
Freak (Book one)

Amber Williams is a 16-year-old girl who's very much different than the others around her. Her parents own a sanctuary for wildlife and domestic to rehab them before releasing them to the wild or finding them new forever homes. That's all Amber knew as she was so close to the wolf pack that stayed the longest in the sanctuary, but when one day her parents relocate the pack she does everything in her power to get them back. She defies her parents and runs away to search for them meeting new people along the way, ones that either want to get her caught by police or ones that help her along the journey. What will happen to Amber Williams along her new journey? Will she get her pack back? Or will her efforts be in vain?

ChesireWolfKing24 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

"Still filling out applications honey?" I nodded to mom as she placed down a cup of tea next to me on the table since I brought my laptop down just in case I had any questions about parts of the applications "yeah almost done for the day and then I was going to hang out with Daisy later if that's ok" mom nodded sitting down next to me "of course dear I don't mind at all, you've worked hard today."

I thanked mom when I got a text from Daisy;

Daisy: I'm so sorry to do this to you but my parents said I couldn't hang out today...

Amber: What? Why the sudden change?

I was worried something might have happened when Daisy messaged again

Daisy: my mom saw on the tv that there have been multiple wolf sightings and she's afraid I'm going to get mauled and she wants to keep me home to make sure I'm safe

Wolf sightings? Granted that one time we both saw momma wolf and her pup but that was the only time we saw them. I quickly messaged Daisy back asking her to send me a link to the newsletter stating the wolf sightings in our area as I got up to go to dads study to see if he was there. "Hey, dad?" I asked knocking on his door "come on in Amber" I walked in seeing dad working on his computer with some papers laying around his desk "I have a question."

He hummed letting me know I have his attention "has there been wolf sightings in this area?" He stopped what he was doing and turned to look at me "wolf sightings? Who said that?" I showed dad the text messages Daisy sent me of what her parents said "she said her mom saw on the news that there have been wolf sightings in this area so her mom doesn't want her coming out for her safety" He hummed again intrigued by what I said turning back to his computer he went onto his browser to search wolf sightings.

There was the newest story posted online telling everyone that there had been wolf sightings in our small town of BlackBerry Grove, the dangerous level is unknown, and to make sure not to go out past dark for our safety. "So it is true" I muttered out loud "it seems so" dad commented seeing if there was anything more on the situation, but the post was still pretty new so there wasn't much to it.

"Well, for now, we'll do what the post says and not go out past dark, but if there's any time you leave during the day and see one make sure you hide away until it's safe," dad told me, and I told him I would try my best to be safe, messaging Daisy back letting her know we found the article and to be safe, she replied with the same.

I also messaged Jacob asking him if he knew anything and if he was still in town

Jacob: I wasn't aware there were wolf sightings in your town as of late, I traveled back to my city in North Dakota recently

My heart pinged in pain knowing I physically can't see him right now 'damn I really did fall for him' i sighed messaging him back and letting him know I would keep him updated and to be safe. I placed my phone in my pocket letting mom I was going into town and that I would be back before dark.

I went to the only cafe we had in our small town and sat down at the far end against the wall ordering myself a small coffee with creamer. As I waited I looked out the big window it had towards the woods trying to think of why wolves are starting to show up here, wolves tend to not really like this area of Montana for some reason.

Thanking Waitress Kelly for the coffee I stirred in my creamer looking back out the window again wondering if I could somehow find a way to communicate with them and let them know what the town is thinking of them being here, maybe I could tell them where to go to be with more of there kind? I wasn't sure just yet but the little bell above the door jingled signaling a customer had come in.

I turned to see a couple of unfamiliar gentlemen wearing leather jackets and jeans, heavily muscled I should say too very similar to Jacob's muscles. I shook my head to get that image out of my head as I did my best to ignore them 'there probably just some tourists that ended up finding this place by accident' that's usually what ended up happening when people travel through Montana with how little our town is people tend to be really surprised when they discover us.

Since there weren't too many tables the men sat down a table away from me laughing about some joke one of them told. I stirred my coffee gently in small circles taking a sip occasionally. "Hey there gorgeous" I internally groaned as one of the men sat in front of me looking at me like I was some kind of prey he could catch, with his trying-to-be sexy grin on his face "can I help you?" I asked him with a monotone voice.

"There's a lot of ways you can help me sweetheart" he laughed as his buddies chuckled behind him as I rolled my eyes leaning back into my chair "why don't you come back to my place and I'll show you a good time" I sighed rubbing the side of my head sensing a headache appearing "though I would 'love' to go with you gentlemen but sorry to burst your bubble but I am a minor." The guy acted fake shocked "oh no! A minor! I don't care sweetheart age is just a number."

Now he was really ticking me off as he kept trying to persuade me into leaving with him when I finally had enough and slammed my hands on the table as I stood up "thank you so much for the entertainment gentlemen" I growled, "but I have grown tired of your attempts, leave me alone." I grabbed my wallet stomping off towards the front door when I felt someone grab my wrist "now sweetheart don't be so upset, we can change that mind of yours if u just come with us" he kept a good grip on my wrist and it kind of reminded me of how strong Jacob was as they both seemed to have iron-clad gripes.

"Sir, I suggest you let go of the little missy before I arrest you for harassment" the one and only Sheriff Garrett walked in crossing his arms across his chest. The guy let me go putting his hands up in mock surrender "my bad Sherriff we was only having some fun" Sheriff nodded "I'm sure you was but Amber there wasn't." I'm gonna head home Sheriff, thanks" he nodded to me as I left those creepy men behind.

What was wrong with those guys? They almost seemed...animalistic.