
Freedom in Marvel

Reincarnated in marvel with time, control and domain powers. Read as the MC has fun being free. {There probably won’t be any 18+ scenes but there might be a few. Also if the MC has a child they unfortunately won’t have the MC’s powers, because they are integrated into his soul. He will just adopt children, because I’m not good at making OC’s. MARVEL owns MARVEL. I own any OC’s. Just for the fun of it, some regular characters from the marvel universe will be his, AC/adopted children. Honestly, I’m not good with characters, so the MC will probably end up being a half self insert. Also, the updates will be whenever I feel like it, so don’t expect much. Enjoy!

Hippo9999 · Película
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3 Chs




In the center of a white room with two chairs and a table, someone would be able to see a man with blonde hair, royal blue eyes, with a height of 6'2", English face with a skin tone that is white but slightly tanned and a body that is slim with a little muscle. The man appears to be looking around calmly, like it was in his expectation to be here. After looking around, the man stands up and walks to the chair on his side and sits down. The instance the man sits down, an all blue figure appears in the other seat. The figure is that of the same shape as the man who sits opposite. The blue figure raises his hand, and a lightly shaded yellow document appears. The figure opens its metaphorical mouth and speaks in a calm and relaxed voice,

"Hello Will Marx. As you probably have realized, you have died at the ripe age of 101 and have been turned back into your 21 year old self to make you feel as comfortable as possible. You have lived a very beneficial life and since you have contributed to your main planet so much, you have been given 2 choices by me, the one and only Supreme god. These choices are either to be reincarnated with what you want, or to live with me, relax, and watch as the world grows." -Sg

"I choose to be reincarnated with what I want." -WM

The blue figure then waved his hand and a MacBook Pro 13 appeared in front of Will. The figure nodded and said,

"This is your bodies appearance and powers selection, your weapons and armor selection, time, date, and location selection and your universe and limitation selection. Select what you want and if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them."

Will nodded and turned to look at the laptop. On the screen in the middle, he saw a perfect model of his body that was standing naked. On the sides there were multiple drop down selection bars and type in boxes. On the top the title was 'BODY SELECTION' and next to it were other book marks that had other titles, that were what the blue figure explained.

Focusing his attention back to the body selection, he first selected to make his face look more appealing to the eye. He made his jaw and eyes sharper, nose more defined, ears symmetrical, lips thinner, and hair slightly thicker but still smooth. He kept his skin color and only made his hair a lighter shade. Then his focus was put on his outer body appearance. He made his body that of a swimmer's build with smooth skin that looks like it has never been touched. He didn't change much else, as he liked his body the way it was.

Next, he clicked on the little tab above his head that said 'Advanced' and his model was then separated into five sections; muscles, organs, nervous system, skin and bones.

First, he looked at his muscles. He made them all pink muscles with unlimited potential, but made them always be compact and light. He also made them incredibly flexible to the point they will never rip or shred, besides making him sore.

Then, he focused on his organs. He first optimized all his soon to be organs and made all his organs, such as his stomach and lungs be able to function with out the materials needed. He made all his organs be able to use all materials that he eats or absorbs, be able to be of use. He also gave himself heightened senses and brain function at the level of High Evolutionary. (Look him up if you don't know him, which most people don't.)

Next was his skin. To compliment his organs he made his skin absorb all forms of radiation as a source of food and water(He is not Superman). To help his muscles and help his wellbeing, he made his skin be even harder than Proto-Adamantium when impact is made and the impact will rip his skin.(knives, guns, when you fall off your bike, etc.)

For his bones, he made them always be harder than Proto-Adamantium and he made his bone marrow able to produce so much blood that even if he had no skin he still wouldn't die of blood loss.

Finally, was his nervous system. First he made his nervous system be able to keep up with his brain. Then he set up a mental command percentage bar, that will turn ha pain sensitivity from 1% - 100%.

Next,he clicked out of advanced and clicked the banner 'POWERS'. For this page, his body was still in the middle but the options were different. They were all type in boxes.

"If I type in the powers I want will they make them exactly as I want them?" -WM


And so, I typed in the powers I want; control over time, a pocket dimension, all speak, a domain that has no limit in distance and absolute control within that domain, Deadpool regeneration (not like it's needed), the ability to fly, and the ability to be free from any constraints I may specify.

Next was his weapons selection. On the screen was a blank space in the middle and two options at the top; choose existing weapon and create your own weapon. Will chose to create his own weapon. A box appeared on the right that read 'specifics about weapon'. He clicked the box and typed, [only able to be picked up by me or who I specify, can change weight from 1 pound - too heavy to measure, can change shape from as small as a marble to as big as a skyscraper, can change into any weapon, can't hurt me or people I specify, can be recalled back, can split into multiple objects, can be controlled by my mined, can change material but will never break.] Once that was typed up, he looked at the weapon and it was an always changing object.

Next was armor it had the same screen as weapons so he typed into the box [must be retractable into skin, must be able to transform into any cloths, must be indestructible, must be cold and heat resistant, can be controlled by my mind, can turn user invisible, makes user silent, can change into any cloths, must look awesome when used for combat.] I expectantly looked at the armor and voila, the armor was Metallic red with blue veins that run down it. The armor is thin and skin tight, has a sort of plate armor on the muscles but is still malleable and comfortable. Under the plate armor, is a cloth armor that is light. The body armor covers the whole body and cushions impacts. The mask and helmet are shaped to fit the head and cushion impacts. It looks like the original Snake Eyes mask has from G.I. Joe.

Next was the time, date, and location selection. For time I chose daytime, date I chose when the Earth is 2.6 billion years old, and location I chose in the middle of Pangea. (Since I'm lazy, I'm just going to make Odin one day just decide to come to earth like 2.5 million years ago.)

Finally I chose the MCU and I chose no limitations. (Limitations only applied to Will, not the universe.)

When I was done I looked to the blue figure and said, "I'm done. Can I have a pet?"

The blue figure nodded, "What type of pet do you want?"

"I would like a dog that can change size from a mouse to a elephant. I want it to look like a golden retriever with shorter hair, absorb sunlight like me, be able to breath any thing, survive under any temperature and be as smart as a human."

The figure nodded again, "Well if that is it, I will send you on your way. You will spawn in a barren land with your dog and a hand book on how to control your powers. I will give you fair warning though, Earth is very unstable, so be ready to survive, even if you can't die. When you are ready walk through the door behind you."