
Chapter 39

Christina King

It's never been so difficult to talk in my life.

Lucas was just the same as I left him, the only difference was that he looked a lot more casual than he did when he worked for me. Standing right in front of me, every second looked like a whole hour. I didn't know what to say and Leo sure wasn't going to utter a single word either so I just happened to be first in line. My mind was blank, completely, and I was very sure that if I said anything, it most probably wouldn't make any sense. It was like I punched a baby right in the face and honestly, none of this was supposed to happen if I solved everything quicker.

"Nice shirt you have there" Right after that was immediate regret. "I mean, yeah, it's a really nice shirt. I love shirts, all kinds of shirts, blue shirts, green shirts, red shirts, purple shirts, I love shirts, they're cool and_" I was cut off by Leo's pinching my elbow and that was the hint to keep quiet.

"You can't park your car here"