning for a harmonious coexistence. ------------- A glimpse of her life: Emily: Why are you here? Beel: To bring you food! Emily: Didn't that girl offer to buy you expensive food? Beel: Yeah but eating with you is better, everything tastes good, especially the food you make me Emily (while smiling): What should we make? Beel: Fried chicken and rice! Emily: Okay, get the ingredients, I will see the kitchen Beel: Okay, don't start without me, I want to help! (he ran away while she put her hand on her beating chest and wondered if she was ready to move on)

MiKouki · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

Peace was Never an Option

Miko was sitting on her hospital bed, watching a drama on her pc, when Raiin walked in the room, with a bag, which had a strong scent of something delicious, she threw it at her and said: "Eat, I haven't seen you consume anything since we got here, your kind still need food to survive."

In the two weeks, they spent together in the room, Raiin noticed that Miko would only eat the fruits that human gave her, at first she thought she just liked them, but no matter how much you like something, it shouldn't be the only thing you eat every day, was what Raiin wanted to say, but since they weren't close, she just thought bringing her food would be a better message.

Miko found it weird that Raiin was giving her food but she didn't refuse it, since she missed the taste of food, so she ate it without questing anything.

"It's an apology for the injuries I caused you and it's also to thank you for not telling them I almost ate you, that would have gotten me expelled and hated by my siblings, so thanks." Raiin said all of that without looking Miko in the eye, which the latter didn't bother thinking about and just enjoyed her food, without uttering a single word.

"You know, words exist, you can say something, I heard your voice before." Raiin was annoyed at how quiet Miko was being and waited for her answer, but the latter just shrugged and finished her food.

"Rude bitch." Raiin muttered under her breath, which Miko heard because of her ability to hear anything and everything, a skill she got after being locked in a box for all of her childhood and having to depend on her hearing to get food and water.

"What did you say?" Miko put away her pc from her lap and got up to face Raiin.

"Oh? Now you talk, interesting." Raiin stood before her with a nasty look on her face, her red eyes slightly showing.

"Stop it right there." Dolores stood between them and pushed them away from each other, which made Raiin click her tongue and walk out of the room.

Miko snickered and walked back to her bed, to continue watching the drama Raiin interrupted. Nothing can come out of that girl, she was annoying and hard to deal with, why couldn't she just leave her alone as everyone does? Why does she have to try and be friendly? It was weird, she wasn't used to it.

"You should stop this kind of behavior, nothing good will come from it." Dolores told her as she walked to the window, to leave, to see her Kachan.

"I did nothing." Miko said quietly with a pout. She believed what she said, in her head, Raiin was the one at fault for bringing her food and getting angry over nothing, she didn't like talking, that was it, she doesn't like using her voice more than it was needed, and the conversion they were having didn't need her voice in it.

"Control your anger or it will be the one to control you." Dolores suddenly said, giving her last advice before she jumped from the window, leaving Miko to think about what she did.

On her way back to her room, to see her chicken, Dolores spotted Mammon in a corner with a couple of guys, who looked like they were threatening him, and at that moment, she was reminded him that she was supposed to look over him too. She sighed and walked to them, to listen in on what they were saying.

"If you can't return the money, don't borrow it in the first place." Important character for just five minutes said.

"I told you not to lend him anything." Important character for one minute said as well.

"I told you I will give it back when I can, I have a class now, I have to go." Mammon tried to leave but they stopped him and one of them tried to punch him, because why not, what could be a better decision than punching the head of the school's little brother, who he doted on? No flaws to be seen here, what smart demons they are.

And because they are so smart and pay attention to their surroundings, they noticed Dolores and stopped her from defending Mammon, oh wait, they didn't, because they are dumb and can't even protect themselves when they want to bully others.

"I didn't need your help." Mammon complained as he walked away, not proud of himself to be saved by a girl.

"Tell that to your next bruise and we will see how it goes." She shouted while he walked away from her, embarrassed by her words and the meaning behind them. He was looking at his arm, where a fresh injury was, not noticing a short girl running towards him, making them collide and push each other to the ground.

"Ahh, my butt." Emily cried out from the pain, rubbing the place she fell on, in hopes of it easing the pain.

"Sorry I wasn't looking." Mammon said, extending his hand, to help her up, she looked at him and was mesmerized, that she didn't notice her arm going up and her hand holding on to his.

After helping her up, he was about to leave, when she stopped him and asked: "Do you want to eat me?" She said with serious eyes, not really aware of what she just said.

"Huh?" Mammon was confused and worried about the girl, did the fall make her lose some brain cells? Because usually, humans don't offer to be eaten unless they meant it in a different way.

"Wait, what did I just say?" Emily realized what she just said and turned bright red, she looked at her hand, holding him and immediately let go, running away from the scene, to not embarrass herself any longer.

"What was that about?" Mammon wasn't sure of what happened so he just decided to forget about it and go gamble, to pass time and earn money.

Back to Dolores, she was eagerly waiting to get home and see her chicken, her only savior in her world, but as soon as she got inside her room, she regretted not coming to her room sooner, because her dear Katsuki was laying on the floor with red liquid everywhere.