
Freezing : Nothing

Kasra Utsumi is a first year Limiter at West Genetics Academy, whose Freezing capability and amount of stigmata are unmatched in the school. However, it is this very same ability that fuels his distorted sense of loneliness and separation. [Cover art is various depictions of Kasra]

seoyeonghee · Cómic
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17 Chs

Security Forces Reach for Kasra (2/3)

Touching at his arm, the coldness of the pin going through his shirt annoyed Kasra.

The shining blue of the new armband they issued him had blended well with his white button-up.

He would leave the room like this, as Kasra refused to wear the tan jacket that was apart of the uniform, and no ones bothered to correct him on his uniform yet.

Looking in the mirror, Kasra's eyebrows twitched beneath his long locks of green hair, when he realized what the armband would do for him.

"Tch… actually, I think… people will look at me more harshly than before, with this thing on…"

Sighing and defeated, Kasra rolled up his sleeves to the top of his forearms, and left for the main building, anxious of how people would view him now.

Passing by other Limiter's doors, he realized that everyone but him probably had a Pandora to stick by now.

This realization came as he also heard the voices of Pandora's behind some of the doors.

Looking at the grey-colored tile flooring until he left, he sighed.

Stepping out of the boy's dorms, it struck him that West Genetics was almost nothing but concrete and metal.

Barely a few meters away from the door, his phone suddenly rang.

Surprised, Kasra wondered who it was.

"That's weird… no one's ever called me…"

Digging his hand into his right pocket to get out his phone, Kasra further questioned who it was.

"…Maybe it's from mother? Father?"

Looking at the number displayed on the screen, it wasn't a that he recognized.

But it still had Japan's country code.

Playing it safe, he accepted the call, saying:

"…Um, ciao… questa è mamma..? …Hai cambiato numero di telefono?"

His questions were met with a period of silence, before a girls voice came out on the other side.

It was trembling and shaky, like she had some difficulty controlling her breathing.

"Kh… oh my god, a surprise attack… haah… after I thought you couldn't get any more better than before…"

Ignoring what she said, he realized by her tone that she wasn't a family member.

"Oh, hello, this is Kasra Utsumi speaking."

With another period of silence, this one much more awkward, she finally returned, with a much more serious tone, saying:

"Yes… hello… I'm Yamane Sheena, secretary for the Security Forces. I'm just calling in to tell you that you will need to visit our office on the third floor for orientation today."

Already on his way to the academy, Kasra looked up to the third floor of the building, scanning his eyes left and right, trying to figure out which window was the room.

"Alright, got it. I'll be sure to be there."

Before she could say anything else, he flipped the phone closed, putting it in his pocket.

Beneath the shade of his long hair, the cheeks on his face were deeply flushed.

"…How the hell can anyone be so… brazen to say that kind of thing… I hope shes out when I visit the office…"