
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Película
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91 Chs

End of a King


Once I was at t he top of the tower I found myself staring at the nerdy man in a suit, I walked towards him slowly and he asked me "Who are you?" I continue walking toward him making the guys beside him lift their guns, I let them do that as I walk toward James Wesley, the man behind the New York Underworld. "I am Peter Parker and I am here for someone" Wesley just looks at me weirdly as he says "How did you get in here with the guards..." He pauses as he looks at the sleeping guards near the door and starts to gesture to the other guards while scratching his head.

The guards immediately move forward to grab me but I grab the head of the first guy and slam his head into the table before I grab the next guy and flip him over my shoulder before hitting him in the face ..1..2..3..4..5..6.. before I could hit him any more I got pulled off by a large pair of hands and a hit to my head before I lost consciousness.

The next time I woke up, I was tied to a chair and looking at a white suit, I looked up and found a bald-faced man looking at me with interest clear on his face. I didn't want to look at his ugly mug too long so I told him "Move back a little or I'll spit on your face" The kingpin, The Don of the Underworld, The leader of the most ruthless gangs around here and he flinched. He flinched before he stepped back, afraid that I would spit.

I laugh at that looking down at my hands tied to the chair, I look up only to find a fist hitting my nose, it wasn't strong enough to make me go unconscious but it was strong enough to break my nose and make me bleed. As my nose starts to bleed The kingpin finally speaks "Who were you looking for again?" My speech comes out a little slurred but I manage to say "Twain" He nods as he asks me "Why?" I shake my head to take away the slurry before I tell him "He hit my girlfriend" The kingpin leans back on the table as he remarks "On the street" I shake my head as I tell him "After he kidnapped her"

The kingpin turns to Wesley and asks "Why did we kidnap this dipshits girlfriend again?" Wesley sighs as he explains "This guy might have seen the point files" The kingpin whistles as he says "Another fuck up I remember happening under your jurisdiction" The kingpin now places Wesley under a glare which makes him stammer "We...we..we have already killed the mole" The kingpin points his finger at me as he says "What about this kid, you told me about him ages ago?" Wesley wipes his sweat as he gestures around "Twain said he handles it today" Kingpin chuckled before turning towards me "Hey kid are you dead?" He asks and I shake my head as I tell him "As alive as I can be".

He laughs as he says "Not for long kid" before turning back to Wesley and slowly walking towards him, I find it to be a good opportunity to slowly inch my way back by pushing the chair as The kingpin screams at Wesley "I left an entire city in your hands, in hopes of building my empire and what do I have to show for it.." I try my best to wiggle my chair to the edge of the balcony, I look back and find that the fall would land me on a wooden table "..You couldn't even kill a single kid in this city, what empire would it be if I didn't have the power to do that" Wesley tries to reason with him "He was slippery and his uncle was retired..." But the kingpin interrupts him "..I don't care what or who it was, I should be.." I tune them out as I look behind me and line myself up before taking a couple of deep breaths.

I was pondering if my healing factor would save me when I heard someone to my left "What even is your plan kid?" I turn towards the voice and find Bullseye just standing there with a knife in hand, I ask him curiously "What are you going to do about this?" He shrugs as he says "For now nothing, I want to watch what happens" I nod in thanks as I say "Then watch" before I push my legs down with all the strength I have making me fall down the floor and onto the table back first breaking the chair in the process.

My spine takes more and more damage and I am ever thankful for Kingpin's kindness in removing the knife from my back before tieing me to the chair, I slowly get up and look at the Kingpin and Bullseye looking down at me in surprise before I run forward with full speed and climb the stairs back up to the balcony from where I jumped off. I grab a painting from the wall beside me and use it as a shield as I come up onto the balcony.

My foresight pays off as the painting is immediately hit with a couple of knives, I ignore them and throw the painting in the direction from which the knives came, it hit nothing just as I expected as Bullseye just leaned left but it gave me time to assess the positions of everyone and I find myself standing in the middle of the balcony with the Bullseye standing in front of Kingpin who is near the window sill.

I don't know what I can do here but I have to somehow get to Kingpin while fighting Bullseye and if movie logic is to be believed Kingpin will probably try to slip away as I am busy fighting Bullseye. I form a plan in my mind that can probably get them both. I run towards Kingpin at full speed ducking to avoid the knives being thrown at me but no matter how much I might try they still graze here and there cutting up my body in various places. I reach a wooden table which I flip sideways so that it is facing Bullseye before I start pushing the table to get closer to Kingpin as the Knives start hitting the Table and one of them even gets close enough to my eye that I have to stop for a second.

