
Free God

[You are now a God, feel free to do whatever you want.] It is said that Gods would never intervene with a mortal's doing, but what if I wanted to do so? I am neither good nor bad, I'm neutral when it comes to those concepts. What I want, are stories.

ImShameless · Fantasy
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24 Chs

King of Saviors (4)

"Those thoughts... do you mean it?"

I stared at where the voice was coming from. It was a boy with strange clothing. He was holding a book with the words "Endless" on it. And for some reason, his face looked blurry, I couldn't see it.

"Who.. are you?"

I said as I pointed the metal spike at him.

The boy didn't answer my question and walked towards me slowly as he held out his hand.

"Your dreams, I can make it come true."

He said.

I stepped back, I had a scowled and cautious expression on my face as I wrinkled my eyebrows.

"What the hell would you know about my dreams?"

The boy laughed in a very soft tone, and said.

"You said.. you'd even make a deal with the devil in order for you and your people to live forever, right?"

That's right. Unlike Celestials whom could live through hundreds and thousands of years, us humans could barely live up to 70. I still vaguely remember when the elders of our village died out of old age 15 years ago.

I wouldn't want to burry anymore of my people.

I nodded at the boy in front of me.

I was confused, even Castor couldn't stop time. Just who was this boy? I made some speculations which even shook my own mind.

"Are you... perhaps the creator that Castor mentioned?"

The boy tilted his head and got closer to me, he held out his hand once again.

"You don't have to know about that, all you need to know is that I can make your dreams come true. All you have to do is work for me."

I raised my eyebrows and hesitated.

"Work.. for you? Would we live on forever and be exempt from the scenarios if we work for you?"

I slowly started to put down the metal spike that I was holding.

"Live forever? of course. As for being exempt from the scenarios? Well you could say that."

"What do you mean..?"

The boy laughed.

"You'll know once you shake my hand."


"You and your people, I can save you from the scenarios."

I stared in silence for a few seconds.

"I promise."

I slowly raised my hand.

Castor told me that the creator wasn't a bad person, he told me that the creator only wanted an endless story, which is why he made the scenarios.

Perhaps, the creator really did just want to help me out, in a way that would benefit us both.

If this could save me and my people..

Then perhaps there is no use hesitating.

I shook his hand.


Behind the blurry face, the boy smiled.