
Freak (Book one)

Amber Williams is a 16-year-old girl who's very much different than the others around her. Her parents own a sanctuary for wildlife and domestic to rehab them before releasing them to the wild or finding them new forever homes. That's all Amber knew as she was so close to the wolf pack that stayed the longest in the sanctuary, but when one day her parents relocate the pack she does everything in her power to get them back. She defies her parents and runs away to search for them meeting new people along the way, ones that either want to get her caught by police or ones that help her along the journey. What will happen to Amber Williams along her new journey? Will she get her pack back? Or will her efforts be in vain?

ChesireWolfKing24 · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

Feeling the casts come off from my arm and leg felt so good, but I still had to wear braces until my arm and leg were strong enough to hold their own weight. The school was also stressful when I came back cause I had a lot to catch up on, Daisy was excited to see me again telling me she missed me greatly and that she worried about me every day. Josh was still a bully making fun of my injuries every chance he got.

I didn't bother trying to fight back it wouldn't have helped either way. It took me a while to catch up on schoolwork, but with the help of Daisy and my parents, I was able to get done pretty quickly. I Aced all my classes by the end of my Junior year I was so proud of myself that I invited Daisy, Jacob, and Will down to my home to celebrate with my parents!

As I and mom were decorating the outside and getting ready for the barbeque dad came outside "hey Amber, your friends are here" I rushed past him into the house seeing my friends Daisy, Jacob, and Will in the living room exchanging their names "guys!" I wrapped my arms around Jacob first before giving everyone else a hug thanking them for coming over "of course, I want to be here for your celebration of graduating Junior year!" Daisy squealed giving me another hug.

"Congratulations on graduating Amber, one more year to go," Will said with a smile patting my shoulder "I brought you something Amber" Jacob pulled out a small gift box and handed it to me "you didn't have to Jacob" I smiled at him opening the box gently gasping out loud when seeing it was the most beautiful necklace I'd ever seen with a silver chain and a teardrop jewel as the centerpiece with the jewel being a dark blue as the deepest part of the ocean.

I looked at Jacob amazed "are you serious?" He nodded smiling down at me taking the necklace gently from my hands and gesturing me to turn around, I did with some hesitance seeing the necklace appear in front of my face as he lowered it around my neck. He clasped the ends together making sure it was on before turning me back around to take a look, my cheeks felt warm as everyone's look of approval "it looks beautiful on you Amber" Daisy smiled cheekily at me.

"You guys coming outside?" Mom called from the back patio "mom! Look at what Jacob brought me!" I raced to the back door to show mom as she gasped at its beauty "oh Jacob this is beautiful, where did you get it?" She asked gently touching the jewel "it actually belonged to my mother when she was still alive, it's a family heirloom" I was in extreme shock "family heirloom? Why would you give me something so precious?"

I don't even know how to feel about all this, a family heirloom! "I know that you would take very good care of it and I believe it would suit you, I'm sure my mother would be proud for you to wear it" tears pricked my eyes as I hugged Jacob tight "thank you" I whispered in his ear before letting go as Daisy drug me off to see what dad was cooking up for the barbeque tonight.


When the food was finally done being cooked everyone gathered around the table we all talked about random things whether about school, work, or just plain life. Cracking jokes here and there as we enjoyed how good the food was, it felt amazing that night. It felt like we were just a big old family that hadn't seen each other in ages and just enjoyed one another in the moment.

It seemed to end so soon as Daisy had to go home because it was getting so late and her parents would worry about her still being so young. My parents, me, Jacob, and Will all stayed outside just talking when mom got up "well I am going to start cleaning up and doing some dishes you guys enjoy yourselves" Jacob got up with her "let me help, it'll be my pleasure" mom smiled and thanked him as they gathered up the dishes "I'll help to!" I jumped up getting the rest of the dishes to the kitchen sink.

"Thank you, dear, I'm sure your father will help me with the table outside" mom walked back out leaving me and Jacob in the kitchen "did you enjoy the barbeque?" I asked him starting to put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher making sure there was no extra food on the plates "it was delicious, the best I've ever had" he chuckled putting some leftovers in the fridge "that's good, not going to lie this is the first barbeque dad has done in the last 10 years when I was a kid in elementary school."

I turned the dishwasher on making sure most of the dishes were in before getting to rest that was in the sink "10 years huh?" Jacob asked standing next to me "yeah, it feels good to do another barbeque, I stopped asking him for a barbeque after 2 years of asking knowing he wasn't going to budge, it feels good knowing he did one today for me." I smiled at him placing another clean plate in the other sink to rinse. Jacob walked over to that side helping me rinse the dishes.

Once the dishes were done I wiped off the counter smiling proudly at our work "you've done a great job Amber" Jacob said smiling at me "well I mean mom taught me how to clean I would hope to be good at it" he chuckled shaking his head "I meant on everything else including yourself" my cheeks burned red with embarrassment "right.." I laughed awkwardly looking down at the sink.

Jacob grabbed my chin lifting my head to look at him, my heart started beating wildly at his actions. The way he looked at me made me catch my breath in my throat, it seemed he wanted to say something but he changed his mind smiling again as he let my chin go "I'm proud of the achievements you've accomplished let alone the personal development, you deserve it" he left shortly after that with Will saying they needed to get some business done.

My cheeks were still burning even way after Jacob left, the scene of him holding my chin and looking at me the way he did...I shook my head trying to shake whatever this was out of my head I didn't need...whatever this is.

"I'm gonna head to bed guys, I love u" after wishing me goodnight I went to my room to take a sensual shower to relax my muscles. I just put on an oversize t-shirt and underwear flopping down on my bed feeling free from the braces I no longer have to wear on my arm and leg. I stared up at my ceiling all the events passing through my head smiling at Daisy's personality during the barbecue...Jacob looking down at me.

My heart skipped a beat as I shot up in bed shaking my head trying to get it out 'he's way too old for me anyway! I'm almost 17! Besides, I highly doubt Jacob feels that way about me anyway' I came to the realization at one point that I had a crush on Jacob Forest, but I have to hide it cause I'm still a minor and I'd rather my first crush not end up in heartbreak.

I flopped back down on the bed sighing heavily turning on my alarm for the next morning because I plan on getting a summer job to save up money to own my own sanctuary. I was about to pass out when my phone dinged, I unlocked my screen and clicked on messages almost dropping my phone when I saw the message was from Jacob.

Jacob: Hey about earlier...I wanted to apologize for my behavior with you in the kitchen, and I don't know if you are already asleep so I will talk to you some time.

I hesitated a little to answer

Amber: You don't have to apologize Jacob...I was more confused than anything lol

Jacob: If I made you uncomfortable in any way and you don't want me around anymore...

I frowned at the screen, I don't know why he would think I wouldn't want him around...

Amber: You never made me uncomfortable once Jacob, and of course, I want to see you again *sad face* I like having you around

Jacob sent a smiling face wishing me goodnight and I went to bed smiling.