Bullseye didn't let that second go to waste as he threw a knife that pierced through the wood and pinned it to the ground which removed any protection I could get from it. I was proved right as Bullseye threw some knife that looked like a boomerang which curved around the table to hit me if not for my dodging at the last minute. I ponder what I should do, I don't have my powers.

Or do I because last I checked normal humans aren't supposed to dodge hits coming from outside of their peripheral vision, I put my hand on the table and try to stick it before I pull only for my hand to come off normally so I sigh as another boomerang comes towards me and it grazes my forehead making my head start bleeding. I try to stop the flow as my anger increases at this fucking coward I ignore all my instincts screaming at me in pain as I grab the knife that pinned the table to the ground before slowly pushing it out of the ground making deep cuts in my palm and once the table was dislodged I picked up the whole table and threw it towards Bullseye before I ran for Kingpin who was still standing near the window sill.

I duck to avoid his punch before I jump onto his shoulders and pull his hands up before I pull down the suit behind him, taking off his suit halfway before I turn it thrice, completely tying up his hands behind him, I leave him there as I rush Bullseye who starts to throw more and more knives at me only for me to ignore all basic instincts that most would apply to either dodge it or run away and force myself to run towards him while making small adjustments to avoid being pierced.

The small cuts across my body slowly increase and I am forced to bleed out more and more before I reach Bullseye and see the panic in his eyes, that panic makes me grin, and I swipe his legs out before I place my knee on his kneck pinning him to the ground as I search his entire suit for any throwable item there could be, I throw away all of them across the room before I straddle him near his waist with my knees pinning his hands before I hold his head with both of my hands and pull it up a few inches off the ground before slamming it back down.

Bullseye is unconscious and I was about to go deal with the Kingpin when I was pulled by my shirt and yanked across the room, I flipped in the air and landed sliding backward. It seemed to me Kingpin was back to fight again, I felt a terrible feeling of something missing but I let it be as I asked him "Why?" He looked confused as he questioned, "Why what?" I spread my arms as I asked him "This whole thing, why are you trying to rule a city when you have enough money to live for the rest of your life without any problems, then why?" He looked at me in superiority as he said "Power".

I shake my head as I give him a haughty laugh "That's it, that's all you needed" He looked at me and gave me a look that called me naive as he said "Money can buy a lot of things but Power isn't one of them and to change anything in this city you need Power and if even an inch of this city is out of my hands then it's an itch that will grow into cancer, I need to be the king if I can even have a chance of changing this city" I spit on the ground as I tell him "You are just another power-hungry prick" I run forward with full speed as he slams his fists on the table beside him breaking it in the process.

He grabs a leg from the table which he uses to swing at my head, I slide below the wooden leg and the kingpin's leg while giving him a cock shot which makes his eyes go wide as he holds his nuts and leans forward. I stand back up and turn around to hold him in a rear neck choke, he starts to turn red as he moves around trying to get me off but I put my legs around his torso to make sure I don't leave my hold of him but when you try to choke a person thrice your size you'll have to remember that they can still stand.

And Kingpin did remember as he starts to run backward and hits the table which hits my legs, probably breaking a bone or two but it doesn't matter as long as this fucker is unconscious but it seems he has a lot of breath left in him as he runs backward again but this time aiming for the window sill which crushed my back between the probably very strong window and Kingpins spine.

That along with the various hits I suffered to my spine I'd be happy to be paralyzed from the waist down if my dick survives but my thoughts are interrupted as he moves forward and I could feel Kingpin readying himself for another window slam and the pain was becoming strong enough for me to not ignore it as I leaned back to make sure I don't hit the wall with my lower back which unfortunately loosens my hold on Kingpins neck and he once again hits the wall with full force making me lean on his shoulder as I spit out blood onto his coat.

I mutter in a low voice "Blood is hard to get off of white clothes" before I hold his neck tighter than ever before hoping to choke the life out of him and Kingpin readies himself for another window smash but we stop as James Wesley yells "Stop choking him or she dies" I look up along with Kingpin as Wesley holds a knife to Billies head, Immediately my grip loosens letting Kingpin breath once more and I look at Billies terrified face as Wesley screams "Now let him go completely" I wait as he continues "You don't have a choice" I wonder if I do have a choice as I look around while he says "We will forget all this, you and your girlfriend can go home and do whatever the fuck you want as long as you don't interfere with us" 'Lies' my mind supplies and I agree.

