
Frankenstein Rituals : Grimm's Rise Again Series Part 1

Logan White-Black is the main character of this story and he intends to fulfil that role by doing whatever he wants to do, even at the cost of others. Logan wakes up in a child's body, in a time that was slowly being forgotten, in a world different from his own, it's a good thing then that he already knows exactly what to do to, to become a powerful wizard after reading so many fanfic's based around the exact situation he was in. House Elf's for the win!!! ... A semi self insert of me into the world of Harry Potter, what I would do if I was reborn in that world with my memories intact. It will be a semi self insert as the MC is getting reborn into another body, not transferring over his own. This story doesn't have any lemon scene's since I'm terrible at writing them but there are mentions of such act's and actions like them, hence the R-18 tag. This also won't be a harem, even when in the beginning the main character is in a 'complicated' relationship. My end goal is a normal relationship and I have already decided as to who I would like for him to settle down with. My writing has improved since the very beginning, but that doesn't mean it is good so please have some patience when you see for yourself just how bad it really is. Hope you enjoy reading my work regardless, and I try to aim for 1 chapter a week, give or take a couple days. If you want to read ahead of the public chapters go check out my Pat reon (Up to Cha 140). I've moved this complete over to Pat reon as per what was said in the last chapter. ... World's so far : Harry Potter, Hitman : Agent 47, How I Met Your Mother, Jeepers Creepers, Jumper, The Addams Family (AU), Attack on Titan, Wanted. ... Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Paypal.me/DrakeGrimmhound Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound

DrakeGrimmhound · Película
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66 Chs

Ch 10 : Don't think I've Forgotten about you two

"Put the rock in that circle and the cat in this one." Logan told the two house elf's who were helping him set up a ritual for soul transfers, a very simple one at that even though it deals with the soul.

But that misconception just went to benefit Logan, it would mean that he had less if not no competition in the soul magic business, meaning the valuable ingredients that were needed for it weren't getting bought before he could get there.

Anyway, back to the soul transfer ritual, he was currently testing it out on a cat and transferring it's soul over to the rock in the ritual circle next to it, the cat was completely black and it was fat and fluffy with big wide black eyes, it even had a birth defect where it's tongue was always hanging out of it's mouth slightly, making it look extremely cute, he even felt bad about using it as his test subject but he didn't want to text it out on what he actually wanted to soul transfer.

That being Salazar Slytherin's locket and Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem, both of them contained a part of Voldemort's soul which tied the dark lord to the living world, effectively making him immortal, except that it came at the price of his sanity, called a Horcrux.

Logan didn't mind leaving the nose-less bastard alone but he wasn't naive enough to believe that he would think the same, especially when he was the holder of the Black family fortune, taking over the world isn't cheap otherwise everyone would be doing it.

So he planned to get rid of him as quickly as he could, Harry Potter should be 2 now and go to Hogwarts in 1991 if he remembered the years right, so that would mean that he had 7 years to get rid of as many of his Horcruxes as he could, he already had two, he knew where the rest of them where as well.

One in the Lestrange vault in Gringotts, now he didn't think very highly of it's security but that didn't mean he underestimated it, they still had a dragon as a gate keeper and it was only Harry Potter's plot armour called the prophecy that saved him from getting eaten.

That Horcrux was another one of the Hogwarts founders items, Helga Hufflepuff's cup, said to have many magical abilities, here's hoping that the charms won't disappear once he removes the Horcrux from it, Logan thought to himself.

Another was a diary and it was the first one he ever made, currently hidden in Malfoy Manor, this particular Horcrux contained 50% of Voldemort's original soul, what was interesting about it was that it developed an identity of it's own. It was something Logan desperately wanted to study when he got his hands on it.

But the last three Horcruxes were equally as interesting, there was a sliver of Voldemort's soul trapped in Harry Potter's scar, this also granted him the ability to talk to snakes, Parseltongue.

Logan wouldn't be embarrassed to admit that it made him a bit jealous, not of the having a dark lords soul shard trapped inside your forehead part though.

The next Horcrux is similar to Harry in that it is a living Horcrux, it's Voldemort's pet snake, Nagini, now Logan wasn't actually sure if Voldemort had made this Horcrux yet but it didn't really matter at this point as he wasn't going to go anywhere near Voldemort's little hidey hole anytime soon, so he wasn't going to go and check. Even as a shade of his former self he could still have abilities that he wouldn't be prepared for when he actually face Voldemort.

And the very last Horcrux besides the little bit of soul that was Voldemort himself, Marvolo Gaunt's ring, attached to said ring was one of the three Deathly Hallows, the Resurrection Stone, said to to be able to bring back the spirits of the dead to the land of the living from the land of the beyond.

But if they stayed in the living world for to long they went insane.

Logan still gets a laugh sometimes when he thinks about how Voldemort didn't realise that he was holding one of the most valuable magical items in his hands and he just turned it into a Horcrux, thinking about it now, he did that a lot, turning three of the four Hogwarts founders items into Horcruxes making them useless unless he could remove the soul shards from them with the ritual he was practicing now.

"Everything should be ready, I just need to power it now." Logan said aloud as he put his hands to the ritual circle, "Sorry about this cat." He apologised to the fat black cat that was cleaning it's paw in the ritual circle in front of him.

After that Logan started powering the ritual circle making it glow with white light, the light washed over the cat and the stone at the same time, before disappearing completely.

And once the light was gone it revealed a dead cat and a stone, but Logan was already expecting that so he lifted his hand up towards the stone and called out a spell used to check if someone still had their soul, it was mainly used on Dementor victim's.

A Dementor being a dark cloaked creature that floated around sucking the happiness out of everything it could find, including people, sucking the soul from their victim was very easy for them.

The spell told him that the stone contained a soul, at that Logan gave a wide smile and broke out in laughter, "I did it!" Logan shouted in joy as he picked up the stone that contained a cats soul and looked at it for a bit to see if there was anything different about it, there wasn't, so he just put in his bottle-less bag that he kept with him always for safe keeping.

He then got to work on setting up the ritual again for the Diadem and the Locket, he was going to use something more identifiable as he didn't want to lose the new Horcruxes.

The two Horcruxes were now a yellow rubber duck that you would see in a bathroom and a spoon that was all twisted up, one of the damaged spoons that he had used when he was practicing his wandless magic.

Now he just needed to destroy them, there was a few ways that they could be destroyed, the most known one was Fiend Fire, a magical fire that is extremely difficult to control and extinguish, the fire took on the form of different animals that would rampage around, growing each time they consumed something.

Another way was Basilisk venom, venom from a magical snake that was possibly immortal, unable to die from old age and it was born using a magical ritual that involved a toad and a chicken egg.

The important part about it was that it's venom was fatal, you would have a maximum of 1 minute to live, in your last moments you would feel drowsy and your would have blurred-vision.

The venom worked as it caused fatal damage that cannot be repaired.

Basilisk venom was extremely difficult to precure unless he went to the one hiding underneath Hogwarts, and he did want to risk that so the only option was to get better at his magical control so that when it came time for it he would be able to use the Fiend Fire.

But before that time came he would keep the two Horcruxes locked away where they couldn't effect him with its dark magic.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound


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