
Free God

[You are now a God, feel free to do whatever you want.] It is said that Gods would never intervene with a mortal's doing, but what if I wanted to do so? I am neither good nor bad, I'm neutral when it comes to those concepts. What I want, are stories.

ImShameless · Fantasía
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24 Chs

King of Saviors (3)

I held my left arm as I got blown away from the Celestial's attacks. I crashed at a tree and coughed out some blood. My left arm was currently pierced with a sharp metal shard.

I hissed in pain as I took it out of my arm.

My breathing got heavy, I stood up and looked at the Celestial in front of me.

She had a short red hair, her upper face was pale and beautiful. However her jaw was quite horrendous. You could see the bones seemingly wriggling out everytime she moves. She had sharp teeth which were clanging with each other, it was as if her jaw had another consciousness of its own.

She wore a white round gown which had a lot of tears.

[Slayer of Heavens is laughing at your pathetic appearance]

[Slayer of Heavens has sponsored you with 10 coins]

I gritted my teeth, this guy had been mocking me for awhile now.

[The First Celestial is angry at the other celestials]

[The Reader Who Writes is curious about your next move]

I activated my A grade stories once again as a wave of metal spikes rained down from the sky.

For some reason, when I tried using my A grade Spear earlier, my arm started hurting, I had to let go of it and run away.

I looked at the lady with a deformed jaw in front of me.

'It's probably because of her...'

[The S grade story "Enemy of Weapons" is continuing its storytelling]

I continued to dodge the metal spikes. I activated my Flaming Body skill and punched away the spikes which I couldn't dodge.

I opened my mouth and aimed it at the Thousand Weapon Eater.

[Starlight Fire has been activated]

The woman with the deformed jaw raised her finger at the firebeam and giggled.

[Devour has been activated]

I internally cursed, I hated that skill of hers. I was proficient in weapons and relied on my Starlight Fire a lot, however this woman's skills seems to counter mine.

She stared at me and opened her mouth.

What a disgusting sight.

"Tell me... dear human, why do you seek to become a Celestial?"

Contrary to her ugly jaw's appearance, she seemed to have a very soft and gentle voice.

I grabbed one of the metal spikes from the ground and aimed a stance.

"Is it not obvious? To become strong enough to get out of the scenarios, and to protect my people."

At my statement, she just laughed out loud like a maniac. It was truly a disgusting sight to see her jaw moving around like that.

"Do you think us Celestials are exempted from the scenarios? Fool."

I stared at her in silence as I continued my fighting stance.

I knew that even Celestials would suffer from the scenarios.

[The First Celestial is staring in silence]

However, if I could be just a little stronger than before.

If there was a way to make my people live forever.

'Then I'd even make a deal with the devil.'

I thought. I was about to rush out and attack when I noticed that nothing was moving. The birds that were supposed to be in the sky froze, the woman in front of me also didn't move. The world looked gray, as if time stopped.

My stance broke as I looked around in confusion. And then a voice behind me spoke.

"Those thoughts... do you mean it?"


It was Ivaim.