
Chapter 28

Christina King.

When Lucas came in with my food, I couldn't look at him the way I used to. I didn't hate him, neither did I believe all Leo said but the atmosphere was different. There were equal possibilities of it being true and not but either ways, I couldn't look at him the same and I wouldn't till I got to the bottom of the matter.

Lucas looked like he couldn't hurt a fly. Why would someone like him be tangled in a mess related to violence? I didn't want to believe it but at the same time, Leo wasn't a liar either and even if he was, why would he put so much into lying against a simple chef?

It was very obvious in the way I acted that something was wrong. I was quiet when he placed it beside me and things got very awkward when he stood there and stared down at me. I didn't know what to say and at that point, I just wished Leo didn't tell me any of what I heard earlier.

"He told you I hurt you, didn't he?"