
Free God

[You are now a God, feel free to do whatever you want.] It is said that Gods would never intervene with a mortal's doing, but what if I wanted to do so? I am neither good nor bad, I'm neutral when it comes to those concepts. What I want, are stories.

ImShameless · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Prophet (1)

In a blue painted room surrounded by bookshelves, a desk was placed on the far right. On that desk was Ivaim.

He was currently writing on a book using a fountain pen that Eve bought for him.

Eve was the woman who 'saved' him from drowning in the river 3 years ago.

Ever since that incident, the woman tried helping him find his parents. But after a long search, she eventually gave up and decided to take him in instead.

"Ivaim!! Come downstairs before the food gets cold!"

Ivaim closed the book and carried it with him as he shouted.


Eve stood near the table as she adjusted the chair for Ivaim. She saw the book that he was holding and immediately went to ask.

"Oh? Did you write another chapter today?"

Ivaim placed the book on the table and pushed it towards her a bit, indicating that she should read it.

Eve smiled as she ruffled his head.

"Kid, eat quickly before the food gets cold."

Ivaim just nodded obediently as Eve opened the book and started reading the new chapter which Ivaim wrote.

Over these past few years, she highly supported Ivaim's hobby of writing. Three years ago when she first took him in, he started writing a book called "Fundamentals of a Prophet".

It was entertaining enough to read, and Ivaim was basically like a younger brother to her now so she obviously had to show her support.

She closed the book as she finished reading the latest page.

"Oh, you're almost done writing it, you only need the epilogue now!"

Ivaim smiled happily as he muttered a thank you before continuing to eat.

"Hey, as someone who took you in, can't you give me a spoiler?? What happens after the protagonist destroyed the scenarios?"

She asked curiously. Ivaim stared at her and then drooped his head down with a sulky expression.

"If I tell you, you won't be interested in reading anymore.."

Eve smiled as she patted Ivaim's head.

"Fine fine, I'll wait for you to finish it."


"I have to go for a job interview now, make sure to lock the doors and not talk to strangers, alright?"

Ivaim just nodded. He pushed the book towards her once again and said

"Big sis, can you bring my book along with you today?"

He said with an unreadable expression.

"Eh? Why so?"

Ivaim smiled.

"For goodluck, so you can pass the interview."

Eve laughed lightly as she grabbed the book which Ivaim handed over.

"Alright alright, I'll bring it with me."


Ivaim stood outside the door as he waved at Eve whom was walking away.

He then looked up at the blue sky with a dull expression on his face.

Up in the sky, which was supposed to be morning, a star suddenly appeared.

'It seems that they are coming soon.'