
Forever Meant To Be

Renée falls in love with a guy who puts a gun to her head. Her sister falls in love with a surfer dude. It's all fun and games as they live their lives wondering what's gonna come next.

Renee666 · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 3: Strange Dream

It's been about 2 weeks since my concussion. I did what the doctor said and I've fully recovered in a week. I've been going to work and I even ran into Nathan a few times. I've completed my college courses and Morgan got a job working at Starbucks with me. I work Monday-Friday and she works Sunday-Thursday. 

    "Renée, will you do the dishes please? I know it's Jake's night, but he just got sick." Nana said. I sighed, "Yeah, I'll do them." I was about to sweep before she asked that. I put the broom back and started on the dishes. After doing the dishes I wiped down the counters, stove, and table. When I was done with chores I took a shower, then I went to bed. 

    I was having a weird dream. In the dream I was cooking. It looked like I was stirring some kind of tomato sauce. While I was doing this, someone came up behind me and wrapped their arms around my waist giving me a hug. I turned around and it was Nathan. He kissed my forehead and then placed his forehead against mine. 

Someone shook me awake. I threw a punch and it connected with someone's arm. "Oh, sorry." I said when I realized it was just Nana. "It's ok." she said rubbing her arm. "It's time to get up."

I got up and made some coffee like usual. Then, I told Morgan about my dream. "Oh, do you like him?" she asked. I looked away, "Maybe."  She laughed, "You do like him. Do you think he likes you?" she asked. "I don't know." 

    I went to work the next day and Nathan came by again. "Hey. What can I get for you today?" I asked. He thought for a second, "Black with sugar, please." I gave him his coffee. "Thank you." He sat in the same spot he went to last time. I remembered the dream I had recently and blushed. 

    Nathan stayed there at his spot all day and ordered more coffee when he needed it. At the end of my shift. He approached me. "Can I take you on a date to my favorite coffee shop on Saturday morning?" he asked. My jaw dropped, I felt my face get very warm. Then I recovered, "Yeah absolutely. I love coffee. Which coffee shop?" He gave a small grin, "Main Street Coffee in Crandall." My smile grew bigger, "That's not far from where I live." I told him where I live. "Awesome, I'll pick you up around 10:00am." he said.

    When I got home, the first thing I did was go into Mom and Dad's room. "So, I have a date on Saturday and he's coming to get me at 10:00am." I said. I was rubbing my nuckles together while waiting for them to say something, anything. "Have fun. Don't do anything stupid. If he tries anything you know what to do." Mom said. "That's it? That's all you're gonna say?" I asked skeptically. Mom shrugged, "You're 18, we can't stop you from going." 

    After I told them I went to my room. "I have a date with Nathan on Saturday at Main Street Coffee, it's his favorite coffee shop." I told Morgan. "I knew he liked you! I knew it!" She yelled. "Dude, shut the fuck up. Loud ass." I laughed. "Oh, sorry Bro." she whispered.  

    I went to bed and as soon as I fell asleep I was pulled into a nightmare. "Do it!" A man yelled at me. "Kill them all, or I'll kill her!" I couldn't kill my siblings but I didn't want my mom (my biological mom who died in reality) to die. I took too long to figure out what to do, so the man shot and killed all of them, saving my mom for last. I woke up crying wishing I didn't have to sleep.

    I grabbed a book and read for several hours. When It was 8:30, I got up and made coffee again. I also made 4 slices of toast. "Is that all you want for breakfast?" Nana asked. "Yeah, I don't really feel like eating anything else." I said with a yawn. I ate my toast in silence. When I was done I did the dishes.Then I worked on my Demon Story and drank my coffee.

    When it was 9:00am I drove to work. My boss changed my schedule when I got a concussion. He was afraid I would work too hard, but I recover quickly most of the time and I'm strong. I got to work exactly on time. "You're in charge of music today." said one of my coworkers. We play music throughout the coffee shop. I smiled "Ok."

I walked over to the music player and played the song Piano Man by Billy Joel. It's a song I love, and it has just the right mood for this morning. When the song was over I realized I was being watched while I sang along. When it was over some people started to clap. I blushed, "Thank you." I was in choir in school.

The rest of the day was pretty good. We were busy, but not too busy. The customers seemed to be in a good mood. I was in a good mood most of the day, but I was a little disappointed that Nathan didn't stop by.  

When I got home I decided to clean my room. It wasn't too dirty, but it definitely wasn't clean. I picked up all the trash, put dirty clothes in dirty clothes hampers, and put some things where they belong. I tidied up Morgan's art stuff and made my bed. "Did you clean our room by yourself?" Morgan asked on her way in. I nodded, "Yeah, it wasn't too bad." She looked around, "Thank you." I grabbed a book to read, "No problem."