
Fractured soul

Kaia was whisked away to another world where beastmen heavily outnumbered the females. Where its normal to have multiple partners. Where will Kaia's life lead her? Will she be okay without modern conveniences? Let's find out! (**I am writing this when the inspiration hits and I have free time. so I hope you enjoy!! **)

ZiranKayci · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - Life

Kaia opened her eyes only to see her feet nowhere near the ground and she was so high in the sky. It felt like she was touching the stars.

It was beautiful but then she saw someone that looks exactly like her. But she looks so sad. That's when their eyes met.

Alianna's eyes grew wide when she saw a girl that looked exactly like herself. She thought she died but why was there someone that looked just like her in front of her now?

They both slowly floated toward one another before their hands touched, and there was a spark of understanding when they saw a flicker of the different lives that they have lived.

But although they got a slight understanding there was also a shock that wanted them to not touch. So they jerked their hands backwards away from one another.

As they stared in awe at one another they heard a female voice speak to them

"Kaia and Alianna you both had a hard life again. Is there anything that you would want to request from myself this time?"

They both ask "who are you?" in unison.

" I am the one in charge of fractured souls like yourselves. When a soul goes through enough trauma, it will fracture. When a soul fractures, it will split into multiple versions of itself to protect itself from its trauma.

You are such a soul. I can do nothing more than offer to do something so you have no regrets for this life you have lost and help you begin anew. Do you have anything you want to ask for?"

Without a second thought they both answered

Kaia - To continue to live!!!

Alianna - To sleep forever...

The goddess was surprised their answers were so different. After giving it a lot of thought she offered them something strange, a compromise of sorts.

" Are you sure that's what you want? I do have a way to grant both of your requests but it will be a little bit strange.

Are you sure that's what you both want?"

They both nod toward the voice of this goddess of fractured souls. They didn't see her like they saw one another.

"Alianna you just want to sleep, and Kaia

you want to live. So Alianna's body is not completely gone yet and I could send you to live in her stead. And Alianna could sleep within your soul. "

Alianna hesitated, while Kaia agreed immediately. Kaia noticed her hesitation though and asked if there was anything wrong with what the goddess had offered them.

" I don't want you to become mates with Kivar. Don't ever do that. He hates me and caused me to come here. I just don't want you to fall in love with someone who hates you like I did."

Kaia agreed that she would never ever fall in love with someone with that name no matter what. Upon hearing that Alianna visually calmed down and was more than happy to agree to the arrangement.

" Since you have agreed, this is what it shall be. But you must know that Kaia your body was weak in your last life and that won't change much in this one. But because Alianna Will be resting within your soul, your body won't be as weak as before. Alianna you won't awaken in this lifetime and will sleep until your next lifetime"

They both nod and look at one another.

They shared the same lilac eyes and hair.

The same face but different experiences.

"I will live enough for both of us sister"

"...sister? "

" What else would we be other than sisters?

Even if we have the same soul, we lived different lives. We're different people.

You are my sister in this life time and I'm so thankful that I got to meet you."

"Sister... I like the sound of that Kaia, thank you. I really just need to sleep."

And then that instant, Alianna's eyes closed and she turned into a bright light that floated into Kaia's chest. She put her hand over her chest and it felt warm.

"Are you ready Kaia? It will be really painful."


🪻Kaia opened her eyes only to wince at the pain again. But this pain was so much worse. It felt like her whole body was on fire and could barely move at all. But she knew if she stayed still she would probably die again. So she forced this extremely weak body to stand and walk out of this hut.

She saw a man standing near the entrance with bright red hair and bright red eyes. They made eye contact and she asked for help from this strangely handsome man.

She felt her heart tightened even when she's in this much pain.

The man yelled " are you not done yet?! Didn't I tell you to leave me alone? What do you mean help? You're not hurt. Quit acting."

The man pushed her shoulder lightly and she tumbled over. It felt like she was being stabbed again and again.

He scoffed and ran off , which caused her heart to shatter. Tears fell down from her eyes involuntarily.

Kaia was a little scared that she wouldn't be able to stand up on her own again when a golden haired man with dark brown eyes got down to her level and offered a hand.

Kaia took his out stretched hand without a second thought and asked for help since it hurt. His eyes widened noticing that she wasn't acting and her hand was burning up. He quickly picked her up and ran toward a different home.

"Doctor!!!! Alianna is injured!! "

The man's sighed at the name and motioned to hold on. But when the golden haired man shook his shoulder, his eyes widened at the site of her. They both tried to ask what had happened but she didn't know and She was losing more and more strength every passing moment. Kaia passed out shortly after.

A young male beast walked in and transformed into a beast man and said she ate the rinlin flower. Both of their faces went pale and they asked how many she ate.

The be ast dropped the bundle of flowers and showed that four of them were only stems.

The Three men worked tirelessly together to gather ingredients to counteract the poison in the rinlin flowers. After her fever finally subsided after 2 days and nights they could breathe easy.

The young man named Joah told them he overheard Kivar telling her to eat them and goading her on before she was alone in her home for 3 days without coming out.

The two men were shocked that she managed to live 3 days and nights without food or water after eating those flowers and nobody went to check on her. They were all failures to not look after such a precious female even if none wanted to become her mate.

Kaia's eyes opened and she asked what was going on. The kind man called himself Badal and said he was the doctor of the tribe.

He held sympathy for her because it seems the fever caused her to lose all of her memories. So he was very slow in explaining things for her so she could understand.

This was a world of beastmen where humans were part beast and could transform back and forth between the two. Only females couldn't transform and they were very few females per males.

She learned that it was very common to have multiple mates in this place, but she also learned that no one liked her here either. Though she did see the sympathy signs that she had always noticed before as well.

The man that brought her to the doctor to begin with was called Atal and it seems he was the tribe leader of this place and he was a owl beastman.

The man named Joah was a fox and was the one to find most of the herbs to help heal her. He was there from the moment she woke up to the moment she fell asleep every day ,helping her with anything and everything she wanted or needed.

He was adorable and his face would blush at the slightest touch, but she was grateful at how kind he was. Most of the beast men were not comfortable with her living alone any longer because of this incident, but she refused to go live with a man just because they were uncomfortable when none of them truly cared for her well-being to begin with.