

Margo wrapped an arm around Cora unwilling to contemplate the world without her. "What do I do?"

"The first step is to retire from your clan and the council as much as possible." Ian advised.

"That is easier said than done." Margo buried her face in Cora's hair trying to find her calm.

Ian sighed, "the next step is to understand that when you travel for vampire business you must do it without your mate. Every interaction between your mate and other vampires makes it more likely that you will be found out."

"Then why would you expose yourself to us?" Antione asked with a frown.

"It is equally dangerous for you to be in the area not knowing that you need to hide. Every interaction is a risk. It is safer for my family if you stop having outside interactions with vampires." Ian explained quickly.

"We must become recluses then?" Jared leaned forward eyeing the clan leader.