
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Película
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88 Chs


-Peter POV-

Peter didn't want to admit but he was really stupid to ignore her appearance till now and put it aside as a coincidence and he was regretting doing it so he asked "Do you sing?" Billie looks at me in suspicion as she asks "How do you know that, are you a stalker?" i wanted to hit myself to restart my brain as it seems to be causing a lot of calculation errors today.

"I mean your voice is great that's why I asked" she seemed to believe that and as it was a half truth it was easier to believe. Peter was feeling a little awkward as she then ignored him while checking up on the kids and although he could probably make small talk right now old habits die hard and all that so he said "I am going then, bye" but before he could go far billie called back "Heyy" i turned and she said "Thank you".

I smiled at her before asking "what if i wanted to meet you again?" she looked to the kids and asked them something and they answered in a whisper, she looked at me and said "Same place everyday at 10:30AM or 12:30PM otherwise we'll probably be out stealing or at the building you have seen us practice in.".

I nod and leave feeling happy for some reason maybe because i helped someone, yeah that's probably it. I reach home and aunt may is in the living room watching TV as she asks me "Somebody's happy today, what happened?" I sat down beside her and told her half of the story of me walking around and finding a girl jumping buildings, and me following her but i decreased the danger by saying that the buildings weren't that far from each other.

I told her how i learned some parkour moves from them but aunt may interrupted me when i was talking about the Kong vault "Peter, i love that you have a new hobby but why do you try all these dangerous things?" I give her the most innocent smile i could conjure as i said "There was no danger involved aunt may" my smile fades as the channel on the TV changes.

"Queens residents were in for a shock when the sky decided to rain children, the residents were flabbergasted at this turn of events as five children swing between the buildings using a fire hose taken off of a nearby building by tying it to a crane. This maverick behaviour made the public of queens issue a notice to the mayor in hopes of setting up a park for such activities to keep the young minds busy but the mayor said it right to their faces and i quote 'don't try to get me to make you a skate park bitches we don't even know what happened to the last one' even though that caused further outrage from the skaters, the internet called him a savage gu..."

The perfect coincidence of the TV made my heart stop as the video of me swinging across buildings is being played repeatedly, atleast none of our faces are visible in the video so that's a big red flag we missed but the problem now is aunt may watched the video being played repeatedly and looking at me and the TV like a pendulum.

Finally she turns to me one last time and touches my clothes and looks back at the TV's paused frame of me, without my face in the shot but my clothes clearly visible before saying "you are grounded" if she had yelled i would have probably been fine but she was talking so calmly i was afraid that she was possessed.

"Go to your room" i didn't have the courage to talk back or even try to explain myself so i left to my room as quick as i could.

-Ben POV-

As a common man ben wanted only one thing, to go home to his happy wife and eat his fill of her delicious cooking before having some fun with her eating something else but coming back home to your angry wife and a grounded son/nephew is the worst because now you have to deal with the both of them.

Ben found his situation get more complicated whenever he had to side with one of them rather than scold them both and be done with it. This was one of those situations where he had to side with his wife "i understand you may, it was definitely a wrong thing to do but let's just hear why he did it" may finally relented but said "you call him and ask him yourself".

I went upto his door and brought him down before i say down beside may who was pointedly ignoring me and peter as i ask him "So, what happened to make you do something soo risky?" Watching my nephew look confident as he said "they were in danger and i saved them" made me proud but i had to not show it on my face.

Aunt may seems to have finally decided to make an entrance as she asked peter "And what danger can children get into that warrants you jumping off a building" i thought that was a little too harsh in the beginning but i let it be.

The kid didn't seem to have expected her to ask that question as he answered a little fearfully "they were being chased by.." aunt may urges my stuck nephew "By who?" So he continues "..by some gang members in the area for stealing food" aunt may and i pause and look towards each other before we turned towards him.

I waited to form an articulate question but may seemed to can't hold he mouth as she yells "you are roaming around with thieves now" peter is quick to shout back outraged "They were stealing food because they were hungry" i had enough of being left out so i spoke up "you could have called the police" peter answers me "they would have been put in for adoption" ben could only nod at that as he knew how worse floating around in the system is from a work friend.

"Whatever the case what you did was dangerous and you are grounded" may tells him and i nod but expected peter to protest but when he didn't i understood that years of loneliness must have taught him to be mature.

Before i could feel proud about his maturity, may decided to give some parting words before he left and then everything went to hell.

-Peter POV-

I should have known that the world will keep fucking me over and now that i am grounded, i'll just accept it and deal with it "and you are not going to meet those thieves again" now that there was a villolation so i turn to her trying really hard to keep myself in control as i say through gritted teeth "may i am saying it one last time they are not thieves".

"And what else do I call people who steal and get involved with gangs" i turn to ben to ask if he is hearing what i am hearing, ben looked so done with it that i didn't want to bother him with this so i just said "You know what, i now know you didn't listen to anything i said so i am going to leave for a second" i go for the door and i hear her yell "don't forget that you are grounded" i was pissed off beyond belief so i yelled back "I'll be grounded when i get back" before i slammed the door shut with a little too much force effectively breaking it but i ignored it and left.

I climbed up a nearby building in a normal way to avoid suspicion and stayed on the terrace to think on what happened before i looked across towards the door i almost broke when i left and saw uncle ben get out and turn back to say something.

I stretched my super senses to the max so I heard "I'll go look for him" and aunt may said "be careful" i saw as uncle ben left with a winter coat on. I ignore that completely and look to the stars and find them fascinating.

I imagine what it would be like to be out in those stars, ignoring the fight that just happened. To be flying with no end, to be freezing with no wind, to see stars yet no moon to experience space as a speck rather than as a small organism on a giant ball of dirt trying to save the universe with the few powers i hav---Hold up wait a minute, something ain't right, i got into an argument and left and uncle ben is out there searching for me in the dead of the night.

In a safe but not safe enough neighbourhood, i ignored all the red flags and now i have to rush if i have to save him.