
Fragment of the Past

Back then, I had woken up in a house I couldn’t recognize. It had taken me a while to realize that everything around me had gone downhill. It was different from the normal I could vaguely remember. Everything was a mess; ruined. But humans are adaptive creatures, so we were okay. But we were also stubborn, some just couldn’t get used to it matter how they tried. They invaded the earth and razed it to the ground; like it was no problem at all. I wonder if this is the plan of the gods. All I knew was that I couldn’t remember who I was. ------------------------------------------ My name is.........Scratch that, I don't remember. But I am called Aster, a star who attracts other stars. The maker of talent and the one and only successor to the Dragon Monarch. Living in this hellhole that used to be Earth is very harsh on those who started as weaklings. But hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Join me on my path to the peak of strength and survival. Join me as we go through what seems to be just a fragment of the past. ******[Relatively slow-paced story. You have been warned]***** *****(Cover is not mine. I got it off Pinterest)*****

Daoist380497 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs


She firmly grasps my trembling shoulders as she stares deeply into my eyes. She no longer had the warm, innocent look on her face, and her eyes were cold as she forced out her teeth, "Leave. Look for a place to hide. Just a bit longer." She pushes me to the back exit.

Just as I turn, a flash of grey passes by, and the most prominent wolf is in front of me. My breath hitches as I watch it raise its claws with a wolfish smirk before it swipes down.

"Damn it!" Auntie pushes me with annoyed eyes, and the wolf's claws cut her back. The gash was deep, almost through her entire body, with just some flesh of her belly attached. Surprisingly, she still seemed to be alive.

"Damn. This wasn't supposed to happen." She complains, gasping loudly. "Kid, would you do one last thing for me?"

I blank. I was going to die soon, so I might not be able to fulfil anything. But to someone who saved my life, I might as well let her rest in satisfaction.


"Promise me," She gasps loudly, now taking her breath with loud gulps. "Take the name Aster. Accept my legacy. Promise?"

"En, yes. I promise." I answer absentmindedly, dropping her now cold body. It seemed like a simple promise. I might have accepted the legacy, but it seemed it would die with me. I gave a sardonic chuckle, looking at the wolf above me.

It seemed enthusiastic with what had occurred. Maybe I was imagining things, but it seemed to be grinning mockingly at me.

"You fucker..." I murmur to myself. "You fucking dog." I get to my feet and pick up the dagger I had previously dropped while throwing up. "Do you feel happy? Taking care of four weak humans, six to four, makes you pretty satisfied, right?"

I hear the wolf growl at my provocation. I whip my head up and see the wolf leader glaring at me with intimidating crimson eyes. I slowly back away as my eyes dart around for an exit, any exit. I knew I `wouldn't win against the group. At best, I could distract it with my dagger and run a few meters before dying. But I wouldn't be willing to die being mocked like this.

The beast slowly stalks towards me, maintaining its arrogant posture. It knew I had no way out; it was playing around with its prey.

I knew right then and there that death was the only option. It was extremely unlikely that I would make it alive. There had been no signs of the government rescue, and I was outnumbered. Still, I'll take at least one down with me, and I won't let myself be looked down upon ever again.

I grip the knife in my hand and take a step forward; as I do, overwhelming and excruciating pain washes over me. My heart felt like it was about to burst, but someone was deliberately holding it back together.

It hurts.

I can't breathe.

Help, someone, help me.

I don't want to die.

I know I'm a coward, but...

I don't want to die.

It hurts. It hurts. It hurts.

Make it stop. Please….

I feel my consciousness fading, and I fall to my knees. Crouching forward, I curl up tightly. A loud boom thunders in the store, and blood explodes everywhere. Heads pop as a beautiful crimson flower blooms inside the building.

I stare at the eerily enchanting scene, the beautiful scene of vivid crimson and the stench of bloody iron. I had mixed views. Just earlier, the feeling of blood on my skin made me retch, but now it seemed really captivating.

It had distracted me from my pain. But it was only for a moment; like a boomerang, it came once again. I pull myself together even tighter as I pant heavily to steady my breathing.

I feel liquid running down my eyes; I reach out to wipe it, but an ominous feeling passes by. I look at the red liquid wiped on my hand, and tentatively, I reach out to touch it again.

Is this my blood? Or Brad's?

I didn't know.

Did I even want to know?

Blood seemed to come out from all my orifices. I wasn't in the right mindset, and I was slowly losing consciousness.

"Don't close your eyes!"

My eyes snap open, startled at the sudden sound. This shouldn't be; I should be the only living person in the building right now.


"Don't waste your energy! You're the only suitable match! You can't die, or else I'll die!" The voice sounded panicked.

"Breathe!! Keep your eyes o-"

I couldn't process what it had just said, but I felt my pain reduce before I blacked out.


Regaining consciousness, the first thing I noticed was the unbearable ache in my body, like I just ran a marathon. My vision was dyed red, like it was still covered in blood. But I couldn't move, so all I could do was just take it all in.

"You're finally awake." I jolt and groan at the sudden voice. It had a somewhat higher pitch, but it didn't seem effeminate. I didn't have much time to analyse the voice before it wailed, "Do you know how much mana it took?! Ah ah ah!! I'm gonna die!" Its voice cracked as if in pain when remembering what happened.

"Did you save me?" My throat was sore, so it took considerable effort to speak.

"Duh! Who else?" The voice seemed to have moved on quickly from its grievances. "After I went through all that trouble to claim a body..." The voice trails off with an audible sniff.

"Wait...Auntie?!" I sit up abruptly, twisting and turning, only to find her dead corpse not far from me. "What?" I murmur as my brows furrow in confusion. I've gone through so many emotional shifts in so little time, so I felt really drained.

It didn't help that I was listening to the voice of someone who was supposedly dead. I sigh, "I'm Just going to..." Then I passed out.

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