There will never be a day of peace as long as they are alive to hold a grudge so I make my decision as I tell him "Yes you are right I don't have a choice, now that even Bullseye has woken up" while gesturing with my chin at Bullseye making Wesley turn towards him, he finds Bullseye still sleeping and before he can turn back I take out the gun from Kingpins waist before firing it at Wesleys shoulder making him fall back in pain as Billie holds his gun pointed at him.

I go back to my job of trying to choke the ever-living fuck out of Kingpins gigantic neck and the process restarts with Kingpin slamming me back at the window sill, I let the blood wash his suit more and watch as Billie tries to hold back her tears, watching me suffer more and more. I watch ad the world blurs once more and my back hits the Window sill again. My mind conjures images in it's state of blur, I watch as the man jumps off the cliff after saying his same old boring-ass dialogue "well I am afraid i'll die soon kid so I am getting closer to it, just as you said" I open my eyes and get back to clarity and wait for Kingpin to run back to slam me into the window.

I look behind me and find the window just at the edge of breaking just as I am about to suffer from another spinal crash I unlock my legs from Kingpins waist and stand on his spine before I jump over Kingpins head making an arc as he crashes the Window with his own spine, I turn around mid air to stand infront of Kingpin, the window doesn't break but only bends and Kingpin smiles with blood on his lips, I just deadpan at him as I pull my hand back as far as I can before delivering a punch to his chin that probably broke my wrist.

The window breaks and he is falling backwards, I rush forward and grab him by his collar, I stand there looking at Kingpin who will fall down 8 floors if I let go of him. He looks at me in surprise as he tells me with a grin "You are spiderman" I frown as I look at my hand which is not holding his collar but a small piece of web, he laughs as he tells me "Biggest pain in the ass for all of Newyork is a fucking teenager aaahahahahaha"

I look at him in concern as he continues "Put me in Jail kid and you will have half the city on you and your families ass, let me go and I will keep your secret as long as you don't interfere with work" I look at his face and remember the family he has and the children that will forever lose a father if I do it. Then I remember the family I have, the families he will destroy to see himself at the top, he might call himself a pariah who will see New York but he wants that power more than anything.

I look into his eyes with regret written on my face as I tell him "Ok.." he grins as I continue "..I'll let you go" I do so and watch as he falls down looking at me with fear and sadness, the world slows down as the Kingpin falls down right infront of the Police vehicles that were coming to capture him, I lean back as a pool of blood forms around his body.

I sit down and look at the setting sun as my thoughts invade my mind *Killer*Murdered*What of his children?*How many more will you kill?*Was he evil enough?*Did he deserve it?*Are you trying to justify a Murder Peter?* My mind is abuzz with all of those thoughts before I feel a pair of hands hug me from behind, I look down and rub the soft, small hands to comfort myself and bring me out of those thoughts when I hear her voice "They deserved it" that numbs the voices but they are still there in the background, I watch the sunset and let myself feel Billie's heart beat(read Boobs⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)) on my back.

Once I was sufficiently content I stood up with Billie's help, we looked at Wesleys bleeding form and I kick his leg which makes Billie say "Stop" I point at him and say "This guy is evil" Billie looks at the man and says "I have a much better punishment in mind" as she walks forward and stomps inthe unconcious mans nuts, I shrug and do so too but the Men code kicks in and I felt the pain in my balls too, I ignore the feeling as we walked towards the door of the giant 2 floor room to get to the elevator, that is when we hear a ding and none other than Twain gets out of the elevator looking at us with wide eyes.

I point at him as I say "Twain right" He nods and I lean down to pick up a knife that

Bullseye threw and Chuck it as hard as I can at Twain his eyes widen as he screams out, I look at my handiwork (HeHe handi) as his fingers fall off on the ground. I slowly walk towards him as I explain to him "That's for laying a hand on her" I get closer and closer as his screams sound like music to my years, his eyes widen in terror looking at my bloody vissage, not knowing that it was my blood.

I take advantage of his fear as I hold his head while tellinglm him "and this is for any other thought that might have entered your mind about her" I clap my hands together on both sides of his head making his nose bleed as he falls down. I hear a squeal behind me and wonder if Billie hates for all this violence but when I turn around I am crushed by two gigantic jugs as she screams "That was soo fucking hot" I shake my head as I get out of her smothering to ask her "Will you..." Her eyes widen in confusion before I continue "..take me home".

She pouts as she tells me "I thought you were going to say something else" I walk alongside her and enter the elevator as I ask her "What?" She just shrugs before hitting the ground floor button and holding my hand while saying "Nothing, and it would be too early anyway" I shake my head in confusion as I once again ask "What was it?" As the door of the lift closes.