
Friends In Hatred And In Love

In the wake of a devastating war that claimed the lives of half the world's population, a fragile peace was sought among the three distinct creatures that inhabited the realm. To cement this fragile peace, a sanctuary was envisioned—a place where all three species could coexist without the looming threat of annihilation. However, a particular race held firm to their kind, reluctant to yield even a fraction of their population, creating an unsettling dilemma: the shortage of humans. As time elapsed, the other creatures perceived this shortage of human inhabitants as a display of human superiority, a stance that escalated tensions. Before matters spiraled further into chaos, an unexpected figure intervened—none other than the devil himself. Paradoxically, the architect of the peace initiative, the devil shouldered the responsibility of integrating humans into this shared sanctuary. But his methods were far from benevolent; he sought out those humans who had no other viable choices, manipulating circumstances to ensure their inclusion. His first target in this orchestrated plan was Emily. Emily, the central figure in this narrative, bore a harrowing past, marked by unfathomable acts—brutally murdering her biological father and boyfriend. Granted a second chance at life, she aimed to leave her haunting past behind, yet the weight of her history proved inescapable. However, amidst this shadowed past, a glimmer of hope emerged; perhaps, someone might stand alongside her to confront the haunting echoes of her actions. As the devil orchestrated his designs to integrate humans into this fragile alliance, Emily stood as a focal point in his intricate plans. Her story encapsulated the struggle for redemption, the perennial conflict between one's past and the pursuit of a new beginning. Her journey mirrored the perennial battle with personal demons, a quest for absolution in the face of unforgiving memories. The devil's intervention, while shrouded in sinister intentions, presented an opportunity for Emily. Her path toward reconciliation and the pursuit of a new life unfolded amid the backdrop of a world grappling with the fragile threads of a newfound peace, juxtaposed against the shadows of a tumultuous past. Emily's journey toward redemption, entwined with the devil's machinations, marked a pivotal chapter in the delicate equilibrium between races and the profound yearning for a harmonious coexistence. ------------- A glimpse of her life: Emily: Why are you here? Beel: To bring you food! Emily: Didn't that girl offer to buy you expensive food? Beel: Yeah but eating with you is better, everything tastes good, especially the food you make me Emily (while smiling): What should we make? Beel: Fried chicken and rice! Emily: Okay, get the ingredients, I will see the kitchen Beel: Okay, don't start without me, I want to help! (he ran away while she put her hand on her beating chest and wondered if she was ready to move on)

MiKouki · Fantasy
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17 Chs

A Hungry Killer

Kachan was lying in a pool of ketchup, that Beel had put on the floor, in an attempt to add flavor to the alive kitchen he was about to eat, his hands were midair when Dolores entered the room; looking at the scene in front of her, she realized, that man was planning on eating her Kachan.

"What the fuck are you trying to do?" Dolores said, as she kicked Beel away from Kachan and in a split second, she got to Kachan and held him in her arms, cleaning him up with the hem of her blouse.

"Eat it, obviously, it's food." He replied nonchalantly; if we rewind back to three minutes ago, we would see that Beel was on his way to the kitchen, to eat, when he smelt the scent of a chicken, calling for him to eat it, and since he couldn't resist the urge, he and decided that he was going to be his snack, so he put Katsuki, on the ground, still alive and some ketchup around to add flavor, even though if he did eat him, he calls just taste feathers, back to the present, where Kachan was puffing his feathers in anger, and where Dolores was plotting on how to kill Bell without Lucifer knowing about it.

"He is not it, he is my pet and his name is Kachan, you can't eat him." Dolores was trying to keep her cool and not kill him because there was no way she could kill him without Lucifer knowing about it.

"Pets aren't allowed and he, he is a chicken, who was a chicken as a pet? They are just food." Beel said, still wanting to eat Katsuki since the smell of his burnt foot was still in his memory and he couldn't stop thinking about it.

"He is different and Lucifer allowed me to keep him, now leave." Dolores asked him nicely, trying not to punch his nose and break it into a million places.

"Can't I just take a bite?" As soon as he finished that sentence, he was sent flying out at the room, with Dolores's foot, which was ready to stomp on his stomach, to stop him from eating her Kachan.

With her chicken, still in her hands Dolores walked out of the room and kicked Beel on the side of his stomach, she was ready to do more before Emily came and stopped her.

"Move or you are next." Dolores didn't like being stopped midday, she wanted to show that hungry asshole what happens when he touches what's hers.

Emily was a bit worried for her safety, but she was more warned about Beel's because he looked like he didn't give two shits about what was happening to him, he was just trying there and taking it, while staring at the chicken in Dolores's hands.

She couldn't leave him, she owned him a favor for feeding her, so despite her guts telling her not to do it, she stood before Beel and said: "I can't let you do anything to him, I don't know what he did but I am sure he can be and anyway, the chicken's foot is injured, you should go check on it before it's too late." Emily said, which made Dolores aware of the injury that caused all of this, and because was more important than showing an idiot a world of pain, she walked away to the nurse's office, after saying: "You better remember this."

After she left, Emily collapsed to her knees, her feet giving up on her because of how worried she was. Beel, who was sitting on the floor, asked if she was fine, she said yes with a nervous laugh before fainting on the ground.

"That girl is so weak." Raiin whispered to herself, as she watched everything unfold from her position, in a tree, a couple of hundreds of meters away. She was still a bit angry after the whole interaction with Miko, she was just trying to be nice, and Mi…. whatever her name was, just had to be a bitch about it and hate on her for trying to help.

What got her mood even worst after that was the view of HER target, Mammon being with another girl, the girl who gave Miko flowers, that girl had the audacity to stare at her man and even get him to help her up, which was unforgivable, to say the least. After seeing that, she followed the girl, to confront her at the right moment, and that leads us back to the present, where she was staring at the unconscious Emily, being carried away by Beel, Mammon's brother; he was holding her in his arms tightly, which gave Raiin an idea, why not make Beel pursue Emily?

That way, she would have Mammon all by herself, that's the perfect plan, she is so smart. With that in mind, Raiin rushed to the infirmary office, where Beel should have taken Emily, but when she got there, she only found, an empty bed with the nurse asking her what she wanted.

"The hell did he take her to?" Raiin wondered as she stood outside of the infirmary, trying to guess where Emily and Beel could be. But no matter how hard she used her brain, she would have never guessed that Beel took Emily to the kitchen.

When Beel saw Emily faint before his eyes, mere minutes after she told him she was fine, he knew what she needed, food. Once, when he was with his little sister in the library, reading about humans, he found out that humans can faint from lack of food because unlike them, who can survive for decades without eating anything, a human's body would collapse if they don't eat.

So, he put Emily on the kitchen floor and looked for some food, the only thing he could find was a piece of bread, which he shoved into Emily's mouth, choking her in the process and almost killing her, without realizing it, since even after he shoved it in her mouth, she didn't wake up and only made sounds, which made him remember that humans also needed their food to be soft so they can eat.

"What should I do?" He said out loud as he stared at Emily's lips.